
farmer Game profile


Jan 5th 2017, 0:13:15

any of you earthers from philly? you all are going to have to pay for your sugar drinks

Symbolic Game profile


Jan 5th 2017, 4:57:44

That's good. Pop is so bad for its not even funny.

kris Game profile


Jan 5th 2017, 12:27:39

I wonder what will happen with the money that is raised...

farmer Game profile


Jan 6th 2017, 2:02:26

it is not just pop almost any drink with sugar added

Vanderlift Game profile


Jan 6th 2017, 4:38:44

Sounds like a good time to own a quickshop outside the city limits.

Collzaboration Game profile


Jan 6th 2017, 5:34:26

If you are a fat arse pile of human overweight flesh , yeah. A normal or skinnier person should not have to pay the price for the rest of the obese.

Dissident Game profile


Jan 6th 2017, 6:11:02

so judgey... if judgement was filled with calories yall would be morbidly obese.

Collzaboration Game profile


Jan 6th 2017, 10:52:01

So Judgey???????? not even a word and piles of fluff like you Dissident are okay attacking others this game without a clue weight size and or if they do bad things real life or not..........carry your arse..........

Collzaboration Game profile


Jan 6th 2017, 11:34:50

Thank you for reminding me why eathers are piles of fluff!!!!!!!!!!!

mrford Game profile


Jan 6th 2017, 13:56:00

Those last 2 posts were hilariously ironic.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Jan 6th 2017, 17:47:26

Originally posted by kris:
I wonder what will happen with the money that is raised...

it is supposed to go to the school programs since philly schools are broke

I live outside philly and don't do sugar anyway

Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

kris Game profile


Jan 6th 2017, 23:11:49

Originally posted by Ruthie:
Originally posted by kris:
I wonder what will happen with the money that is raised...

it is supposed to go to the school programs since philly schools are broke

I live outside philly and don't do sugar anyway

oh I'm aware of that, but will it? lol

don't trust them with the money at all. hopefully some good comes out of it but still a BS law.

farmer Game profile


Jan 7th 2017, 19:33:16

what worries me is that they can take any industry and basically destroy it with taxes. Like new york and cig taxes. then some poor sap selling them on the street corner gets harassed and killed by police,was it illegal yes, was it worth the outcome? people will be doing the same thing with pop.

Scott Game profile


Jan 8th 2017, 0:23:06

Originally posted by Collzaboration:
So Judgey???????? not even a word and piles of fluff like you Dissident are okay attacking others this game without a clue weight size and or if they do bad things real life or not..........carry your arse..........

At some point, every sane person would realize... maybe They were the fluffed up ones, when everyone thinks they are human garbage. But given your lack of a sane mental state (drugs, MR, mother who played soccer with your head, etc), you will continue to blame everyone else because you are more fluffed up than a football bat.

Mister Ed Game profile


Jan 8th 2017, 5:20:17

What the fluff

Heston Game profile


Jan 8th 2017, 6:06:51

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯



Jan 8th 2017, 6:08:34

Originally posted by kris:
Originally posted by Ruthie:
Originally posted by kris:
I wonder what will happen with the money that is raised...

it is supposed to go to the school programs since philly schools are broke

I live outside philly and don't do sugar anyway

oh I'm aware of that, but will it? lol

don't trust them with the money at all. hopefully some good comes out of it but still a BS law.

don't trust as in some places where they take the taxes earmarked for something and keep the budget the same but divert the excess funds that would normally be used? like schools getting x dollars and lottery proceeds generating 50% of x so they take that 50% that was originally used for schools to go to something else.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Collzaboration Game profile


Jan 9th 2017, 6:34:12

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Collzaboration:
So Judgey???????? not even a word and piles of fluff like you Dissident are okay attacking others this game without a clue weight size and or if they do bad things real life or not..........carry your arse..........

At some point, every sane person would realize... maybe They were the fluffed up ones, when everyone thinks they are human garbage. But given your lack of a sane mental state (drugs, MR, mother who played soccer with your head, etc), you will continue to blame everyone else because you are more fluffed up than a football bat.

No offense dude but you have no clue!

damondusk Game profile


Jan 9th 2017, 12:47:47

^^ Come on guys.....don't feed the troll ^^

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Jan 9th 2017, 13:56:55

Originally posted by farmer:
any of you earthers from philly? you all are going to have to pay for your sugar drinks

I live right on the boarder of NE philly. Our Giant was insanely packed yesterday. Not sure if its because it snowed and no one got outside, or because people are flocking to super markets outside of city limits because of the tax.
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 9th 2017, 17:23:58

Well this isn't really new just look at tobacco and alcohol tax. It is a slippery slope when governments start deciding what sins to tax more.

I don't have an answer. But I know one thing the extra tax really doesn't deter use just makes people pay more money. To that end what benefit would giving the government extra money do? I'm sure if pressed I could think of a few. Of course I could also think of ways they don't use it for what it is intended for.

I think more education on nutrition and health is key. Also possibly commercials need to be put on check especially one's directed at children. Keep in mind we have made steps forward from my days in school. My kids do get more education on the subject than I did.

In regard to our food choices what role do we want the government to have? Do you want someone telling you what you can and cant eat by taxing stuff heavily? I know a lot of vegans want heavy taxes on meat products, would that be ok? We need to be careful of how much power we give the government over such things.
- Premium Patron Member

Scott Game profile


Jan 9th 2017, 18:39:25

Originally posted by Collzaboration:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Collzaboration:
So Judgey???????? not even a word and piles of fluff like you Dissident are okay attacking others this game without a clue weight size and or if they do bad things real life or not..........carry your arse..........

At some point, every sane person would realize... maybe They were the fluffed up ones, when everyone thinks they are human garbage. But given your lack of a sane mental state (drugs, MR, mother who played soccer with your head, etc), you will continue to blame everyone else because you are more fluffed up than a football bat.

