
diez Game profile


Jun 10th 2010, 9:18:11

This would be a combination between an express game, tourney, and the team game.

5 countries a team, 4 day resets, level ladders.

So this is basically how it works:
1 server will consist of 2 teams only, each team got 5 countries max in it. Winner would be the team that gets the highest NW by all means.

Winner will go up in ladder and meet the other winner.. and so on. Loser will stay in the bottom and fight other team.

Sounds fun?

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jun 10th 2010, 14:25:55


yea, but maybe wait till we get through 10k players on each server
Finally did the signature thing.

diez Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 11:32:36

12-16 teams would do this server just fine.. lol :p

llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 20:15:04

3 player teams, 3 defense/offense slots allowed

weeklong resets, starting on monday, ending on sunday

so endgame of set is during weekend when more time

enough turns on hand for 3 to kill 1 country with just 1 days worth of turns each.

maybe two week resets or a month like tournament

a team tournament would be pretty friggin cool, i think anything the mods cook up toward this concept would be sweet

anything less than a week is too much effort to get started on and coordinate with other players before the set would already be over.... so maybe a month like tournaments been. and less members than the team server so it would be more crucial to pick a good two teammates.

the ladder style would prevent teams from haveing tag1,2,3 i think, it would be all competition between the teams as to who gets up to the top level

Detmer Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 20:24:08

Originally posted by llaar:
3 player teams, 3 defense/offense slots allowed

weeklong resets, starting on monday, ending on sunday

so endgame of set is during weekend when more time

enough turns on hand for 3 to kill 1 country with just 1 days worth of turns each.

maybe two week resets or a month like tournament

a team tournament would be pretty friggin cool, i think anything the mods cook up toward this concept would be sweet

anything less than a week is too much effort to get started on and coordinate with other players before the set would already be over.... so maybe a month like tournaments been. and less members than the team server so it would be more crucial to pick a good two teammates.

the ladder style would prevent teams from haveing tag1,2,3 i think, it would be all competition between the teams as to who gets up to the top level

If there are three on a team why would you want three ally slots?

A week is too short unless it was done like express style. Seems like a huge time involvement. I think a month long thing like tourney would be better

llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 20:31:40

cause i can't count apparently


two slots then
