Asing's country News on the Free For All Server

Nineteenth round: Feb 01, 2013 - Apr 02, 2013

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Mar 05, 22:09
Kickboxer (#53) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 19947 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 23:15
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 16001 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 23:15
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 16325 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 6:26
Bluray (#1359) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 12508 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 6:22
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 16848 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 6:22
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 17177 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 6:22
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 17513 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 6:21
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 17856 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 6:21
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 18206 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 6:20
little Killing Tiger (#1176) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 13379 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 6:20
little Killing Tiger (#1176) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 13629 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:54
little Killing Tiger (#1177): Enemy operatives poisoned our water supplies! Only our scientists can save us now!

Mar 01, 5:54
little Killing Tiger (#1177) attempted to perform bioterrorism on your country! You killed 11942 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:54
little Killing Tiger (#1177) attempted to perform bioterrorism on your country! You killed 12165 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:54
little Killing Tiger (#1177) attempted to perform bioterrorism on your country! You killed 12393 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:54
little Killing Tiger (#1177) attempted to perform bioterrorism on your country! You killed 12625 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:54
little Killing Tiger (#1177) attempted to perform bioterrorism on your country! You killed 12863 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:53
USS Kentucky (#1168) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 12844 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:39
imbored (#291) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 6485 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:39
imbored (#291) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 6617 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:36
TV (#1356) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 13723 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:36
TV (#1356) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 13980 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:36
TV (#1356) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 14242 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:33
TV (#1356) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 14486 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:33
TV (#1356) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 14759 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:28
imbored (#286): Enemy operatives caused 25,486 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:28
imbored (#286): Enemy operatives caused 25,360 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:28
imbored (#286) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 5586 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:28
imbored (#286) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 5700 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:28
imbored (#286): Enemy operatives caused 24,983 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:28
imbored (#286): Enemy operatives caused 24,857 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:28
imbored (#286) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 5816 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:28
imbored (#286): Enemy operatives caused 24,606 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:28
imbored (#286) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 5935 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:28
imbored (#286): Enemy operatives caused 24,354 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:28
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 17296 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:28
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 17630 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:28
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165): Enemy operatives caused 80,000 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:28
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 17952 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:27
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 18299 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:27
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 18654 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:27
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165): Enemy operatives caused 80,000 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:27
USS CanSeeYOU (#1165) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 18996 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:27
imbored (#284) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 5531 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:27
imbored (#284) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 5644 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:27
imbored (#284): Enemy operatives caused 21,703 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:27
imbored (#284) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 5759 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:27
imbored (#284): Enemy operatives caused 21,416 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:27
imbored (#284): Enemy operatives caused 21,273 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:27
imbored (#284): Enemy operatives caused 21,130 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:27
imbored (#284) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 5877 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:27
imbored (#284): Enemy operatives caused 20,844 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:27
imbored (#284) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 5997 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:27
imbored (#284) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 6119 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:27
imbored (#284) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 6244 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:27
imbored (#284): Enemy operatives caused 20,271 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:26
imbored (#284): Enemy operatives caused 20,128 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:26
imbored (#284) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 6372 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 5:26
imbored (#284): Enemy operatives caused 19,841 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:26
imbored (#284): Enemy operatives caused 19,794 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:26
imbored (#284): Enemy operatives caused 19,650 troops to leave your army!

Mar 01, 5:24
imbored (#284) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 6502 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 2:44
TV (#1356) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 14851 enemy spies.

Mar 01, 1:30
Aponic (#2326) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 4049 enemy spies.