Jul 13th 2010, 7:51:04
Land Bonus
Economy Bonus
Special Attack Bonus
Military Might Bonus
Lower Military Casualties
Lower market prices for military
Can sell military on private market for the same price you buy it at.
Higher rate of population regain
Increased SDI and Military tech
Lower resource (land, food, money, etc) losses upon attack
Lower turn cost and higher gains on relations
Res, farms, and Ent zones are 1.5 times as effective
While at war attacks take two turns. Out of war they take three turns. Special attacks (GS, BR, and AB) always take only 1 turn, Missile attacks always take 3 turns.
Industrial bases are .7 times as effective
No Warfare tech
Oil costs 1$ per barrel to produce in addition to normal costs.
5 % of military units used in attacks automatically spend 48 in recorvery, regardless of attck type
Lower Max Population
Higher Military Cost per turn
Higher War Costs
No Access to chemical missiles and nukes are renamed convententional missiles with less power