Sep 11th 2024, 15:25:01
As you all know, we here at ATSucks, the hottest thing to hit AT since a previous and explosive alliance. If you followed the story in our last episode, we were at the part where our heroes had just been unjustly blamed for all of life's problems. Let's continue to this week's episode.
Episode 2 - Cosmic Suck Hole Untrustworthy Spy Eternal
As you all have seen. We exposed the hole so black as a spy. Infiltrating our ranks like the scum he is. Now, am I saying that the clan previously under my leadership known as "xSOLx" had part in this clever ruse? I don't know. But let's check the facts.
1. B-Hole cunningly gets passed our VERY extensive security measures and joins ATS.
2. B-Hole suicides M4D most likely because of sexual inadequacies. Assumably.
3. SOL and MERCS flaunt to all that will listen that they are going to kill ATS. Assumably.
4. In self defense, ATS declares on SOL/MERCS and Jesus himself.
5. B-Hole gets hit with a single NM from Billy Cabot (see news on #510) for appearances only.
6. B-Hole switches sides, makes his own alliance and hits ATS joining his true allegiance once more. Poorly executed i might add.
7. Forces us, who wanted to NOT come out of protection to play turns and COMPLETELY DESTROY his alliance. Like it was bad. There were tears.
8. The heroes come home and are celebrated by the community. Assumably.
Now here we are. Some of us are sick of our country names and we are hoping our fiercest of enemies would do us the favor and kill us once more? We have some new names to try out.
Stay tuned to next week's episode "Cosmic Suck Hole Meets Gary in the Woods. Gets arrested."
Former Supreme Leader of current clan named "xSOLx" ?
Reads Books
Episode 2 - Cosmic Suck Hole Untrustworthy Spy Eternal
As you all have seen. We exposed the hole so black as a spy. Infiltrating our ranks like the scum he is. Now, am I saying that the clan previously under my leadership known as "xSOLx" had part in this clever ruse? I don't know. But let's check the facts.
1. B-Hole cunningly gets passed our VERY extensive security measures and joins ATS.
2. B-Hole suicides M4D most likely because of sexual inadequacies. Assumably.
3. SOL and MERCS flaunt to all that will listen that they are going to kill ATS. Assumably.
4. In self defense, ATS declares on SOL/MERCS and Jesus himself.
5. B-Hole gets hit with a single NM from Billy Cabot (see news on #510) for appearances only.
6. B-Hole switches sides, makes his own alliance and hits ATS joining his true allegiance once more. Poorly executed i might add.
7. Forces us, who wanted to NOT come out of protection to play turns and COMPLETELY DESTROY his alliance. Like it was bad. There were tears.
8. The heroes come home and are celebrated by the community. Assumably.
Now here we are. Some of us are sick of our country names and we are hoping our fiercest of enemies would do us the favor and kill us once more? We have some new names to try out.
Stay tuned to next week's episode "Cosmic Suck Hole Meets Gary in the Woods. Gets arrested."
Former Supreme Leader of current clan named "xSOLx" ?
Reads Books