

EE Patron

Feb 7th 2014, 15:33:25

What is a 10% chance hit?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 7th 2014, 17:06:16

another change to make actually killing countries less desirable


it means you kill 10% of what you normally would on that hit, i think it was a 20% chance so it reduces damage done by about 18%

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Feb 7th 2014, 17:43:55

Originally posted by enshula:
another change to make actually killing countries less desirable


it means you kill 10% of what you normally would on that hit, i think it was a 20% chance so it reduces damage done by about 18%

They were there in E2025! I just found a decent way of re-enabling them!
Finally did the signature thing.



Feb 7th 2014, 18:03:30

Did you make that to where it has a higher chance of happening depending on how much is oversent?
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Feb 8th 2014, 17:42:20

hm no not currently; if you're over 12 DR it's all the same
Finally did the signature thing.

hsifreta Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 20:40:07

* 40% restarts (though minimum is 48% if we have a CM kill on a theo with SDI)
* new DRs, especially express
* min CS destroyed for BR/AB -> 1

* 0.06% is too high. Perhaps 0.04 would still make walling rewarding. but i'm up for a test run.

Thanks again, qz and team for the updates.


EE Patron

Feb 8th 2014, 23:55:06

I don't think DR is working right yet.

2014-02-08 23:44:44 PS BATMAN (#109) perinthia (#86) 443A (474A)
2014-02-08 23:41:36 GS BATMAN (#109) perinthia (#86) DH
2014-02-08 23:41:26 GS BATMAN (#109) perinthia (#86) DH
2014-02-08 23:41:18 GS BATMAN (#109) perinthia (#86) DH
2014-02-08 23:41:07 GS BATMAN (#109) perinthia (#86) 8299C 49 F
2014-02-08 23:41:00 GS BATMAN (#109) perinthia (#86) 8579C 49 F
2014-02-08 23:40:50 GS BATMAN (#109) perinthia (#86) 8869C 49 F
2014-02-08 23:40:34 GS BATMAN (#109) perinthia (#86) 9168C 49 F
2014-02-08 23:40:04 GS BATMAN (#109) perinthia (#86) 9478C 49 F
2014-02-08 23:39:31 GS BATMAN (#109) perinthia (#86) 9797C 49 F

I had 10,020 acres and should have been in 9 DR because the fool did guerilla strikes before attacking. Why did he capture 4.5% of my land while I was in 9 DR?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

oldman Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 11:36:24

I'm not sure if anyone asked as I didn't go through everyone's post but what happens if the enemy's defence is 0. You then send 1 troop/jet/tank to break. How many percent of relative hit strength is that? Is that 0? 100? infinity?

Atryn Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 13:22:10

Originally posted by oldman:
I'm not sure if anyone asked as I didn't go through everyone's post but what happens if the enemy's defence is 0. You then send 1 troop/jet/tank to break. How many percent of relative hit strength is that? Is that 0? 100? infinity?

nice catch oldman.

Xinhuan Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 15:14:33

It doesn't matter, because the half-life has a cap of 12 hours for Express, and 24 hours everywhere else.

oldman Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 15:30:58

hmm, ok.

locket Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 2:01:24

So a hit will only be in DR for a max of 24 hours?

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 11th 2014, 6:03:14

if the half life is 24 then its half of 1 at 24, ie .5 dr at 24 hours

yes qz, but it is concerning that the set after you try to fix you put in a change which undermines the fix

h2orich Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 2:33:13

How does missiles affect ghost DR now? since there's no oversending or anything.

So half-life is standard at 18 hours? after 18 hours it drops to 0.5? whether its successful or not?


EE Patron

Feb 12th 2014, 2:35:58

missiles never added DR before...
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

h2orich Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 3:04:04

missiles affect ghost dr


EE Patron

Feb 12th 2014, 3:05:10

Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

h2orich Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 4:47:22

I'm not sure. but I know if I send 10 missiles to a country then LG him I will gain 0 ghost acres.


EE Patron

Feb 12th 2014, 4:49:31

My opinion, and I've posted it before, is that it counts for country:country DR. But not for ghost DR for outside countries. I think country:country DR was never set up correctly.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

h2orich Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 6:08:48

Hmm, maybe you're right, anyway I tested.

