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Or, hey, maybe you could try playing the game with the landscape you've in and quit bltching.
Well, I've played with the current rules and won 3 in a row, soooo...
Griefing is punished by all major online games and I don't see a discussion to allow it, rather a discussion on how to find such behaviour more quickly. So you are wrong in not thinking it is a problem, unless Riot games, Blizzard and such businesses have independently made the same wrong choice and are actually in need of your expertise.
Why are you still so whiny then? Right, you started whining when that one time you thought you could do well but didn't, because you evidently didn't join GDI that round too. You're like a baby crying to mom in a toy store because you didn't get your way when she said one toy is enough.
What a load of bull.
Each game has their own rules in place about what you can or cannot do and what the spirit of the game should be. In FPS games, things like TKing is not allowed as those sorts of games may involve teamwork, and TKing is purposely intended to disrupt gameplay. Tking is griefing in those games.
In this game, there are no rules against 'being attacked multiple times without provocation'. Boo hoo. Cry me a river already.
If this game was all about 'netting', then why do they have missiles? Why have offensive ops? Why have AB, GS? Why have any other units other than jets and turrets?
The simple truth is you play to net. But that's you. That's not what this game "is about". The game should not have rules molded around benefiting the few special interests who prefer "netting". It is a strategy game with human players and it involves netting and warring.
Guys like you will mine tiberium only all day in C&C with zero units. And cry when someone rushes you with tanks. "Boo hoo, C&C should be about mining tiberium. The other team attacked me without provocation. I want to win with more resource points because I mined the most tiberium."