Jan 21st 2012, 15:32:40
DH you actually have no legit reason to dislike me other than the fact that you top fed me like 3 resets ago and i berated you for doing so.
whats your excuse? oh you were purple and i dislike cheaters. dude stfu. me being purple has nothing to do and does not affect you in anyway. omg, so i cost you from finishing 50th and made you drop one rank to 51st. booo fcking hoo.
and because of that, you have this vendetta against me.
going all jetter/topfeeding is frowned upon in this game to begin with, so the fact that you have all this beef over YOU making a mistake is rather sad. dont worry though, you can talk the talk about how tough you are and how youre gonna call me out, but the fact of the matter is, we all know youre the pansy.
you need to FS me to win. i rarely get into wars, so im not as adept at that as netgaining, but you still cant beat me without an FS... thats said that the self proclaimed tough guy war general with the biggest baddest country cannot reveal himself, until he FSes.
just sad. really. i know you were neglected as a child and have a small pen!s but its okay... one day someone will love you. one day.
and frankly, because of this (and your gay sig) dude, no on believes that youre tough, and have been in 50 fights or so you say... fighting with a 5 year old in the astro jump doesnt really count... this thread, as well as your persona make anything that comes out of your mouth impossible to believe.
furthermore, you think you are going to run me out of this game? hardly... and you whine and b1tch about why i con people into giving me free tech and GS, ITS SIMPLY TO LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD BECAUSE I HAVE TO DEAL WITH 5 fluffS LIKE YOU every reset.
do you understand? i even put it in bold for you.
heres the problem. you think youre going to run me out of the game... naw. but if you see some shady stuff happening in the next few resets, the entire earth community has YOU TO THANK for it...
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The way my 30m got busted was the ultimate in nobility and self-sacrifice because I could have simply canceled the alliance but I was too big a person to do so.