Attack2025's country News on the Free For All Server

Fifty-eighth round: Aug 08, 2019 - Oct 08, 2019

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Sep 27, 23:15
Michael Bennet (#1383): Enemy operatives caused 16 civilians to flee our lands!

Sep 27, 23:13
John Hickenlooper (#1395) attempted to stir rebellions in your country! You killed 13350 enemy spies.

Sep 27, 23:13
John Hickenlooper (#1395) attempted to stir rebellions in your country! You killed 13350 enemy spies.

Sep 27, 23:13
John Hickenlooper (#1395) attempted to stir rebellions in your country! You killed 13350 enemy spies.

Sep 27, 23:13
John Hickenlooper (#1395): Enemy operatives caused 134 civilians to flee our lands!

Sep 27, 23:13
John Hickenlooper (#1395): Enemy operatives caused 140 civilians to flee our lands!

Sep 27, 23:12
Kirsten Gillibrand (#1393) attempted to stir rebellions in your country! You killed 13350 enemy spies.

Sep 27, 23:12
Julian Castro (#1389) attempted to stir rebellions in your country! You killed 13350 enemy spies.

Sep 27, 23:11
Pete Buttigieg (#1388): Enemy operatives caused 509 civilians to flee our lands!

Sep 27, 23:11
Steve Bullock (#1387): Enemy operatives caused 926 civilians to flee our lands!

Sep 27, 23:11
Steve Bullock (#1387): Enemy operatives caused 964 civilians to flee our lands!

Sep 27, 23:11
Steve Bullock (#1387): Enemy operatives caused 1005 civilians to flee our lands!

Sep 27, 23:11
Steve Bullock (#1387): Enemy operatives caused 1046 civilians to flee our lands!

Sep 27, 22:19
The Triad (#2808) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 13350 enemy spies.

Sep 27, 22:19
The Triad (#2808): Enemy operatives caused 0 troops to leave your army!

Sep 27, 22:19
The Triad (#2808): Enemy operatives caused 0 troops to leave your army!

Sep 27, 22:19
The Triad (#2808): Enemy operatives caused 0 troops to leave your army!

Sep 27, 22:19
The Triad (#2808): Enemy operatives caused 0 troops to leave your army!

Sep 27, 22:19
The Triad (#2808): Enemy operatives caused 0 troops to leave your army!

Sep 27, 22:19
The Triad (#2808): Enemy operatives caused 0 troops to leave your army!

Sep 27, 22:19
The Triad (#2808): Enemy operatives caused 0 troops to leave your army!

Sep 27, 22:19
The Triad (#2808): Enemy operatives caused 0 troops to leave your army!

Sep 27, 22:19
The Triad (#2808): Enemy operatives caused 0 troops to leave your army!