[14:06:38] <ee> CM adasdas (#538) [] --> 12354234 (#537) [] -- 4418C/165B
[14:06:43] <ee> CM adasdas (#538) [] --> 12354234 (#537) [] -- 4256C/158B
[14:06:44] <ee> CM adasdas (#538) [] --> 12354234 (#537) [] -- 3703C/152B
[14:06:44] <ee> CM adasdas (#538) [] --> 12354234 (#537) [] -- 3221C/147B
[14:06:45] <ee> CM adasdas (#538) [] --> 12354234 (#537) [] -- 2803C/141B
[14:06:46] <ee> CM adasdas (#538) [] --> 12354234 (#537) [] -- 2438C/136B
[14:06:47] <ee> CM adasdas (#538) [] --> 12354234 (#537) [] -- 2121C/129B
[14:06:47] <ee> CM adasdas (#538) [] --> 12354234 (#537) [] -- 1845C/124B
[14:06:53] <ee> EM adasdas (#538) [] --> 12354234 (#537) [] -- 277MU
[14:06:54] <ee> EM adasdas (#538) [] --> 12354234 (#537) [] -- 274MU
[14:06:55] <ee> EM adasdas (#538) [] --> 12354234 (#537) [] -- 271MU
[14:07:26] <ee> PS adasdas (#538) [] --> 12354234 (#537) [] -- 124A/284A
[14:07:46] <ee> PS dasdasd (#539) [] --> 12354234 (#537) [] -- 139A/277A

seems like missiles dont affect C:C anymore too.

crest23 Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 6:19:13

Missiles never affected DR.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

h2orich Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 9:12:17

Originally posted by crest23:
Missiles never affected DR.

Do missiles affect C:C Dr?

for example Country A sends 10 missiles to Country B
after 5 days, Country A LGs Country B, would he get reduced ghost acres? (because this is what happened last time)

crest23 Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 13:22:02

By DR I meant any and every form of DR.

The perceived 'DR' you might have witnessed would have been because the victim got got nuked (and now has less land), got chemed (and didn't rebuild, even after 5 days). You can EM a country to demo him and then grab him with excellent returns.

Unless there was a bug that has probably been long fixed.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

h2orich Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 14:32:28

Guess I might have been wrong then.

So its okay to missile dump someone first then PS him?

crest23 Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 15:02:59

Yup. If by missile you mean EM to reduce readiness and military count. Cause any other type of missile would be dumb. You PS 1st to gain the best, then missile dump. Unless I guess if he doesn't have the right buildings.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

h2orich Game profile


Feb 18th 2014, 15:59:30

Whats the half life for Dr on team server? since PS on that server is 10 hrs instead of the usual 20 on 1a and primary.


EE Patron

Feb 18th 2014, 16:02:47

Announcement says it's 18 also, but yeah if they're doing custom lengths anyway then they should lower it a bit.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

h2orich Game profile


Feb 18th 2014, 16:14:33

should reduce it to 12 hr..

crest23 Game profile


Feb 18th 2014, 23:13:05

Game should be coded turn-based. Think about how much coding the admins would have saved.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2014, 0:32:55

Originally posted by crest23:
Game should be coded turn-based. Think about how much coding the admins would have saved.

They are too busy making it a treehuggers utopia :-(
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Oceana Game profile


Feb 19th 2014, 7:31:27

when did we change oop below 100 ? my restart got farmed at turn 99?

Marshal Game profile


Feb 19th 2014, 9:20:32

Originally posted by Oceana:
when did we change oop below 100 ? my restart got farmed at turn 99?

last set, restart oop is 15 turns not 100 turns.

you ain't 1st to experience that nor last.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Atryn Game profile


Feb 19th 2014, 13:15:06

LOL... maybe those of us who fought last set should write up a tips/tricks/reminders for the folks fighting under the new rules this set for the first time. :)

Or not.

Join MD! :)

Marshal Game profile


Feb 19th 2014, 16:44:12

like hell you will write tips. :P
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....


EE Patron

Feb 21st 2014, 21:02:34

c) Hits older than 72 hours are IGNORED
i) With the exception of ALL-SET COUNTRY:COUNTRY DR, which is calculated with a 168 hour halflife (1 week)
i) 8 hour half-life (base) for Express (min 6, max 12); 72 hour ALL-SET COUNTRY:COUNTRY DR halflife

-For other servers, you say hits disappear after 72 hours. Is it the same for Express, despite the half-life being only 8 vs 18 hours, that hits don't completely disappear for 72hr? I know it would be microscopic by that point anyway, but my wonder is whether there's an earlier cut off, like 32 hours or something (4 half-life periods, like in the other servers). this is not a request just a question

Thank you

Edited By: blid on Feb 21st 2014, 23:26:35
See Original Post
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

h2orich Game profile


Feb 22nd 2014, 1:52:30

It is still 72 hours. And it remains broken.

