
ebert00 Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 3:51:14

you died. k, thanks, bye!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 14th 2018, 4:16:54

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

trumpoz Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 4:17:41

Ahh the ebert chest beating on Express I missed this arrogance.

Shame Im not playing this reset.

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 4:29:50

This is why you aren't able to net anymore. There are 30 people playing express, and 10 of them know you're a douche.

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 4:32:49

{the other 20 don't know their ass from hole in the ground)

PaperTiger Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 5:43:59

It was me... I failed. I had 3 bills in cash 4 in stock, ez top 3. A retal so much later in set was annoying. (I grab 300 he retals 1600) So i farmed him. He stocked, I didnt buy troops (enough @ 1m?) Well done i couldve walled EZ if it wasnt my friends reunion gf bday party thingy.
GJ I thought MAYBE I could get a win.

ebert00 Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 6:03:06

dirtysquirrel, go back to sucking nuts. you are scum and 90% of all the servers agree you are trash.

as for paper tiger, if you are land grabbing people and thinking you will come out on top, you are wrong. any self respecting player would have done the same thing I did. if you grab me, I retal you when i darn feel like it. if you retal my retal, just bend over because it is coming in fast and hard.

I dont really try to net anymore as breaking the nw record is pretty well impossible with the current environment. I went for the all explore challenge this round. I wont win that because i did a kr and switched governments lol. it was fun anyway.

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 10:27:12

Is it not as fun when you have to buy turrets?

And paper tiger, don't exaggerate.

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 14th 2018, 10:59:02

The "don't RoR" concept just seems so difficult for PT to grasp. lol.

Banks Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 14th 2018, 11:04:33

Originally posted by ebert00:
dirtysquirrel, go back to sucking nuts. you are scum and 90% of all the servers agree you are trash.

as for paper tiger, if you are land grabbing people and thinking you will come out on top, you are wrong. any self respecting player would have done the same thing I did. if you grab me, I retal you when i darn feel like it. if you retal my retal, just bend over because it is coming in fast and hard.

I dont really try to net anymore as breaking the nw record is pretty well impossible with the current environment. I went for the all explore challenge this round. I wont win that because i did a kr and switched governments lol. it was fun anyway.

I wondered wth you were doing. I thought maybe the rules changed. lol!

trumpoz Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 11:07:03

Originally posted by ebert00:
I dont really try to net anymore as breaking the nw record is pretty well impossible with the current environment.

An environment where you need turrets?

This is almost as Gerdler's "I cant win if I carry adequate defense".

PaperTiger Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 15:10:37

I could have bought 7m troops ez. Im not exaggerating.
It was just poor timing, and i didnt care enough to defend, as I was so out of range (my opinion) it was impossible.

ebert00 Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 15:46:04

pt, you had 800 mill cash on hand, not 3 billion. sure you could have bought 8 million troops and then your finish would have sucked because of military costs and food consumption. I still would have killed you. someone can correct me if I am wrong. but i believe i have only failed 1 kill run. that was a while ago and was because they had alerts setup. it does not take much to wall. u run 10 turns and it is impossible to get a kill.

drkprinc Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 16:35:25

Trumpos and DS have no idea how to play the game so they don't get it, if you are competing for top NW you have to weigh risk over expense of units, something that completely fly's over their heads. ANYONE can run high turrets and not get hit and get the fattest land but they won't even finish top 10 with that build.
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 19:28:30

Correct drk. No understanding at all. You're very attuned to my performances.

I'm pretty sure you failed on me ebert, but because you over extended and went for a weaker target first, not because I set up alerts.

Papertiger you're very full of fluff.

Edited By: DirtySquirrel83 on Oct 14th 2018, 19:32:58
See Original Post

trumpoz Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 19:49:59

Originally posted by drkprinc:
Trumpos and DS have no idea how to play the game so they don't get it, if you are competing for top NW you have to weigh risk over expense of units, something that completely fly's over their heads. ANYONE can run high turrets and not get hit and get the fattest land but they won't even finish top 10 with that build.

Of course I realise the whole thing is risk vs reward in minimising ever expense to maximise production. There is running adequate defense and there is running defense based on prayer and inflating your nw with a large tech base to give the illusion on the scores list of more defense. The fact that people lament that they it is too risky to run low def strategies because they are forced to interract with humans (by getting grabbed) is just lame. The game dynamics change every reset depending on who is playing each reset - something that has a quick turnaround.