
Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 4th 2022, 4:34:59

Hey super- can't help but notice yet another set where you baited someone into an unfair war and finished without cracking 3m...i wish I could be that cool and still claim #1 rank on a server. Still waiting for you to either play legit (as the larger group style/politics has intended) or actually challenge a fair war instead of baiting an unsuspecting single retal that you turn into an AB orgy. Impressive you went GS this set and varied things up a bit

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 4th 2022, 5:51:01

sure give me your number and I will gladly kill you this round if you like. If you arent willing to war than why are you calling me out and chirping me?

m0bzta Game profile


Jul 4th 2022, 6:03:13

i guess i need to play Express again to spank superfly

Yeah i am a Big Deal Around EarthEmpires
-Still doing what i do since 2000-mob bot

Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 4th 2022, 13:36:17

I chirp because again, you ruined someone's set by baiting them into a war they had little intention of fighting. You hit, they retal you go on a 50 turn AB blast. What is fair or competitive about that? I also chirp because you claim to be the greatest ever in express, but another set not hitting 10m, even 5m.

I don't seek you out because like the other 90% of players on the server, I'm trying to net and experiment-and have a lot left to learn so I continue to use my time accordingly.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 6th 2022, 0:20:40

Nope that’s where you are wrong.

You are the one claiming that I am the best ever in express. Your Original chirp was telling me to learn how to make top 10. I showed you that I have multiple times…. And since then you post that I am the greatest player here…

Anyways, why don’t you tell me who you are and we can war unless you are scared? I’ll even give you the FS by voiding GDI on you first

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 6th 2022, 5:09:54

Let’s get ready to rumble

Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 6th 2022, 13:05:07

Super- maybe your short-term memory needs a refresher from our discussions a couple weeks ago. oh look, i found a post you made basically espousing your greatness. (maybe you didnt use the exact words i did- so i apologize for not taking them verbatim but have a look)

"John you sound like a an idiot with your stupid mommy insults.

As far as I am concerned you are a nobody. I can't find your ass on the all time leaders board which has 98 ranks. Maybe when you crack the top 98 for express you can flap your gums ok?

Until then I will continue to war idiots who break GDI like you by multie tapping me. Also while we war and I kick your butt in this war game; I will continue to amass NW + land and keep adding to my already commanding lead on the all time stats list for Express.....

Total Networth
This leaderboard ranks users by the sum of the networth of all alive countries from all previous rounds. This leaderboard is updated once a day.
Next Page
Rank Name Score
1 SuperFly $10,142,145,410
2 mac23 $8,423,962,825
3 VivaNick $5,907,342,348
4 Getafix $5,605,874,212
5 BaDonkaDonks $5,270,585,325
6 ebert00 $5,249,990,028
7 beerdrinker75 $5,112,025,534
8 Gogy $4,661,978,795
9 MADMARK $4,408,407,828
10 MountainYeti $4,261,941,598

Total Land
This leaderboard ranks users by the sum of the land of all alive countries from all previous rounds. This leaderboard is updated once a day.
Next Page
Rank Name Score
1 SuperFly 11,611,633
2 BaDonkaDonks 6,410,023
3 MADMARK 6,089,033
4 Gogy 5,719,282
5 mac23 5,447,966
6 RLacroix 5,312,595
7 VivaNick 5,230,524
8 outlaw 4,907,688
9 MHowar9516 4,792,705
10 maj1 4,554,701

Top 10 Finishes
This leaderboard ranks users by their number of top 10 finishes from all previous rounds. This leaderboard is updated once a day.
Next Page
Rank Name Score
1 SuperFly 260
2 mac23 217
3 VivaNick 206
4 Getafix 151
5 beerdrinker75 138
6 ebert00 127
7 CX LaE 119
8 MHowar9516 116
9 MountainYeti 115
10 ingle 101

so in summary, you are a no name wannabe flapping his gums to a player who has been in express since day one and who will continue to play express long after you are gone...."

my response to that at the time wasnt in saying you are the greatest, it was saying you merely play more and for longer than anyone else- which doesnt necessarily equate to skill. I am still saying that now, as you rarely crack top 50 in a server full of bots and just continue to try and find unsuspecting players who will retal your landgrabs so that you can immediately launch every single turn you have saved up at them. That is not a fair or competitive war- its just destroying someone for the fun of it, which anyone COULD do but most of us are not interested in that style of play on this server- so a simple retal is usually what occurs to send a message.

Again- i have no interest in a war, thats the exact opposite reason i play this server. If you want a war- im hopeful you can put the message out and find an agreeable suitor ahead of time instead of continuing to ruin others' round.

Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 6th 2022, 13:07:58

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Let’s get ready to rumble

Hahahahahah- or not. its too easy to crank warfare and build defensive military in prep for an impending war vs playing the markets based on player base and maximize NW with far more variables at play. im gonna stick with the latter for now :)

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 6th 2022, 14:04:46

Originally posted by Joshallenismydaddy:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Let’s get ready to rumble

Hahahahahah- or not. its too easy to crank warfare and build defensive military in prep for an impending war vs playing the markets based on player base and maximize NW with far more variables at play. im gonna stick with the latter for now :)

Translation i am too scared to war and I will continue to just complain on the boards about the guy who wars in a war game…..

Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 6th 2022, 14:15:02

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Joshallenismydaddy:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Let’s get ready to rumble

Hahahahahah- or not. its too easy to crank warfare and build defensive military in prep for an impending war vs playing the markets based on player base and maximize NW with far more variables at play. im gonna stick with the latter for now :)

Translation i am too scared to war and I will continue to just complain on the boards about the guy who wars in a war game…..

Or...if you comprehended anything i have said over the last several weeks...or ANYTHING anyone else has said to you countless other times previously- the player/politics have generally used this server as a netting server and not a war server. therefore im not playing a war style in my countries and am looking to follow those guidelines and experiment and net. also, as stated in my previous post- i am not scared of a war with you rather, im not interested in one because its too simple and boring to crank warfare/SDI amass defensive military and store turns to trade AB blows back and forth.

Its clear we will never see eye to eye- and that is perfectly fine. im only trying to ask, if you want to war in a server where almost no one plays that style- find someone ahead of time and setup your rules of engagement. but dont go around ruining other people's set when they are clearly playing a different style than you and it is common knowledge they are following the generally accepted guidelines within this server. Have your war, just find someone else who wants it as well you guys can go play in the corner- it appears that bayrock, or someone pretending to be bayrock is back. maybe you two can get together and be pals while the rest of us continue to do what we came do to.

everyone wins....

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 6th 2022, 15:11:18

Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 6th 2022, 15:24:58

Haha love the troll- i almost expected a RickRollin when i clicked that link :)

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 6th 2022, 23:29:49

Originally posted by Joshallenismydaddy:

also, as stated in my previous post- i am not scared of a war with you rather, im not interested in one because its too simple and boring to crank warfare/SDI amass defensive military and store turns to trade AB blows back and forth.

Having a war and trading hits is boring? Please tell me how farming bots that are in DR is so thrilling and exciting lol

Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 7th 2022, 0:13:22

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Joshallenismydaddy:

also, as stated in my previous post- i am not scared of a war with you rather, im not interested in one because its too simple and boring to crank warfare/SDI amass defensive military and store turns to trade AB blows back and forth.

Having a war and trading hits is boring? Please tell me how farming bots that are in DR is so thrilling and exciting lol

It's not about farming the bots, it's about playing the market- maximizing your gains and playing a proper strategy given the number of other countries playing similar govt styles. Is ir a better farm set, better tech set..better to cash or to commie...the war is just that, the simple predictable trade off of missiles and AB...mix in a few ss or ps, maybe some gs when desperate but ultimately it's just a back and forth of whoever can out purchase/build more of the given force used in the attack. It leads nowhere tho esp when both are planning and expecting the war- no one is gonna win that because the sole focus is either jumping ahead or recouping to defend against the next 50 turns...I'm not against your desire for war, and I do find it fun in other non netting servers where you don't know who is gonna hit you or how often and its a balance between making those hits and escaping with minimal losses to continue the next day- its just in a primarily netting server when most are playing for NW- provoking wars by hitting the top 10 whole waiting for the retal so you can attempt to finish them off- or at least ruin whatever work they put in to that point in an honest attempt to play as the vast majority do- is cheap and frustrating.
Like I said, I get your interest in war..have at it. Just find someone amenable to it and have your 4 day battle Royale together without simultaneously ruining what other players are trying to do. We can and should both be able to play our given styles in the same server without affecting each other negatively. And hey- if you want that war, let me know when you find a target and maybe I'll go commie or heavy oil farm to make my gains while you have your fun.

Disl Game profile


Jul 7th 2022, 0:55:36

1 vs 1 is the most skill based element these games can offer.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 7th 2022, 1:45:48

I asked you this question last time multiple times and you never answered it.

Where is the non netting server?

Is it alliance where it’s strictly netting and where everyone tries to finish top 10?

Is it tournament where the only objective is to finish top 10 to move to game a.

Is it team where everyone cries if you so much as LG them because everyone wants to finish top 10.

Is it express where you cry because you want to finish top 10?????

Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 7th 2022, 3:31:16

I don't have that answer for you- but what I can say is in your description of each of those servers you give 'credit' to the politics of those servers and it sounds like wherever you try and play, no one is interested or thrilled about your tactics. All I and all anyone in express have asked to do the same. I honestly have no clue about any other potential conflicts you have raised in those arenas. Maybe a lot, maybe any case you seem to acknowledge here and now that they each have their own preferred styles of play and I am assuming that your bringing them up means you respect or acknowledge them enough to abide by them. That's all were trying to do here. Same exact concept, everything I've talked about in express is about rhe politics and preferred accepted style- if you can play by other server practices, why not this one? And again, regardless...just go find the few other suiciders and have your war games with them if thats what you want. I don't think anyone has any issue with that. You can play your style and challenge yourself to compete with those who accept, and the rest of us can play our rounds unhindered the way we have been trying. It allows us all to enjoy whatever style we're going for...what's not good about that compromise/idea? If what you want is truly a 1:1 war...that should check all the boxes. Unless there's more to it and you just want to ruin random players sets who are playing a totally different style and thus cannot or will not engage which then allows you to continue your assault all weekend. I truly don't see any negatives in this suggestion. We all get what we want and none of us are distracted by the other.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 7th 2022, 4:42:54

La telenovela continua.....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 7th 2022, 5:29:23

Yea cuz josh Allen is a noob nugget.

In allaince the so called politics is a group of players working together to kill the offender making the hits.

In team same thing; band together with your team and you kill whoever LGs you.

Express its 1 vs 1. You can’t have multiple people hitting the offender unprovoked so this is the war server as far as I am concerned. Be greatful that your “investment” is only a few minutes of a 96hr round and not weeks in tournament or primary.

I hope I get lucky and farm you josh Allen…. And if you don’t like it you are are welcome to join the other 5 dedicated netting servers. I recommend LaF in 1a they are your people. Farm bots like there is no tomorrow. Throw a fit and tell players to take their lives by committing suicide in RL if they dare PS their precious 0 defense countries and whine on the boards.

You have options and you sure as hell won’t be missed here if you depart….

Edited By: SuperFly on Jul 7th 2022, 5:36:01

Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 7th 2022, 12:29:48

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Yea cuz josh Allen is a noob nugget.

In allaince the so called politics is a group of players working together to kill the offender making the hits.

In team same thing; band together with your team and you kill whoever LGs you.

Express its 1 vs 1. You can’t have multiple people hitting the offender unprovoked so this is the war server as far as I am concerned. Be greatful that your “investment” is only a few minutes of a 96hr round and not weeks in tournament or primary.

I hope I get lucky and farm you josh Allen…. And if you don’t like it you are are welcome to join the other 5 dedicated netting servers. I recommend LaF in 1a they are your people. Farm bots like there is no tomorrow. Throw a fit and tell players to take their lives by committing suicide in RL if they dare PS their precious 0 defense countries and whine on the boards.

You have options and you sure as hell won’t be missed here if you depart….

Correct- noob in that i recently returned after 20ish years away. but i dont make rainbows- Koh :)

And thank you again Super, for re-explaining what you had just explained in your previous post about server styles. I responded with what i thought was a decent compromise in an honest attempt to have us resolve this issue. I have also NEVER suggested you take your life. i have suggested i feel bad for your family and thrown other various insults back and forth with you, but never suggested suicide in RL. i am aware others have and you are clearly pooling me in the same group of people, as we are all frustrated with your tactics. to be clear- last set i was running 50/50 jet to turret ratio and still got hit so its not about going all jet. i also didnt whine about that, as it was a single hit unlike your provoking attempts.

Your response now, or lack of trying to work together at all in finding a compromise shows you are definitively just trying to ruin people's set for no reason other than the joy it brings you. As Cathankins referenced in his last thread, if it is widely known someone is intentionally not playing a server as intended maybe hopefully one day that information can help sway change with the dev's/mods so this is no longer a talking about or continuing issue.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 7th 2022, 21:18:32

Originally posted by Joshallenismydaddy:

As Cathankins referenced in his last thread, if it is widely known someone is intentionally not playing a server as intended maybe hopefully one day that information can help sway change with the dev's/mods so this is no longer a talking about or continuing issue.

It is widely known that the players of this game are actually not the ones playing the game as intended by the game owner / developer.

only a handful of people seem to know how to read and play the game per the main page of Earth2025:

Welcome to Earth Empires!
Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to attack and defend against your enemies. EXECUTE ATTACK strategies to RELIEVE opponents of their resources and LAND. Strategically invest in technology to outpace the economies of other countries. Ally with your friends or make new friendships by joining a clan. CONDUCT MILITERY OPERATIONS, govern your country and build your empire.

Continuing the legacy of Earth:2025 - one of the first massive multiplayer browser games - Earth Empires brings a fresh new spin to a classic style of gaming.

Create an account and start playing now!

i fail to see where it says in the game description that the intention of the game is to only farm bots and to not interact with our human player countries......

Edited By: SuperFly on Jul 7th 2022, 21:26:45

Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 7th 2022, 22:50:38

I still don't see your reasoning for why you follow other server politics...but not express. You could find your war partner and have the war you want without affecting others who arent looking for that. If we read that description and interpret it by the letter, you aren't even following. Your not building build a small country just big enough to war and then you look for someone to take down...not for your growth and "building your empire" but just for the harassment of knowing you ruined someone's else's set. You keep it just large enough so you can withstand any attacks and so you can continue the fight, but not at all to the point of building anything substantial or to "outpace the economies of other countries". We have had this discussion for weeks now and not once have you provided any defensible argument. Each way you attempt to turn to skew your points, I offer legit compromise and fair workarounds you refuse to accept. You offer none of your own..just clinging to the idea of causing chaos for the sake of chaos.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2022, 1:43:43

How are you not understanding why this is the optimal war server for me? I wrote clearly above.

Can’t do it in 1a or teams as you are killed by a group.

Would not do it in primary or tournament as those rounds are multiple weeks in length.

Express is a 3 days round and you start all over again.

Just go play one of the other servers already and drop the issue that you have with war in express already….

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 8th 2022, 2:34:52

Rainbows suck!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 8th 2022, 3:37:06

Originally posted by SuperFly:
How are you not understanding why this is the optimal war server for me? I wrote clearly above.

I have acknowledged that. All I said was, instead of continuing to ruin others sets, who play a different style than you but in the same server- go ahead and find a sparring partner ahead of time and setup your war with them. You can do exactly what you want, and it will be even more fun/,competitive for you because it's a fair fight with someone who is properly setup to hit back. We- the other 90% can continue to play our preferred the same server, without negatively affecting each other. What don't you understand about that??
And if you can't find anyone who wants to war, while I know it ultimately means you'll continue your same tactics...also further proves the point that there is less interest in your style than netting. I've acknowledged your not wrong based on the explicit rules of the game, I've just attempted to explain the majority perspective of everyone else.

Give it a shot- If you find a partner, great! If not then I guess we'll expect your continued harassment and defiance of what every single other player wants. I am not saying that to be crass or to make a dig, I'm just being blunt and honest in the basic conclusions that could be drawn from either scenario. I just ask that before your randomly bait players, try and find your war here in the forum and engage from there.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 8th 2022, 5:43:16

There's a saying that if a dog gets a taste for human blood then it needs to put down. I understand that this isn't actually true, but it does seem to apply to the current situation.

Uncle Ted Game profile


Jul 8th 2022, 7:51:44

Originally posted by Slagpit:
There's a saying that if a dog gets a taste for human blood then it needs to put down. I understand that this isn't actually true, but it does seem to apply to the current situation.

Superfly enjoys trashing the player experience on express. He is loud and proud about it. The base has been suffering well over a year now. We keep losing players on this server and it is obviously effecting our enjoyment of the game. Maybe you could email one of the mods, see if they can talk to him. I don't think he can change his behaviors willingly.

Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 8th 2022, 13:36:26

Originally posted by Slagpit:
There's a saying that if a dog gets a taste for human blood then it needs to put down. I understand that this isn't actually true, but it does seem to apply to the current situation.

Metaphorically speaking- i can go grab a shotgun, but so can you because were all in pretend metaphoric-land :)

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2022, 13:57:37

I start a 1vs1 war and stick to that war. Oh the humanity. Yes please continue to blame me about driving players away.

If mods can read previous game messages please look up the message exchange between my self and Cowboy (#22) last set.

That player wrote back that he enjoyed the war and that it was actually a fun change.

Not sure who played that country last set but he didn’t mind.

Edited By: SuperFly on Jul 8th 2022, 14:04:18

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 8th 2022, 13:59:48

Superfly does make a fair point, but the netters who don’t want to war also make a fair point. I actually thought tourney was better for war though since no GDI. I was suicided with spy ops two sets back there and it seems easier to knock people down a level there as well.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2022, 14:00:24

Originally posted by Uncle Ted:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
There's a saying that if a dog gets a taste for human blood then it needs to put down. I understand that this isn't actually true, but it does seem to apply to the current situation.

Superfly enjoys trashing the player experience on express. He is loud and proud about it. The base has been suffering well over a year now. We keep losing players on this server and it is obviously effecting our enjoyment of the game. Maybe you could email one of the mods, see if they can talk to him. I don't think he can change his behaviors willingly.

Pretty sure this game losses more players to banning and from verbal abuse on the forums because most of you “netters” are toxic human beings. Than because Superfly fights a 1vs1 with a random guy in express everyset.

Btw you could ban a long time player like me that farms bots and play all-x and do mindless netter things in other servers but I can bet you that after you ban me you will lose players in 1a from mercs and darkness in teams because we are all hanging in this game due to our little chat group so just goes to prove my point that catering and bending to the will of the toxic netters is what drives players away…

Edited By: SuperFly on Jul 8th 2022, 14:07:49

Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 8th 2022, 14:15:35

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Superfly does make a fair point, but the netters who don’t want to war also make a fair point. I actually thought tourney was better for war though since no GDI. I was suicided with spy ops two sets back there and it seems easier to knock people down a level there as well.

Yes Cath- i think i have come to a better point to understand Super wanting a war, and have tried to find a fair solution so we can all play our preferred style in the same server. Im not sure if he is willing to accept that solution- although it would provide him exactly what he wants. otherwise continuing to farm and bait players is just that. starting a war with someone who isnt playing that style and isnt properly prepared for his immediate AB blast.

I dont see why we cant all get along. netters net, Super can war with whatever willing participants he can find in the forum each set and we can all continue happily. Super- just make a new thread looking for war partners, exchange country info and go for it!

Another fun idea could be a war server- setup similar to express in timeframe/turns but solely for war where its just straight anarchy. im not opposed to war- it can be fun and a server like that could be a blast to play- so long as that is the expectation and you build a country accordingly and the goal is more to get out alive...

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2022, 14:22:14

Originally posted by Joshallenismydaddy:

Another fun idea could be a war server- setup similar to express in timeframe/turns but solely for war where its just straight anarchy. im not opposed to war- it can be fun and a server like that could be a blast to play- so long as that is the expectation and you build a country accordingly and the goal is more to get out alive...

Asked and denied as we already have war servers that the players turned to netting servers. Please see thread:

Btw I am #18 if he any one wants to farm the piss out of me and war…

Joshallenismydaddy Game profile


Jul 8th 2022, 14:25:42

yes- i did see in your other post just above after i wrote my post. but maybe with this additional discussion, and Slag's (small) interest....something could be considered for the future. I would absolutely play that server- i think a lot of people would if its a short set and straight chaos...that you are prepared for. it would be a lot of fun.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 8th 2022, 16:15:18

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Joshallenismydaddy:

As Cathankins referenced in his last thread, if it is widely known someone is intentionally not playing a server as intended maybe hopefully one day that information can help sway change with the dev's/mods so this is no longer a talking about or continuing issue.

It is widely known that the players of this game are actually not the ones playing the game as intended by the game owner / developer.

only a handful of people seem to know how to read and play the game per the main page of Earth2025:

Welcome to Earth Empires!
Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to attack and defend against your enemies. EXECUTE ATTACK strategies to RELIEVE opponents of their resources and LAND. Strategically invest in technology to outpace the economies of other countries. Ally with your friends or make new friendships by joining a clan. CONDUCT MILITERY OPERATIONS, govern your country and build your empire.

Continuing the legacy of Earth:2025 - one of the first massive multiplayer browser games - Earth Empires brings a fresh new spin to a classic style of gaming.

Create an account and start playing now!

i fail to see where it says in the game description that the intention of the game is to only farm bots and to not interact with our human player countries......

I think over time it changed with the times and meta. No game is played as the game maker created it due to each player's own intention and play style.
I don't watch the news..... But I feel the player base has odd intentions going on with each solo server. Take Tourney for example: I played it one set before modding it again. No one over there seemed to have an issue with being LG'd (though I was the receiver of a lot of them). No one likes to LG'd over here.
I don't get it.
Has to be a man thing.

Edited By: galleri on Jul 8th 2022, 18:35:29

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 8th 2022, 16:35:41

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Uncle Ted:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
There's a saying that if a dog gets a taste for human blood then it needs to put down. I understand that this isn't actually true, but it does seem to apply to the current situation.

Superfly enjoys trashing the player experience on express. He is loud and proud about it. The base has been suffering well over a year now. We keep losing players on this server and it is obviously effecting our enjoyment of the game. Maybe you could email one of the mods, see if they can talk to him. I don't think he can change his behaviors willingly.

Pretty sure this game losses more players to banning and from verbal abuse on the forums because most of you “netters” are toxic human beings. Than because Superfly fights a 1vs1 with a random guy in express everyset.

Is this a confession? You were specifically told by a game administrator not to engage in that type of behavior.

I will also note that in this thread, you told a recently returning player to quit the server. That isn't appreciated.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 8th 2022, 16:41:47

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2022, 16:54:50

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Uncle Ted:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
There's a saying that if a dog gets a taste for human blood then it needs to put down. I understand that this isn't actually true, but it does seem to apply to the current situation.

Superfly enjoys trashing the player experience on express. He is loud and proud about it. The base has been suffering well over a year now. We keep losing players on this server and it is obviously effecting our enjoyment of the game. Maybe you could email one of the mods, see if they can talk to him. I don't think he can change his behaviors willingly.

Pretty sure this game losses more players to banning and from verbal abuse on the forums because most of you “netters” are toxic human beings. Than because Superfly fights a 1vs1 with a random guy in express everyset.

Is this a confession? You were specifically told by a game administrator not to engage in that type of behavior.

I will also note that in this thread, you told a recently returning player to quit the server. That isn't appreciated.

Yes I fight a 1vs1 with a random. That is not a confession it’s just stating a fact.

Yes I told a player who is consistently on my case to quit this server and to play one of the other 5 that caters to his specific desire.

This is also a player who started out being toxic and abusive towards me but has now made amends and changed his tone.

Would you have preferred that I do the LaF player way of saying go hang yourself in RL instead of saying quit express and net on another server?

Either way it’s a good thing that sanctions where publicly removed or else I’d be getting banned for fighting a 1vs1 every set in a war game designed to be PvP…

But alas if you all want to lose multiple players than by all means do your thing but it is silly that there are already 5 netting servers and we can’t have just 1 war server on this war game…

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 8th 2022, 18:36:21

SF - you strangely back up only certain players when it fits your same agenda.. You need to drop that "only netters tell people to commit suicide" story.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

BaDonkaDonks Game profile


Jul 8th 2022, 23:11:57

I thought mods weren't supposed to get involved. Stay out of it.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2022, 23:53:07

Originally posted by galleri:
SF - you strangely back up only certain players when it fits your same agenda.. You need to drop that "only netters tell people to commit suicide" story.

I am against all of the unnecessary personal insults - attacks and general insults.

As a player always on the receiving end of them for a text game with such a small player base it’s pretty petty.

Once in awhile I return said insults but it’s unwarranted 95% of the time.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 9th 2022, 0:57:13

My suggestion to address this situation....

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 9th 2022, 12:47:11

I like the war server idea as well, seems there is at least some common ground everyone agrees on here.

Galleri: the reason the netters complain is because on express it is extremely hard to built a country like that. It takes an entire day basically and it takes very little time to wreck it. On tournament we only spend 10 minutes a day so it’s not as much of a gut punch as spending an entire day to get that same outcome.

It’s the time committed (I think) that’s getting people triggered and that’s a great point.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 9th 2022, 14:06:29

Originally posted by Cathankins:
I like the war server idea as well, seems there is at least some common ground everyone agrees on here.

Galleri: the reason the netters complain is because on express it is extremely hard to built a country like that. It takes an entire day basically and it takes very little time to wreck it. On tournament we only spend 10 minutes a day so it’s not as much of a gut punch as spending an entire day to get that same outcome.

It’s the time committed (I think) that’s getting people triggered and that’s a great point.

Bro express is 3 days vs 30 days in tournament. Seems like express is more of a throw away investment

Tmac Game profile


Jul 9th 2022, 17:37:52

People can take days off on tourney and login for a batch explore in a couple minutes. In express people spend hours in about ~3 days building their country. It sucks more to lose your recent effort imo.

I could see it the other way though. If I wanted to mess up a bunch of countries I would prefer a short set so I don't have to deal with the consequences for long.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 9th 2022, 20:25:14

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I like the war server idea as well, seems there is at least some common ground everyone agrees on here.

Galleri: the reason the netters complain is because on express it is extremely hard to built a country like that. It takes an entire day basically and it takes very little time to wreck it. On tournament we only spend 10 minutes a day so it’s not as much of a gut punch as spending an entire day to get that same outcome.

It’s the time committed (I think) that’s getting people triggered and that’s a great point.

Bro express is 3 days vs 30 days in tournament. Seems like express is more of a throw away investment

Don't you suicide 2-5 people every reset on tournament still these days?

I just feel its weird you trying to justify your douchbaggery with "ohh at least Im not doing it in tournament", when you actually are doing the same thing in also in tournament.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 9th 2022, 21:22:11

These days gerdler i suicide every country in tournament and win every round.

Maybe I should do that in 1a to get my win as I barely placed 15th last set.

mac23 Game profile


Jul 9th 2022, 21:35:02

I guess it all depends on who you hit. lol


SuperFly Game profile


Jul 10th 2022, 4:26:51

Originally posted by mac23:
I guess it all depends on who you hit. lol


Of course. Who you hit can either make you or break you here lol

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2022, 21:01:13

It seems to me there are two options:

1. accept that some players will have this play style as it is 100% within the confines of the game design.


2. make changes to the game that only allow the desired play style.

There is no reason to debate this with SF to anyone else. Either accept it, ask for change or move on.
- Premium Patron Member