Why Broken? Read this



Feb 22nd 2014, 22:05:06

this game is broken, the community is broken, everything is broken.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Atryn Game profile


Feb 23rd 2014, 4:33:35

MD has some members who have been "broken"... now we are having them "fixed"....


EE Patron

Feb 25th 2014, 23:34:04

After experiencing this in Express the last few sets, I have a few thoughts

1- I like it so far, and surprisingly, it's NOT too hard to do quick DR estimates in my head. People with scripts doing estimates for them (alliances will probably make these) will have an advantage, though probably not a major one.
2- For Express, specifically, the 8-hr DR makes DR a bit shorter *in most cases*, which is a good thing, because 24 hour DR in such a fast-paced server was long.
3- In some cases, and this is an Express issue specifically, DR can now last *longer*. If, 48 hours in, someone does 100 GS on a country, that country will be in DR the rest of the set (72 hours). I recommend lowering the amount of time before DR is totally cleared for Express, since it has a shorter DR half-life and is a faster speed server.
4- Team is also a faster server, but has the same 18 hour half-life base as the slower servers. It should definitely have a shorter, customized DR half-life as well (but then, Team Server has other problems as well).
5- In Alliance, Primary, and Tournament, I think the 18 hour half-life may also be a bit too long. This I don't have experience with yet, so I guess we can wait and see, but I predict countries getting stuck in the 4-5 DR zone, and staying there long-term. Before DR was gone after 24 hours, now it's still 50% there after 20. That's a lot more DR...

Edited By: blid on Feb 26th 2014, 15:51:21
See Original Post
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Feb 26th 2014, 2:36:56

The DR lasts too long on all servers.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

DarkReturns Game profile


Feb 26th 2014, 11:40:30

b) minimum CS lowered to total_turns*1/50 from total_turns*3/40

I believe this is a terrible change, at least from the formula. Last set, I was restarting with 220 CS, which I felt was just a little too much. A member of my clan died this round and started with 29 CS. This is WAY too low for having the 15 turn protection.

Using the formula from last round. If I were to die right now, I would get 117.6 CS back. I assume it rounded up so 118.

Using the formula from this round. If I were to die right now, I would get 31.36, or 31 CS.

I understand these are min, but with 1 CS min loss per AB/BR hit, your CS can easily get under 31 CS.

I suggest something like

RS = total_turns*2.5/60
if RS < 80
RS = 80

80 would give 25BPT (I believe) for restarts. This would be barely enough to recover a little bit after death with protection that last only 15 turns.

This would also help people who also get killed again after restarting. Lets say you do play 120 turns with the 31 CS you got after restarting. 120*1/50 = 2.4 CS... or 2 CS. This is accounting if you get BR'ed run.

I know this is all the min, but with BR and AB destroying 1 CS min, you will be resulting in an extremely low CS when you restart.

This is just my 2 cents. I remember reading that the code changed for the restarts to get them back into the battle. This round restart change doesn't do that at all.

That is all...

Serpentor Game profile


Mar 14th 2014, 6:58:12

Darky, you killed me in alliance I believe. :-P
The EEVIL Empire

TroyTiger Game profile


Jul 28th 2014, 21:36:15

Any chance QZ that the FFA DR max ghost % can go up next reset?

its to low!!!!!!!!!!


Crippler ICD Game profile


Jul 30th 2014, 20:38:11

and 2 exspencive :P

/40 or add ps modifier so you dont get same max ga on ss and ps...

[14:26] <enshula> i cant believe im going to say this
[14:26] <enshula> crippler is giving us correct netting advice

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 30th 2014, 20:44:08

Originally posted by TroyTiger:
Any chance QZ that the FFA DR max ghost % can go up next reset?

its to low!!!!!!!!!!


ah right, i was going to change that wasn't i; lets see... long weekend coming up; perhaps i can squeeze it in eh; where's KF, need to talk changes w/ him heh
Finally did the signature thing.

Xninja Game profile


Aug 23rd 2014, 18:31:38

Originally posted by qzjul:
Originally posted by enshula:
another change to make actually killing countries less desirable


it means you kill 10% of what you normally would on that hit, i think it was a 20% chance so it reduces damage done by about 18%

They were there in E2025! I just found a decent way of re-enabling them!

If your going to have a chance to get a reduced damage hit you should have a chance to have an increased damage hit. It shouldnt be any different than food, cash or indy booms and shortages..... just to penalize people for killing is not the point... and if it just get rid of the attack button......
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS