
shanelee Game profile


Sep 27th 2011, 4:51:50

Hi guy, I'm back for this week Express.

But will not be active like before.

Any idea what strategy for this week?

I hear last week military have solid price.

And I miss it.....

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 27th 2011, 7:06:55

Can't help,its my first week back,since 04' and people complaint about tech being undercut severly and all around from reading the boards,seems it was a "weird" set :/
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

bertz Game profile


Sep 27th 2011, 7:09:23

shaneey ;)

Rob Game profile


Sep 27th 2011, 17:24:07

Just dont tech. Just dont. Dont.

Casher FTW!!

shanelee Game profile


Sep 29th 2011, 3:38:07

either military or tech also cheap !!!!

Go for cashier !!!


EE Patron

Sep 30th 2011, 21:44:13

Check out the military prices right now!
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

shanelee Game profile


Oct 1st 2011, 0:30:09

oil have a very nice price

I'm commie with tons of military which no oil to grab >.<

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 1st 2011, 0:46:42

Tech is below 2k :( sux for me!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!


EE Patron

Oct 1st 2011, 2:52:31

I checked and I had money for 8 turns, so I took a few and then boom, random negative income event, sucks out all my money and I get riots and lose 80k networth. Haha
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 1st 2011, 3:23:49

Been there,blid!,seems like the server is inclined to hit us with a random negative when we least can handle it!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

shanelee Game profile


Oct 1st 2011, 17:29:31

Thats why I never risk for it.

But this morning was suck on same situation.

Left 10 turns bushels. I think should be able to last for at least 8 turns. I doing a extreme stupid thing which tear down 500 farms and run my 8 turns. In 8 turns I have the Random positive impact which produce additional industrial.

BUT my networth is even lower than before I run my turn.


EE Patron

Oct 1st 2011, 20:23:18

I never even thought about it before, never considered that the random neg event could make you go broke on money/food. So I was kind of taken by shock/surprise... I'll not cut it so close next anymore.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Marco Game profile


Oct 2nd 2011, 3:44:20

Keep thinking I'm seeing shammy

shanelee Game profile


Oct 2nd 2011, 15:25:33

2011-10-02 02:29:47 PS Innocent Hostility (#137) shaney99 (#99) 2008A (2962A)

2011-10-02 14:32:10 PS Obvious Troll (#22) shaney99 (#99) 1728A (2548A)

Oh mum, is pain....

I hate those jetter lol.....

shanelee Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 0:01:09

1 shaney99 (#99) 19,380 $20,989,704 CG
2 C R O A T I A (#43) 18,747 $18,590,182 D
3 Ravens Send the Jets Home Crying (#76) 13,048 $17,844,565 DG
4 Walls Of Stalingrad (#72) 10,515 $17,634,725 HG
5 pocket pool (#59) 7267 $16,902,339 DG
6 Whack and Blite (#7) 14,895 $16,786,075 HG
7 Out of idea for names (#54) 14,341 $15,269,145 CG
8 Crazy Weather (#73) 9587 $15,124,284 RG
9 VivaLuatioN (#90) 9706 $15,116,260 HG
10 The Spoon (#16) 13,138 $14,916,099 CG

11 DeathGod (#47) 7614 $14,570,228 HG
12 Obvious Troll (#22) 18,329 $14,079,343 CG
13 Shamsey SuPsuP (#94) 16,621 $14,005,354 FG
14 Angelina Holie (#6) 6258 $13,983,577 HG
15 firesd (#28) 11,747 $13,891,262 DG
16 Im a Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost (#107) 12,744 $13,815,777 FG
17 ShadowReaper (#10) 10,415 $13,548,760 HG
18 xxxThexAmishxRiflexxx (#15) 19,960 $13,526,453 I
19 Oden (#53) 13,141 $13,334,343 CG
20 Hard Knock Life (#103) 15,610 $12,836,119 CG

shanelee Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 0:04:06

OmG !! Crotia just below me !!!

BoneSaw number 4
Blid number 6
Oldman number 7

Nick you have a nice shoot, first set return make number 9.

Congrates everyone...


EE Patron

Oct 3rd 2011, 0:04:06

Congrats Shaney, you win despite two jetters attacking you for kicks!

I'm not sure why the scores were so terrible this round. It was not a great round for techers, I know that, but only one player above 20m is an all time worst afaik. I'm sorry I blew $500mm toying with the mil tech market, but hey, it's a learning experience.

Edited By: blid on Oct 3rd 2011, 0:35:12
See Original Post
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

oldman Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 0:04:23

Lol you won, i ended up 7th despite losing 15k buildings with 350 turns to go. Would have won it if not for that.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 0:05:39

WHOOT! WHOOT! I finished NUMBER 1!

Most land and most land grabbed! In your face Shane! LOL.

Congrats by the way.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 3rd 2011, 0:08:13

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!


EE Patron

Oct 3rd 2011, 0:09:24

Did anyone notice the terrible mil tech prices? Haha, that's because I bought all the tech selling below $2500 for the last 24 hours. Then I sold it all for $999!
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 0:11:16

LMFAO! Way to go Blid.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 3rd 2011, 0:11:33

Tech was sad,all week!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!


EE Patron

Oct 3rd 2011, 0:18:46

Two rounds of tech fail in a row. I have a theory about why it's failing lately. It's because it doesn't move in as high volumes as food or military... therefore, it will sit on the market for over 30 minutes without any buyers happening upon it, but meanwhile, other techers can undercut in 30 minutes thanks to the short delivery times. So it's just constant series of undercutting before people decide to buy. I noticed this round, two times overnight tech SOLD OUT completely, so there certainly wasn't an overabundance of it, and yet it sold at terrible prices nevertheless.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 0:26:07

The problem with tech I theorize is the GDI in Express. In other servers you can diversify and hedge your bets with all the other techs. In Express, you are stuck with bus/res/agric/ind for the most part. Mil towards the end. No one cares for SDI, medical, spy and the others.

If you get in a war and need medical or SDI or warfare, you can't find it cause no one makes it. And by the time a techer realizes that there is a market for those, you are already dead.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

mdemon Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 0:26:42

I had a horrible set...

At least I got the facist/olier out of my system... and I got to kill someone for the first time =D

gratz guys and wow gogy, very impressive... I guess you are improving.

Mooker1 Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 0:33:58

I finished in the top 10 for the first time.....woohooooo! The Spoonnnnnnnnn!

crest23 Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 0:39:36

CROATIA spied me at the end and wised up to hit someone else. He wouldn't have ended with that much land for sure if he had hit me.
The Nigerian Nightmare.


EE Patron

Oct 3rd 2011, 0:47:57

Peter Pan hit Innocent Hostility in the last 30 minutes, killed 200k of my nw.

Also, is it just me, or did Ravens beat Jets change his gov type in the last few hours from R to D??? I cannot imagine that paying off.

Edited By: blid on Oct 3rd 2011, 0:50:48
See Original Post
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 1:36:09

I didn't play this set...but I can't believe 20M won...must have been a weird market. Congrats Shaney.

I won't be able to play much this week, but I guess I have to give it a shot.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 2:33:50

I lost quite a bit of NW due to Peter Pan hitting Innocent Hostility, I promptly "retalled" him.

My goal was to finish as the highest NW none GDI country, CROATIA pulled one pretty quickly on me.

Ravens switched, then jumped. Probably put his stock on the market 1st and switched to take advantage of Demo benefits.

His goods must have sold at the end cos he lost about 400K NW at the end.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

richprez Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 3:48:31

Would have had a great finish but someone decided to ab and chem me to death for no reason. #96 what was your point?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 3rd 2011, 6:52:52

96....rings a bell...
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

shanelee Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 8:17:19

Thanks guy.

I can see this set was really bad as almost all top country were hitted by jetter or suicider.

Seriously I would able to make more networth like 25 or more. However Innocent Hostility you are doing great job for top feed me.

I'm not sure how long you had camp for it, but I just put my 3M turrets on market for sales, and 5 minute later you come to visit me.

As a enemy I will still praise your nice move. You open the way for the second hit to coming.

bertz Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 8:38:08

gratz shaney :D
Piece of my land were on your country. lol

crest23 Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 10:44:23

He camped for a day or so. Once he started jetting up, I figured it was you or silent scream he wanted to hit, when I saw him pass the 6 million mark, I knew it was you. At 8 mill jets, I was like this is crazy numbers here, way to much in my opinion, but I don;t think he had offensive allies, so I offered him one.

Grabbing after that for me became a piece of cake, as #124 and #138 can testify to :-)
The Nigerian Nightmare.

maverickmd Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 12:43:44

hey im in there for the 5th top 10 in a row. Can you find my all explore techer?

elmerjr Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 13:06:09

top 1 only 20M i shud have played on this set and might be on top 10! hehe

crest23 Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 13:35:03

I doubt you are in the top ten mav, I don't recall seeing any thread you created whining about getting double tapped or losing 750 acreas.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

diez Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 17:10:52

NW is super low this set lol

maverickmd Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 18:18:41

Because it wasnt a top feed.

shanelee Game profile


Oct 3rd 2011, 18:37:28

diez, come play together.

I'm sure you will win lol.

bertz Game profile


Oct 4th 2011, 1:36:19

he won't. I will kill diez's country :D