General Earl's country News on the Alliance Server

Twenty-seventh round: Apr 07, 2014 - Jun 07, 2014

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May 13, 0:26
Nonsenscical Monsters (#339) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 14625 enemy spies.

May 13, 0:26
Nonsenscical Monsters (#339) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 14896 enemy spies.

May 09, 0:42
AT Head of Martian etc (#306) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 40285 enemy spies.

May 07, 23:21
tross is a commie ect (#416) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 7397 enemy spies.

May 07, 23:21
tross is a commie ect (#416) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 7548 enemy spies.

May 07, 23:21
tross is a commie ect (#416) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 7702 enemy spies.

May 07, 23:19
tross is a commie ect (#416) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 7859 enemy spies.

May 07, 23:19
tross is a commie ect (#416) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 8020 enemy spies.

May 06, 0:29
InsaneCanadianNation (#94) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 6479 enemy spies.

May 06, 0:29
InsaneCanadianNation (#94) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 6606 enemy spies.

May 06, 0:28
InsaneCanadianNation (#94) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 6730 enemy spies.

May 06, 0:28
InsaneCanadianNation (#94) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 6862 enemy spies.

May 02, 11:34
Tenzing Hillary (#352) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 10908 enemy spies.

May 02, 11:34
Tenzing Hillary (#352) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 11126 enemy spies.

May 02, 11:34
Tenzing Hillary (#352) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 11349 enemy spies.

May 02, 11:34
Tenzing Hillary (#352) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 11576 enemy spies.

May 02, 11:34
Tenzing Hillary (#352) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 11808 enemy spies.

Apr 29, 1:29
Crazy Little Netter (#152) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 8999 enemy spies.

Apr 26, 1:18
Crazy Little Netter (#152) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 5250 enemy spies.

Apr 26, 1:18
Crazy Little Netter (#152) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 5344 enemy spies.

Apr 26, 1:18
Crazy Little Netter (#152) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 5439 enemy spies.

Apr 23, 14:11
I rasped on the floor (#76) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 4428 enemy spies.

Apr 19, 17:35
Krok (#248) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2433 enemy spies.

Apr 19, 14:46
ALPHA HEL (#165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 4308 enemy spies.

Apr 19, 14:46
ALPHA HEL (#165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 4396 enemy spies.

Apr 19, 13:41
Ouchie (#553) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 388 enemy spies.

Apr 19, 13:41
Ouchie (#553) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 394 enemy spies.

Apr 19, 13:41
Ouchie (#553) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 400 enemy spies.

Apr 19, 13:41
Ouchie (#553) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 406 enemy spies.

Apr 19, 13:33
Crazy Little Netter (#152) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 3167 enemy spies.

Apr 19, 13:33
Crazy Little Netter (#152) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 3224 enemy spies.