AMJ2's country News on the Express Server

765th round: Jul 22, 2024 - Jul 28, 2024

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Jul 28, 8:03
t o m o r r o w l a n d (#85) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 3662 enemy spies.

Jul 28, 8:03
t o m o r r o w l a n d (#85) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 3736 enemy spies.

Jul 28, 8:03
t o m o r r o w l a n d (#85) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 3811 enemy spies.

Jul 28, 8:03
t o m o r r o w l a n d (#85) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 3888 enemy spies.

Jul 28, 8:03
t o m o r r o w l a n d (#85) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 3967 enemy spies.

Jul 28, 8:03
t o m o r r o w l a n d (#85) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 4047 enemy spies.

Jul 28, 8:03
t o m o r r o w l a n d (#85) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 4129 enemy spies.

Jul 28, 8:02
t o m o r r o w l a n d (#85) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 4212 enemy spies.

Jul 28, 8:02
t o m o r r o w l a n d (#85) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 4298 enemy spies.

Jul 28, 8:02
t o m o r r o w l a n d (#85) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 4384 enemy spies.

Jul 28, 8:02
t o m o r r o w l a n d (#85) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 4563 enemy spies.

Jul 26, 22:51
takecareofbusiness (#72) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 14700 enemy spies.

Jul 26, 22:50
takecareofbusiness (#72) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 14976 enemy spies.