
Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 4th 2013, 16:14:01

Ok, Time for my most controversial ranking ever. People aren't going to like this. But its true, at least I think it is. Have fun arguing and telling me I'm right or wrong:)

1. LAF- has been the dominant allaince on this server for 2+ years. I don't think anyone that's not unreasonably biased will question this. Its not even close.

2. MD- keep building, keep growing, keep getting better. They are better netters than SOF and SOL and I think they could take both 1-1.

3. SOL- Performing admirably this set. I'm ranking them here b/c I think they could beat SOF 1-1. Let the flaming of me begin.

4. SOF- OK guys, what's wrong? You got LAF to come in and take out EVo, and its still this close? You're getting FA? Let's face it, you've been hiding behind LAF, and covering up a slow fall. Beating on smaller allainces, or relying on your allies to bail you out. ICN? Monsters a smaller LCN, all in one set? Really? Is that what Helmet's great allaince has been reduced too to on its own. A copy of Makinso's SOL of Jolt days?
Grow some stones. Prove me wrong:) take out SOL 1-1. Not outside FA or logistical support. I'll eat my words. But I'm rarely wrong, it why people like and trust my rankings. I say how i see it, even if its not popular. And this is how I see it.

5. RD- IF RD was bigger they'd be higher. They're better pound for pound than everyone above them but LAF and maybe MD. Yes size matters, even if sometimes we want to deny it.

6. Evolution. Surprise. they're slowly rising. Top 2 netting alliance on the server, and they fight very well, took a beating from LAF, and continue coming back.

7. Omega- Politically Benign. But growing.

8. Rival- Rival is the strongest 8th ranked alliance on this server in a while. Most sets they'd be 6th. This is a compliment to alliances developing and regrowing. Not an insult to Rival.

9, LCN- the best of the rest...was hurting last set, but is growing again. I expect them to move up the ranks.

10. PDM- They are showing signs of growth also.

11. Rage- too new, or they could be higher...welcome back guys most impressive work you are doing keep it up.

12. DeathKnigts- you guys are incrementally getting better set after set. I'm impressed. keep up the slow hard work!

13. Monsters- Fight well and net well, just need to refind your members and you could push top 6-8.

14. TIE- Lots of work to do. But Good people

15. ICN- Consistant. A group of friends that enjoy each other.

16. Danger- careful! you keep growing, and get somewhat organized you may catch ICN!

17. KOTG- IF this were a ranking on most deletions, KOTG would not only dominate in %'s but also in sheer numbers.
Z is #1

davidoss Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 16:19:00

Who's Robespierre?

Azz Kikr Game profile

Wiki Mod

Sep 4th 2013, 16:27:31

tellarion Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 16:30:55

I'd rank PDM higher based on my experiences with them, but otherwise I'd say it's spot on. Also, Laf has only been absolutely dominant for one year :P Evo beat them to triple crown a year and a half ago :D

Taveren Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 16:31:07

Where's DANGER?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

euglaf Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 16:34:08

laf is ranked too high!

sof is ranked too low!

seriously though, i think sof at 4th is pretty criminal. 3 sets ago they beat md 1 on 1 right? although that was 3 sets ago, i think they are still pretty much the same alliance from then.

Edited By: euglaf on Sep 4th 2013, 16:37:35
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 16:37:41

Originally posted by tellarion:
I'd rank PDM higher based on my experiences with them, but otherwise I'd say it's spot on. Also, Laf has only been absolutely dominant for one year :P Evo beat them to triple crown a year and a half ago :D

But having a triple crown doesn't mean you're strong politically. SoF was ranked at 1 (or tied with LaF at 1) just a few sets back, and they have never got a triple crown before!

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 4th 2013, 16:39:06

SoF's enemies (like SOL) are receiving FA (from MD). They also got FSed by much larger numbers. Thus I call your ranking bias :P

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 16:40:05

Originally posted by Taveren:
Where's DANGER?

They aren't missing in the rankings! Look carefully!

Kalick Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 16:41:10

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by Taveren:
Where's DANGER?

They aren't missing in the rankings! Look carefully!

Danger != DANGER

Sov Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 16:41:31

lol let him rank us as 4th, it's amusing.

Lucifer Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 16:42:11

SoL having lost to RD while outnumbering them is ranked too high. To say the least that they can take on SoF 1-1 is premature. They have lost to a smaller alliance 1 on 1. What makes you think they will win against a bigger one? Last reset, as well, SoL/LCN/DK lost to RD/Rival while outnumbering them with FA and then a late entry by DK...they lost pretty bad.

Also this is quite biased against SoF as they were on the receiving end of an OOP FS and Sol/Evo/NM are getting a ton of FA from PDM/MD. I would say SoF/RiVaL are doing an amazing job. However it looks like LaF has hung them out to dry pacting MD in the war.

Ranking LaF as #1 is right as they only care about LaF as seen in previouse sets. They can war, net and have the political prowess. Though what would happen if LaF went to war with SoF? Doubt it will happen.

