Jul 19th 2012, 0:13:23
Forums may have a little to do with driving away new players, but I don't think they're the only reason. Not by a long shot.
The most obvious: It's a text-only, turn-based game. Who wants to play a text game when there are a myriad of RPGs out there that include graphics, and which you can play for an unlimited amount of time each day? (besides us nerds, of course)
Also, doing well in this game requires some effort, or at least some knowledge of math. For most people, that's just not what they're looking for in a game. Just look at the progression of virtually every MMORPG in history. No matter what level of challenge they might offer at first, almost all follow a progression of "dumbing things down". WoW is a pretty good example of that. The game that was the best MMORPG ever, IMO was Asheron's Call, and they did the same. If they don't keep making it easier and easier to get the new shiny object, people get bored or frustrated and leave.
And as far as gaming forums go, Earth's seem to be quite a bit more civil than the average. From what I've seen in the limited amount of reading I've done here since last night, it doesn't seem to me that these forums are any worse than they were when Mehul ran the game. So why has the player base dropped from several thousand to several hundred? I suspect rules enforcement may have a good deal to do with that. There were never really 10k Earth 2025 players.
Sure, there are the disagreements between this alliance and that alliance, or this player and that player, but the casual player isn't going to give a rip about those threads anyway. He or she will shrug and move on to looking for strat advice, or whatever brought him or her here.