No offense dude but you have no clue!

I have plenty of clue, I saw all I needed to see when you started puffing your chest talking about an underage girls fluff.

By all measures of every single sane person on the planet - you are human garbage.

brujodale Game profile


Jan 9th 2017, 22:02:14

is this where they are giving free turkey milk from farmers farm In INd? those tom's now line up to be milked. goes great with sardine pies

trumper Game profile


Jan 10th 2017, 0:12:04

Are there free drinks available i didnt know about?

Heston Game profile


Jan 11th 2017, 0:10:26

The real question before 20 JAN is ...
Under the cover of political correctness laws, lgbtq equality and a perversion of affirmative action...
Should Obama also become the first transgender and woman president for the game buzzer trifecta?
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Heston Game profile


Jan 11th 2017, 0:11:41

My belief is yes he should because of all the hard work the left has done.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

farmer Game profile


Jan 11th 2017, 0:18:55

some people think Michell already has had one

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 16th 2017, 14:35:21

I would imagine that there is some fiduciary interest at the heart of this for the people who legislated it into existence, there always is. One or more of them were pissed off that Coca-cola or Pepsi didn't contribute to their last campaign, etc.

There's always a reason, and mostly they have to do with money, never with people's actual health.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

DruncK Game profile


Jan 16th 2017, 16:05:07


farmer Game profile


Jan 17th 2017, 2:18:20

yep never really about health it is tax dollars that give them a woody

Ivan Game profile


Jan 20th 2017, 11:37:56

Actually people being obese,smoking,drinkin etc etc etc costs socitety money which is why they put taxes on things to begin with

Rasp Game profile


Jan 20th 2017, 16:09:06

I'll be in Philly in 2 months for a conference. Good thing I don't drink soda anymore except for the mixed drink once in a while, but I have some coworkers who drink 5+ cans a day.

I guess I'll be drinking beer. :)
[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 21st 2017, 1:32:47

Originally posted by Ivan:
Actually people being obese,smoking,drinkin etc etc etc costs socitety money which is why they put taxes on things to begin with

That's pure supposition on your part. There has been no evidence that I've ever seen that the occasional soda makes people fat any more than guns kill people.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Ivan Game profile


Jan 21st 2017, 8:47:36

occasional sure but then look at Rasp comment "but I have some coworkers who drink 5+ cans a day" and dont try to tell me that 5 cans of soda a day is healthy or 5 beers a day for that matter :P

sinistril Game profile


Jan 21st 2017, 9:15:17

Originally posted by Ivan:
Actually people being obese,smoking,drinkin etc etc etc costs socitety money which is why they put taxes on things to begin with

They put taxes on things to begin with because the government is a cancer that continually tries to expand and expand until it is in every crevice of society. No government voluntarily gets smaller, and all governments try to become bigger, so if there is something that they can tax, they will find a reason to tax it. In democracies, usually the reasons have to be appeals to emotion, so they tell people that things that are unhealthy (ie. cigarettes) or immoral (ie. pollution) need to be taxed. In dictatorships, they just tax everything without reason. People on the left usually eat it up and love these taxes. "Oh my government, my God, please take my money" they say, but really it is no different than how it is done in dictatorships, you just feel slightly better about it. Don't think for a second they're taxing these things because it costs society money. It wouldn't cost society money in the first place if they didn't implement the measures that ensured it would cost society money. Most of the money from these taxes will go back into the soda companies pockets through subsidies or tax breaks in one way or another, and so soda will still cost society just as much if not more money and the debt will continue to grow to astronomical numbers.

That said, yeah soda makes you fat as fluff. Don't drink it if you can avoid it. Just don't think that a corporation that views you in terms of whatever group you may fall into has your best interest in mind. They don't care if you're fat. They care that you have money that they can coerce you into giving them.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Ivan Game profile


Jan 21st 2017, 13:27:22

Feels like your post is mixing goverments and companies, the 2nd part is correct companies does not care one whit for your health they just want your money

How you being obese,smoking etc makes the goverment loose money is easy to figure out basically if your not working your not providing tax money to the goverment which makes you a cost especially if you like where im sweden the goverment pays the medical bills which makes it even a bigger cost which is why they put taxes on items.

Pollution is taxed because A pollution is bad (not even trump can deny that) and B it helps goverment fund research and conversion programs into non pollutiong technology. Exxons own reseachers discovered in like the 70s that burning fossil fuels was gonna impact the climate in bad ways and yet kept their mouths shut cause they wanna keep making money unfortunately now trump is going to do the same :(


sinistril Game profile


Jan 21st 2017, 18:01:03

I am mixing governments and companies because of the current state of cronyism in the USA; however, companies need not be required. Every government has special interests who the government/party/dictator is beholden to. For dictators, it may be generals, etc. I suggest reading the Dictator's Handbook for more information on it. Interesting stuff.

No, pollution is taxed because it helps make government bigger. The government does not care about bad things it cannot make a profit on or use to help consolidate it's power. Democrats, for example, spent a hundred years fighting against giving black people rights until they realized that they can buy votes off them for a fraction of the price it takes to get a white vote. It's no coincidence that once Democrats took an interest in blacks has a strong correlation to the fall of the black family, the welfare state etc. You don't hear anyone talking about things that can not help make money or buy votes no matter how morally bad. For example, USAID funds dictators with billions of dollars every year. These dictators in turn provide allegience or favors to the US, who can then use that allegience to secure major business deals for their partners. The partners make a profit and pay off the politicians (ie. The pay for play Hillary did) but it isn't just her every politician. Obama left the White House far richer than he entered it with, and all Presidents do. The best way to become rich is to become a corrupt politician or to know one.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.