MD hovers around 3-5, not sure why they are #2... though if they win TNW or ANW it will show they can net just as well as they can fight.

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 4th 2013, 16:44:34

SOF had help logistically with that war against MD.

Notice I said I called for no Logistical or FA help:)

I stand by this. I ranked LAF #1 and got argued against, a year and a half to two years ago. No one agreed with me. I was right. Everyone was beating on them and I made LAF #1.

I was right. SOLers called me biased. Dagga and company riducled me.
I was right.

I'm telling you I'm right again. Show me a history of Bias......
Z is #1

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 4th 2013, 16:47:55

I haven'y been around the last 4 sets, and I haven't been investigating everything that happened the last few...and analyizing all the numbers.

I'm going by the performances I'm seeing this set...again I've been gone 4 sets.

LAf tag killing Evo MORE than evened things out. It tilted it solidly in SOF and Rival's favor. yet they couldn't close the deal.

Either A. SOL and company are performing better, than previous sets.
B. SOF has fallen off.

Which is it?
Z is #1

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Sep 4th 2013, 16:49:26

MD can net much better than SoF and/or SOL and every war their record against SoF at war is about 50/50 if you exclude all the times SoF called in allies/had other help
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

archaic Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 17:14:01

Sol really is ranked to high, no way they are ahead of Sof, and no way MD is ahead of Sof. You wanna be the master you have to BEAT the master - something neither Sol nor MD can do to Sof.

1 Laf
2 Sof
3 MD
4 RD
5 Sol

Omega's withdrawl to their make believe world puts them behind Rival in my book, but EVO is a solid #6.
PDM signs of growth?? Dude that beeping is the ventilator keeping us alive. We're better than LCN though.

7 Rival
8 Omega
10 LCN

If you're not in the top 10, your too small to dissect right now.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 17:20:17

I agree with archaic.

archaic Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 17:32:00

Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
I agree with archaic.

uh oh
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

ninong Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 17:32:29

ninong, formerly Johnny Demonic


EE Patron

Sep 4th 2013, 17:52:38

thanks for rankings servant

tulosba Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 18:19:14

LCN should be 11th ;)

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 4th 2013, 18:59:07


Neither have been given the chance to beat SOF.

SOF gets help, from LAF, or Rival or RD,

Being it calling in allies, FA, or Logistical support.

SOF is part of a dominant political block on that we agree, and I do factor that into the rankings.

And I'm willing to concide I probably should have put SOF below SOL....but the reason I did what I wathing the war...THIS SET...

I think SOL could take SOF in a prearranged 1-1 with no FA no logisical support. And with both being primarily war alliances, and priding themselves on their fighting skills, I broke this particular set of rankings down to that for those 2.

I'm not alone in thinking this.

I don't always rank on who's beating who.

When everyone was beating on LAF, I kept them highly ranked and moved them up to no1 well before anyone else did. I took a lot of flack from SOL supporters over it too.
I was right:)

I told you, this would controversial. And it's not the first time my rankings have gone against the assumed norm.

I was right before. And I will be proven right again.

Z is #1



Sep 4th 2013, 19:23:00

SoL is getting FA... SoF isnt.. who's still winning?

Have SEM stop receiving FA and the war will be over..

locket Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 19:25:09

Servant, no offense to Sol because they are some crazy determined war types, but how does RD not get ranked ahead of them after winning two wars in a row and being better at netting? And you say better pound for pound than anyone but Laf/MD but I think we are better pound for pound than anyone ;) When is the last time Laf fought a war that wasnt hugely in their favor?

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 4th 2013, 19:26:40

SOF is getting FA too.

Both sides are.

Both sides need to quit whining about it.
Z is #1



Sep 4th 2013, 19:30:30

SoF is not getting FA! From who? Its not LaF.. and rival I warring with us.
Your information is wrong.. or I am kept far under a rock
Your sources are wrong

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 4th 2013, 19:30:32

Locket, again I wasn't here the last 4 sets, largely absent. And unaware of some things, partly why I was so slow to post rankings, and in retrospect, probably should have waited till nxt set like I intended:)
yet I like making them.

I will look closer at what RD has're not the only person that has pointed this out to me.

If you're right, and the others are too, odds are we'll do something to recognize RD in my next set's rankings.

Z is #1

locket Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 19:33:13

Fair enough. Plus they have me and I might break 10mill nw at the pace im going! :P

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 19:35:01

SOL's sheer numbers make them higher than us, imo locket. We took them 1v1 a few sets back, I really doubt we could now ;)

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 4th 2013, 19:41:57


both sides are getting FA:)

Sorry for you to find out this way.
Z is #1

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 19:48:00

Originally posted by Lucifer:
Also this is quite biased against SoF as they were on the receiving end of an OOP FS and Sol/Evo/NM are getting a ton of FA from PDM/MD. I would say SoF/RiVaL are doing an amazing job. However it looks like LaF has hung them out to dry pacting MD in the war.

You are quite mistaken. LaF and MD are not pacted.

