
Frodo Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 5:29:23

They love to make games waaaayyyyy to close but they pulled it out!!!

And of course it wouldn't be a Seahawks game without a little Sherman smack talk lol. If you're going to trash talk a trash talker you better be able to back it up, and Craptree wasn't able to lolololol.

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 5:38:30


Sherman is a douche, that kind of trashtalk is meant for WWE not NFL

Crabtree was asked if Sherman was the best and he said "i dont think so". Thats not talking fluff...
Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 5:39:08

besides Sherman made one play... ONE PLAY

he didnt have the "right" to talk that smack
Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.

mrford Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 6:00:04

one play? he made more than one play, however, for arguments sake, he made THE play.

and kaepernick is the fluffing douche. seriously, that dude is a fluffing fluff. period.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

braden Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 6:15:08

they still play football in warshington state?

ok, wow, fair; don't hate, i was askin is all

Trife Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 6:20:29

lets all remember what happened the last time the hawks made it to the superbowl!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 20th 2014, 6:20:47

Seachickens is all they got, Sonics are gone and both college teams suXors haha
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 6:29:14

yes kapernick is a douche, but that dont take away from Sherman's "doucheness"
Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.

locket Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 8:11:24

Kap may be a douche but Sherman was classless as hell. He is the one that initiates all the fluff talking and then he acts like a sore winner? Sad.

Any Hawks fan who cant see how classless that was needs to wake up.

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jan 20th 2014, 10:59:06

bah. the Eagles ain't going. skip the game and just show the commercials.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.



Jan 20th 2014, 15:25:36

Fans threw food at Bowman as he was carted off the field. Keep it classy Seattle.

mrford Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 15:28:36

fans? or a fan.

overstatements like that are fluffing stupid.

that fluff happened in carolina earlier in the year where a fan threw a water bottle at Long as he was being escorted off the field because he was ejected. he was flipping off fans and telling them to go fluff themselves, so A fan threw something at him, and that fan was immediately kicked out of the game. then after the game, the way the announcers were talking about it, you would think thousands of fans pelted this "poor defenseless player." the poor player that walked AROUND the field with no helmet taunting fans....

i know the bowman incident was a BIT different. however, you got 80,000 people in a confined space, there will be some douches in the mix. it does not condemn an entire fanbase. stop acting like it does. you are smarter than that.

Edited By: mrford on Jan 20th 2014, 15:32:37
See Original Post
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Jan 20th 2014, 15:33:24

It was all over twitter, look it up.

It was a BIT different? Bowman was on a truck, he couldn't walk, wasn't ejected, was fluffing at fans, and may have just ended his career. That's A LOT different.

I never said it was ALL the fans, sheesh. You are smarter than to imply I was saying that.

Edited By: Cornfed on Jan 20th 2014, 15:36:59
See Original Post

mrford Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 15:36:14

i did, and it was one fan that dropped popcorn on him in the tunnel. one fan. one.

and i dont use twitter as a primary resource. that might be where you went wrong.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Jan 20th 2014, 15:40:50

Never saw anything about dropping popcorn. Rosenthal @greggrosenthal originally tweeted it, not some random twitter user.

mrford Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 15:40:53

you said fans, plural, because you are like all the other jackasses, blowing something out of proportion because you were too lazy to do the research and saw it on twitter...

there is video of the incident. and the only food thrown was popcorn, that was dropped. by one fan.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 15:42:11

and im sure that fan was kicked out of the game.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

archaic Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 15:49:52

The look on Erin Andrews face was epic. Sherman is a tool, he's always been a tool - he's a tool that has never been as good as he thinks he is.

On the most important play of the game he was out of position against the niners third best receiver, and got lucky that Kapaernik is about as accurate a passer under pressure as Tebow. If Manning had thrown that pass it would have been lights out.

The Broncos are going to drop 40 on the Hawks. I just hope Julius Thomas lays a nappy time crack-back block on Sherman.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Frodo Game profile


Jan 21st 2014, 4:19:47

Lol sherman made one play because he was involved in only 2 plays all day haha. And I'm glad the rest of the country is ragging on the Hawks, keeps them in the underdog role which they can use for motivation.

de1i Game profile


Jan 21st 2014, 5:58:54


locket Game profile


Jan 21st 2014, 5:59:08

Originally posted by Frodo:
Lol sherman made one play because he was involved in only 2 plays all day haha. And I'm glad the rest of the country is ragging on the Hawks, keeps them in the underdog role which they can use for motivation.

Motivation wont help their crappy offense or the fact they play far worse on the road

de1i Game profile


Jan 21st 2014, 6:09:39

Tied for best road record in the NFL this year while facing some of the leagues toughest defenses with a battered offensive line and minus 2 of their top receivers. Bunch of pedestrians!

Should be a fun Superbowl nonetheless!

braden Game profile


Jan 21st 2014, 6:34:48

the look on erin andrews face while she was blow drying her hair.. wait, nevermind, i think thats too closely akin to rape for me to make jokes about

(and yet, and yet, i still make the joke? :P)

del1 is a hippie.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 21st 2014, 6:54:48

Hippies smell funny.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jan 21st 2014, 12:40:00

ahh. Sherman has a degree in Communications. don't think he'll be asking "Can you hear me now?" anytime soon. would've been nice if they could've taught him something decent to communicate that effectively.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Makolyte Game profile


Jan 21st 2014, 15:47:05

Good job Seahawks! And congrats to Frodo for his fav team making it to the Super Bowl, that's fluffing sweet.
Alliance: VP of Death Knights
FFA: XI warrior

Frodo Game profile


Jan 22nd 2014, 7:15:00

Originally posted by Makolyte:
Good job Seahawks! And congrats to Frodo for his fav team making it to the Super Bowl, that's fluffing sweet.

Yeah they did it for me, I was all like "I'm sick and tired of not making the super bowl, so get to the super bowl! Oh and if we could somehow beat the 49ers in the NFC championship game that would be awesome"

One day Mak the Lions will make it as well... maybe ;)

iScode Game profile


Jan 22nd 2014, 9:42:13

God of War


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 22nd 2014, 9:50:06

Originally posted by Frodo:
Originally posted by Makolyte:
Good job Seahawks! And congrats to Frodo for his fav team making it to the Super Bowl, that's fluffing sweet.

Yeah they did it for me, I was all like "I'm sick and tired of not making the super bowl, so get to the super bowl! Oh and if we could somehow beat the 49ers in the NFC championship game that would be awesome"

One day Mak the Lions will make it as well... maybe ;)

I don't like you no more, Frodo, tell the dirty roofer I'm not rejoining DK cuz Frodo is a seachicken fan!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Jan 22nd 2014, 10:47:43

2 of the biggest pot-promoting states, getting together to smoke a Super "Bowl"!

Go Weed!

"I see with strobelight vision and I'm alwaze in a panic! My only skill is murder and I'm stuck on Automatic!"

mrford Game profile


Jan 22nd 2014, 11:56:45

you could of atleast called it the 420 bowl.......

you are better than that.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

daspheebsie Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 3:29:43

You all realize that Erin Andrews was after that interview. She wanted that interview. She put herself in that situation to get said interview. Was she surprised she got it? Yes. But that is what she wanted.,0,

Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo

Frodo Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 3:25:53

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Frodo:
Originally posted by Makolyte:
Good job Seahawks! And congrats to Frodo for his fav team making it to the Super Bowl, that's fluffing sweet.

Yeah they did it for me, I was all like "I'm sick and tired of not making the super bowl, so get to the super bowl! Oh and if we could somehow beat the 49ers in the NFC championship game that would be awesome"

One day Mak the Lions will make it as well... maybe ;)

I don't like you no more, Frodo, tell the dirty roofer I'm not rejoining DK cuz Frodo is a seachicken fan!


TAN Game profile


Feb 5th 2014, 22:57:54

Originally posted by archaic:
The Broncos are going to drop 40 on the Hawks. I just hope Julius Thomas lays a nappy time crack-back block on Sherman.

I'd like to hear Archaic comment on the results of the Super Bowl, please.