
NOW3P Game profile


Apr 12th 2010, 13:56:32

It's become fairly obvious that this server is a great refuge for suiciders who think it's fun to AB a country for a grab or two because they don't have the tact or common decency to just try to retal, knowing full well they can hide behind a new name 2-3 days later. I've always been one to say 'to each his own', but this has just gone too far. It has come to the point of driving players out of the game, and has caused fewer and fewer experience players to take interest in the server itself.

I for one, LOVE playing Express. It's a great place to test out strat variations for me, if you screw up you're only 2-3 days from a fresh start, and there are no tags which makes grabbing possible here.

Efforts are being made on the admin level to stop these problems, however it appears to me that player intervention is necessary as well. I understand that some people are just naturally devoid of tact, and need regulatory systems to force them to not be a douche bag at the drop of a hat, but that doesn't mean those people should be tolerated, or made exceptions for, in a functional community. I won't let this server be forced into another all-x server by the few that can't control their selfish instincts

As of the end of the April 8th-12th set, I will be running strictly war countries in EE - all with the sole aim of finding and killing suiciders. If someone grabs you, and you turn around and AB them 50x, you will sign into a dead country. If you missile the hell out of a top 10 country, you will sign into a dead country. If you RoR, or just farm the crap out of smaller countries, you will sign into a dead country. Basically, if you don't show a little bit of maturity and understanding towards the fact that your actions have consequences to yourself and others.....well, I'll just impose the consequences for them so that hopefully they can go back to playing the game the way it's meant to be played.

Now this is not to say I'm out to kill every person who does something not nice, far from it actually. Some level of that is necessary in this game, and quite frankly I'm all for it. However, if you cross the line between playing the game and just trying to ruin someone else's chance to do the same, that's where I come in. I've tested out the formulas for solo killing here pretty well, and believe me it's not a problem.

Anyone interested in joining the fun is welcome to help out, just hit me up and we'll go from there.

Edited By: NOW3P on Apr 12th 2010, 15:53:54

Hobo Game profile


Apr 12th 2010, 13:58:35

I join, I join!

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 12th 2010, 14:00:40

sent ya my contacts Hobo

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 12th 2010, 15:54:43

If you want to join the fun, put "Vigilante" in your country name so I can find you easy....or just PM me your country # so I can send you the naughty list :-)



Apr 12th 2010, 22:49:47


countries in EE?? .. countrieS?

oh, and that, RoR is issues between two countries, a guy farming another is their problem.

if your trying to control the server through threats of killing..

then what makes you different from these suiciders
ICQ 43083642

Hobo Game profile


Apr 12th 2010, 22:54:20

naw, there's a difference between suiciding and farming. Trust me, I can tell.

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 12th 2010, 23:27:02

Not control, Forgotten - just introducing a little bit of responsibility for actions. 1 person could never control the entire server...but if enough suiciders die, they may start to think twice before they wreck some innocent person's set. Think of it like Batman, just without the cool car, cave, belt, suit, butler, etc...

"Countries" as in I have no problem doing this for several sets.

RoR'ing is fine....but retalling w/ 50 AB's over a double tap will tend to catch my attention. I'm perfectly capable of reading the news, as well as distinguishing between suiciding, private wars, and just out right land trading. I'm really only interested in the 1st - I'm not here to babysit teenagers all day.

Additionally, I'll be asking the suicided country's permission to intervene before doing anything just to be sure....

Sheesh, you have gotta be the most negative person I see on these boards....always thinking the worst. No matter though, it's been a long time since I've worried much about individual opinions. We can't all sit back and just criticize every one else's efforts all day when things aren't working....some of us much prefer to step up and actually try to do something about it.



Apr 12th 2010, 23:46:35

no i'm talking about farming,

in your original post.

u had claimed that you would go kill off people that farm people
ICQ 43083642

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 0:16:55

I'm talking about actual farming....not this "Oh noez! I got grabbed 5x, I've been farmed!" BS that all the whiners think is farming. I got 5 tapped this set by a country, and didn't even bother to retal him because it's not enough to even screw up my strat. If you were to hit someone 1/10 your NW 50x w/ SS (think OxKills in Team), yeah I'm probably gonna come knocking on your door unless that country did something to deserve it.

Most likely though, I'll be concentrating primarily on the AB'ers the first set, or the 1 troop GS crowd - whichever draws my attention first....I get distracted by shiny things easily, after all.

In all fairness though, the RoR thing shoulda been left outta my original post - RoR'ing is just trading land, and not really my interest, except in the cases where it's taken to extremes (i.e. Country A grabs Country B, Country B retals, Country A farms the living hell out of Country A)

Edited By: NOW3P on Apr 13th 2010, 0:22:14

Hobo Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 0:35:16

As Herbert B. Swope once said:

"I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure: which is: Try to please everybody."

Edited By: Hobo on Apr 13th 2010, 0:35:24

malykii Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 3:02:38

i like the idea of what you are trying to do, and good luck with it, but im one of those few people that just like to ruin someones set for hitting me. i often create names saying i will suicide it if you hit me, and then do it when someone hits me. sorry, but if you are dumb enough to hit someone with that name and theeen get pissed about... join another server, this is the jungle server hahaha.

<insert welcome to the jungle by G&R /music> ;}
fear the turtles.

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 3:45:01

I'd actually have to agree w/ you on that malykii. If you put it in your name that you're going to suicide if you're hit, and some netter hits you, it's just as much on them as on you. At least you're up front about it so they know what they're getting into. I agree that there has to be some amount of bad things happening in the server, otherwise it's just downright boring...

That's not the type of suicider I'm after.

MorTcuS Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 3:46:56

I finished one of 5 rounds without getting suicided on too much, and i know this server has a huge part of luck in it lol. Just gotta disharm missiles and have more turrets than they have jets and more tanks/troops than they do. And pray no random suicider hits u.
174099715 (not in use)

Steam : wargasm1

malykii Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 4:28:00

mortcus has it right, when i manage to get through a set without people pissing me off, or someone getting pissed at me ;}, its only because of target selection.

you have to know what kind of targets to hit, and what kind of targets to avoid. if i op a country with tons of warfare and some offense i just pass it right up till i find some country with only defense and that i know isn't going to ab me to death. if they have missiles, sorry, those gotta go. that is just part of survival of the fittest haha.
fear the turtles.

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 4:33:37

What if you op a country that has 0 turns (at least in the op), 0 troops, 1k tanks, and some turrets...but the next day that country comes back with 200k tanks and AB's you to hell for a double tap? Not all of the responsibility can be placed on the grabber for not getting suicided - the act itself is done voluntarily, and in plenty of cases it's unwarranted.

That's the type of stuff I'm after - yeah, if you grab a country 3x that has 500k tanks, and you're carrying 5k you're risking getting suicided....although I still don't think it's cool of the suicider to freak out over a triple tap. Take it like a man, and retal it. 3 grabs won't kill your set, 50 AB's will.

jiff69 Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 5:15:12

if your dumb enough to hit a country with 500 k when you only have 5k you deserve everything you get, its a part of the game... its what makes it interesting you have to calculate the pros and cons of doing a lg. at that point when you have 500 k tanks it not a suicide its a deterent.
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

jiff69 Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 5:19:44

I can understand 1 lg.... 2 means war. period. no if ands or buts. 1 you can shrug off 2 the other person is being greedy because they know they can break you. guess what myself and alot of this community would agree. im not defending the people with sole intent on suiciding. but from the bottom feeding I have seen, people on top will dbl tap every person less than half there net worth to get more acres. which is fine but dont cry when someone lets loose all those missles at you, or at least be smart enough to take the missles down
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

jiff69 Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 5:24:32

WHAT IF THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN RETAL IS BY AB"S OTHER PERSON IS TOO BIG, they hit you three times whats a fair trade?
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 14:24:22

Well, fair retals is really defined server to server. In the team/tag servers, a triple tap is where you hit the taboo line - 3 makes ya kinda a jerk, 4 is over the line. I'm fine w/ getting double tapped by a much bigger country, just so long as they don't come back day after day.

I would say if you can't retal the hit at the time, use the fact that you get 1 turn/4 minutes and build up to retal the guy when he's got 2x the land - as of now, 72 hrs is still acceptable retal time here so far as I know. Not so sure there is a fair trade between AB's and SS/PS, although generally 3 grabs gets you at least 5 retals...