Riddler Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 19:49:21

I can settle for Rage being 11, but I dont think ANY list can be accurate til the end of the set ;)

MauricXe Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 19:59:58

Servant said:

"take out SOL 1-1"

But I don't remember SoF FSing Monsters/SOL/EVO.

SOF had help logistically with that war against MD.

Define logistical support, how it specifically applied to SoF/MD, and how that takes away from beating an alliance with 20%-25% more members, and 35%+ more TNW.

SOF is getting FA too.

Both sides are.

Both sides need to quit whining about it.

Absolutely astounding (and most likely troll worthy). I'm sure you have found one, maybe two countries with pacts to one of their outside friends and equated that to the dozens of pacts found on the other side. The amount of FA being sent to SoL/Evo/Monsters is keeping their heads above water.

The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 20:14:59

I would've said laf>sof>md>rd>sol

In my opinion it should always base on who can beat who. In which case I would also put monsters higher on the list and DK lower.

NukEvil Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 20:16:17

Originally posted by MauricXe:
...The amount of FA being sent to SoL/Evo/Monsters is keeping their heads above water.

The amount of support SoF/Rival got from LaF threw the war off-balance. The current FA operation for SOL and co (if there is one, I have no inside info) is merely correcting that imbalance.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.



Sep 4th 2013, 20:23:01

this set, SEM vs SR, SEM got FA, SR got help from LaF by killing all of EVOs

Makinso Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 20:23:19

Maurice I've found quite some more pacts already not to mention two 200 played turns countries with over 1M jets and cash to provide ;) both dead btw.

Besides that Rival entering could've balanced thsi war if correctly used their techers had the production to get big FAST. They didn't. LaF then FSing evo and completely obliterating Evo in the process threw things off balance big time.

I'm not stating wars should fair but saying the rival + LaF intervention balanced things is fairly silly.

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 4th 2013, 20:25:19


You obviously don't know me that well.

I have never ever ever posted anything troll worthy on here. Unless I was trolling dagga and company.
Z is #1

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 4th 2013, 20:26:18

I will say it is an entertaining war:)
Z is #1

Vic Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 20:33:16

1 Laf
2 Sof
3 MD
4 RD
6. Monsters

Scorba Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 20:42:44

For their size RD is probably the strongest alliance in the game right now but it's also because of that size that their 5th place ranking is accurate. If they can increase their members to 60 while maintaining their ability then they'll be a dominating force.

Nuketon Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 20:49:39

I agree with the rankings mostly, only a few changes I would make if I were taking everything I know into account.

MauricXe Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 20:54:31

Do share Makinso. You can show me on ICQ later. Are we to expect the FA to stop in the near future...since it appears you want to "Even things up"?

Servant-I stand by what I said earlier. I see no reason, or have been offered a reason to change my mind in that regard.

locket Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 20:58:11

Why do people complain about FA every set? It has happened in every war for the last year and yet people still act surprised about it? It is nice if both sides choose not to take it but that hasnt been happening. Both sides are always getting some it seems.

Makinso Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 21:14:19

Read what i'm saying MauriceX.

I don't care about even or fair.
But it's SOLs enemies who claimed they would make the war "fair" I'm saying they were never in it to make it fair but to tilt it into their favor. That's fine just state you are doing that.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Sep 4th 2013, 21:39:18

just to start conspiracy theories I will make a country, bring it out of protection and FA the first person to message me $1!

or not
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 4th 2013, 21:49:04

SoF isn't getting FA that I know of...and even if someone did, it isn't the amount SOL and company got to get back ahead once things were going badly for them. I am sure sof could take out sol 1 vs 1... but they brought two other clans being scared.
Anyhow to add to conspiracy theories...
I am playing countries in SOF, RD, and MD and iMagNum!!!!

Edited By: galleri on Sep 4th 2013, 21:54:41
See Original Post

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Ershow Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 22:05:59

Don't forget the war last reset was RD/Rival vs Sol/LCN/DK. I see too many people stating it was RD vs SoL which is incorrect, especially when used as a basis for rankings.

The combination was a good one, with both alliances bringing different strengths to the table.

Combined, I'm sure they would be nipping at LaF's heels, but on their own, I think they are ranked about right.

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 22:27:28

Originally posted by Ershow:
Don't forget the war last reset was RD/Rival vs Sol/LCN/DK. I see too many people stating it was RD vs SoL which is incorrect, especially when used as a basis for rankings.

The combination was a good one, with both alliances bringing different strengths to the table.

Combined, I'm sure they would be nipping at LaF's heels, but on their own, I think they are ranked about right.

Ersh, we beat SoL 1v1 the set before ;)

KriSatZ Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 22:51:35

Did SoF not beat MD 2-3 sets in a row up until last set?

I know "rankings" are purely opinions, but you seem to be ignoring some facts along the way.

I'd actually have SoF above LaF. Purely because I think if we warred, they would win. I am also fairly sure they can net, they just don't like doing it.

SoF, LaF, SoL and MD. In that order. After that it is a lottery. Membership and results change to frequently set on set to really know.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia