GhostRunner's country News on the Express Server

549th round: Jun 01, 2020 - Jun 07, 2020

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Jun 07, 7:57
Pirate Doom Yardly (#103): Enemy operatives destroyed 36 buildings!

Jun 07, 7:57
Pirate Doom Yardly (#103): Enemy operatives destroyed 37 buildings!

Jun 07, 7:57
Pirate Doom Yardly (#103): Enemy operatives destroyed 38 buildings!

Jun 07, 7:57
Pirate Doom Yardly (#103): Enemy operatives destroyed 38 buildings!

Jun 07, 7:57
Pirate Doom Yardly (#103): Enemy operatives destroyed 38 buildings!

Jun 07, 7:57
Pirate Doom Yardly (#103): Enemy operatives destroyed 38 buildings!

Jun 07, 7:57
Pirate Doom Yardly (#103): Enemy operatives attempted to sabotage missiles, but none were found!

Jun 07, 7:57
Pirate Doom Yardly (#103): Enemy operatives attempted to sabotage missiles, but none were found!

Jun 07, 7:57
Pirate Doom Yardly (#103): Enemy operatives attempted to sabotage missiles, but none were found!

Jun 07, 7:57
Pirate Doom Yardly (#103): Enemy operatives attempted to sabotage missiles, but none were found!

Jun 07, 7:57
Pirate Doom Yardly (#103): Enemy operatives attempted to sabotage missiles, but none were found!

Jun 07, 7:57
Pirate Doom Yardly (#103): Enemy operatives attempted to sabotage missiles, but none were found!