Hobo Game profile


Apr 18th 2010, 14:28:15

#120 2 troops GS

MorTcuS Game profile


Apr 18th 2010, 17:50:00

i didnt hit nobody and got missiled over 4k acres and 2k buildings ^^
174099715 (not in use)

Steam : wargasm1

Hobo Game profile


Apr 18th 2010, 18:20:22

welcome to my life lol

gregg Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 16:13:15

why do you say there are no tags on this server?

LaE is out in force every set

u touch an LaE player they come after u

why do u think they use their LaE names?

perfect example this set i kill an LaE player two hours into the set

three hours into the set LaE kills me

that is how this server works

LaE is not just the biggest clan they are the only clan

Edited By: gregg on Apr 22nd 2010, 16:15:49
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

Hobo Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 16:14:07

^wrong forum lol

gregg Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 16:17:11

what do u mean wrong forum?

this is the express server

LaE is here in force

just look at the names and watch how the set unfolds

LaE defends its own
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

mrford Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 16:21:57

"why do u think they use their LaE names?"

are you that stupid?

i have been using the country name "camaroland" for YEARS

just because i use it in LaE, doesnt mean i use it on every other server, doesnt mean that i use it to identify me as LaE, it meand i use it to identify me in general

and LaE is the only clan? god you are dumb. i dont even know how you get dressed in the morning
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

gregg Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 16:29:04

maybe what other clans use clan tactics on this server

identify them and let the moderators know who they are

lets clean this server up
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

MrCobalt Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 19:12:27

What about providing some clear proof that LaE use clan tactics on the server?

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 19:13:45're crimping his style with that whole proof/valid accusations thing!

mrford Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 19:22:24

i dont like express

but ill play for 3p
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 19:39:48

wanna FA me to #1? Not cuz we're in the same clan, just to piss gregg off? :-)

gregg Game profile


Apr 24th 2010, 19:48:59

i understand that this thread is primarily for netters who think that an ss is affront to the natural order of the game

but still even the most ardent pusher of the research button
and the most prodigious seller of cheap troops and tanks

should object to a strategy of nuking players simply because they use lg as a strategy

for the last two sets hobo and mp3 have been nuking the best players in the game simply to turn the express server into a haven for netters

i have read their justification for doing so
the use of the derisive term suicider for anyone who uses ss

frankly the justification is insufficient

i know most responses to this post will be juvenile drivel
totally off point and replete with name calling
but if u could manage a thoughtful reply i would appreciate it
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

cml87 Game profile


Apr 25th 2010, 1:17:13

In my opinion, i think what you guys are doing is a disgrace. All you inexperienced players gathering together just because you cant defend a country on your own, what a joke. Maybe you guys should learn to play on your own rather than rely on other peoples countries

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 25th 2010, 21:57:08

gregg - once again, your attempts to use big words have drawn you completely off topic. If I see hobo nuking a country, he'll go on my list just like the rest.....just like you did this morning for firing off missiles after begging to be left alone when you had less than 1k pop left from suiciding someone OOP for a hard on you have for them on another server.

cml87 - try reading the thread before posting next time. This has nothing to do with folks getting LG'ed. I don't care what country build you come up with, I absolutely guarantee you that if someone wanted to suicide you with it, they'd find a way. Also, I am far from inexperienced - and I am acting alone with only my own country.

gregg Game profile


Apr 26th 2010, 5:54:42

"if i see hobo nuking countries he will go on my list"

check the news and then look at this statement

Fact: hobo had already fired well over a dozen missiles at the time of the post
"after begging to be left alone"

what LaE delirium is this?
who can fathom the mysteries of these guys psyches?

crna as u know if u have followed express for any of the last three sets is the main LaE enforcer on the express server
i have killed him two of the last three sets
i killed c r o a t i a 3x in one set
does any sane person really think LaE would leave me alone if they thought they could do something to me?
the concept is laughable on its face

did LaE ever leave me alone? look at the record they have trying in their usual inefficient manner to retal for the multiple deaths of cobalt and c r o a t i a and crna

did i promise not to kill cobalt a third time this set ? yes
because i want c r o a t i a's record of three deaths to stand and i dont want some minor LaE flack to tie the record

i want the record to stand with one of LaE's stars

"suiciding someone"

FACT u can not suicide someone else

i did not suicide i committed cobalticide he died twice in two days
LaE uses the term suicide but they apparently do not know the meaning of the word it is no wonder now3p is baffled
i apologize to now3p for using words he can not fully comprehend but he is not my target audience
these posts are intended for thoughtful articulate readers


hatred u have "for them on another server"

i want to clear up this misconception
i do not despise LaE for what they have done to FFA
i depise LaE for what they have done and are doing to Express
as evidence i would offer the clear fact that i have been killing LaE on this server long before i joined a clan on FFA
anyone who has followed express knows that to be true


thx for reading this
any thoughtful responses appreciated

Edited By: gregg on Apr 26th 2010, 5:56:36
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 26th 2010, 6:22:59

How's that tough guy act working out for you this round gregg? You build up them acres yet? I'm a lot more fun to play with when I'm actually around to run my turns. :-)

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 26th 2010, 15:27:38

He's dead (again), Donny ;-)

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 26th 2010, 15:31:57

You can call your suiciding whatever you want. It's not gonna change how people react to it. If you attack unprovoked (i.e. Killing a country that has not attacked you OOP), you will be treated as a suicider. Kill as many countries as you like... I've been restarting a long time, and will always come back to slow you down at the very least...I can guarantee you I'm a helluva lot harder to kill when you hit me when I'm around to play my turns though. If you think you're a tough guy all of a sudden because you've killed 2 countries of mine that hadn't been running turns, go for it....not gonna hurt my feelings any, believe me.

It's funny enough to me that the countries you're so proud of killing come back with the same name every single set as wide open targets for suiciders like you despite your efforts, while you hide behind a new name every set, that I'm not gonna let it bother me at all.

Oh, and I couldn't resist:

"I wanted the record to stand with one of LaE's stars"

Thanks for displaying even more ignorance of what you're talking about. If you had any idea who those players are, or what their history is, you'd know how funny your BS excuse for asking for mercy is to those of us that have been around for a bit. C R O A T I A especially is about as new to LaE as one can get, and comes from a VERY different background than most other LaE'ers....a background that most in LaE probably wouldn't appreciate if they really thought about it, and/or cared.

"does any sane person really think LaE would leave me alone if they thought they could do something to me?"
Message from XXXXXXXXXXX (#XXX) sent on 04/23/2010 16:48:59

"ok i just promised coba free passage for the rest of the set (insert: Coba = reference to Mr. Cobalt, who Gregg suicided OOP. Gregg restarted and was on his way to his 2nd country dying when he sent this)

but if there is any LaE silliness

i will endeavor though i may fail to execute him again"

less than 12 hrs later, after all involved had agreed to let you be and 0 hits on your country from any country affiliated with LaE in FFA....

3.6 Days Ago
A missile from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (#XXX) destroyed 53 acres of land.
3.6 Days Ago
A missile from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (#XXX) destroyed 53 acres of land.
3.6 Days Ago
A missile from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (#XXX) destroyed 53 acres of land.
3.6 Days Ago
A missile from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (#XXX) destroyed 53 acres of land.
3.6 Days Ago
A missile from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (#XXX) destroyed 53 acres of land.

Just in case you were wondering why you are on the kill lists on a regular basis, I guess.....and for the record, it wasn't an LaE player that finished you off this time....just someone else who thinks your hard on for LaE'ers in this server is ridiculous.

Sorry you haven't come to fully understand the game or its politics yet - I'll be happy to keep making sure you die quickly until you do.

If it helps you shrink your hard-on for suiciding LaE'ers who you have some massive conspiracy theory about though, perhaps you'll be glad to know that Hobo is now on my watch list as well, and will get his when the time is right. Sorry, some of us don't have quite as much stalker time as you do to watch every news entry on the server......

Think whatever you want of me. So long as you suicide countries unprovoked (LaE or not, don't matter to me, it's my 1st reset w/ them, and I only know a few folks there FYI), I will be there to make sure you fight someone who's actually looking for a fight.

Edited By: NOW3P on Apr 26th 2010, 15:56:33

jiff69 Game profile


May 20th 2010, 20:52:50

Im sure the game politics have taken Earth really far, as were down to a record low # of members maybe its time to rethink your plan about everbody being in LAE.... At least till the Numbers come up.
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

NOW3P Game profile


May 20th 2010, 21:27:25

This server has nothing to do with LaE. How do you guys not get that through your thick skulls? We don't recruit here, we only cooperate here when gregg pops up with another crappy suicider country aimed specifically at LaE'ers, and we don't push clan politics here. Hell....outta my 6 pacts last set, 1 was with another LaE'er. One who I've played with in numerous clans in every server.

I'm sure it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that suiciders have pushed tons of netters out of the server because there's no chance of grabbing here w/o getting suicided on by some dipfluff who doesn't care about anyone but himself though, could it? Mark my words - when the suiciding goes down, numbers on the server will go back up.

ffs...some people really need to grow up.

Deerhunter Game profile


May 21st 2010, 19:01:30

NOW3P- i think you got your priorities all screwed up... No one made you captain of the set or chief. I think your nuts for thinking you are the judge... All you are trying to do is legitimize your lust for killing countries... You are no better than anyone else. You said to ""Vigilante" in your country name"???? Dude- you are no better.... There is a reason people go nuts when their always getting farmed. And if someone gets gsed with 1 troop 50 times for farming someone- well, maybe they should plug the holes in their country before they farm people...

There are so manny retarded hitters out there who hit for 60-90 acres earily 2-3 times- when theyd gain the same amount of land exploring... But i respect that they hit- its part of the game. So is suiciding... Basically- for every pank like you out there there will be people like me ready to come for your country too....
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

NOW3P Game profile


May 21st 2010, 19:21:49

DH - I'm not worried about the ones that go nuts when they get farmed repeatedly, nor do I consider myself a "judge" of the server. Please try reading an entire thread before posting.

If you want to come after me, feel free. I'm always up for trading some hits. So long as jerk offs like you are driving players out of the server because the only response you can come up with to a double tap is to AB the hitter 50x, I'm gonna be hanging around....and it's gonna take the likes of a hell of a lot better than you to get rid of me.

Edited By: NOW3P on May 21st 2010, 19:23:00

jiff69 Game profile


May 21st 2010, 19:56:03

Wow this is funny DH has it out for me and you
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

Deerhunter Game profile


May 21st 2010, 22:40:14

Look, i got double tapped already this set and im now allis with the guy who hit me... The problem i have is with people who think they can run perfect netting countries with major holes in them... If you want to finish top 10- you should have a decent spal, you should have SOME SDI and weapons tech... You should also carry a fair amount of troops and turrets so your country is not open to a blind attack... The people with 0 deff deserve what they get... Learn the lesson...
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

NOW3P Game profile


May 21st 2010, 23:22:09

DH - I think maybe you're completely misunderstanding my intentions.

The whole carry SOME of everything argument holds a little bit of water, and I agree with you to an extent....but I defy you to show me a country I can't break in some form or another on this server if I wanna suicide it. That argument only holds water w/ the folks who get suicided w/ 100k or less troops on hand at the end of the set, or similar's not a blanket protection argument for suiciders.

Deerhunter Game profile


May 22nd 2010, 23:37:48

looks like 111 suicided on #14... what you goin gto do about it???
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

jiff69 Game profile


May 23rd 2010, 0:00:59

Message from The Man In Black (#14) sent on 05/22/2010 23:53:09
Report this message
Well im glad to know who you are jeff69 but i still dont know you. It was fun ruining your set thats all i can say... I am Deerhunter what are you going to do about it?
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

Deerhunter Game profile


May 23rd 2010, 0:05:08

lol- dibs is good with the copy paste...
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

jiff69 Game profile


May 23rd 2010, 0:41:14

im not dibs, you Dumbass im Jiff69
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

jiff69 Game profile


May 23rd 2010, 0:43:24

your going to post this in My Forums and then cry in The suicide help forum when your getting dropped like no tommorow?

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
jiff69- your not a netter- you are a wimp and a crybaby... post your country name in express this next set and i will suicide/ destroy your country... And you just try to hurt any country i run in any other server. You are a pank noob and this is me calling your BS bluff... Put up or shut up!!!
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos