
NOW3P Game profile


Jul 15th 2011, 17:11:01

still rather counter-productive to the point you were trying to make - doesn't really matter WHAT KIND of douche bag you were being.

Pain Game profile


Jul 15th 2011, 17:39:28

while i do feel bad for people who get suicided on for no reason i DONT feel bad for people who cant be bothered to join GDI.

and all explore country can join GDI at any point in the set. theres no excuse to be being killed randomly in this game. none.
Your mother is a nice woman

Kingme Game profile


Jul 15th 2011, 17:45:42

Originally posted by Pain:
while i do feel bad for people who get suicided on for no reason i DONT feel bad for people who cant be bothered to join GDI.

and all explore country can join GDI at any point in the set. theres no excuse to be being killed randomly in this game. none.

What about the new players that may not know about GDI yet? You don't think it's a problem that they are being killed for no reason?

Pain Game profile


Jul 15th 2011, 17:50:56

when you create a country it brings you to a page stating this

Gameplay Differences

Turns come at an extremely rapid rate and the total length of each round is only five days.
>>>>There is a special form of GDI that protects players from unprovoked special attacks. See the GDI page for more information.<<<<<<
Players can specify how long unsold goods remain on the market before returning home.
Players can buy and sell oil barrels on the private market.

no excuse.
Your mother is a nice woman

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 15th 2011, 21:03:13

So Pain, you really think the biggest problem in an all explore country being killed by multiple countries for no reason is that the guy didn't join GDI?

Kingme Game profile


Jul 15th 2011, 21:13:36

Originally posted by Pain:
when you create a country it brings you to a page stating this

Gameplay Differences

Turns come at an extremely rapid rate and the total length of each round is only five days.
>>>>There is a special form of GDI that protects players from unprovoked special attacks. See the GDI page for more information.<<<<<<
Players can specify how long unsold goods remain on the market before returning home.
Players can buy and sell oil barrels on the private market.

no excuse.

Wow, I guess you've never made a mistake in your career in EE... especially when you were new.

Schilling Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 1:04:51

Regardless of other peoples opinions, Rockman, I'm sorry to see you go. You're good competition for the server. :)

On another note, suiciding is an issue with the game especially against non-GDI countries. I was in the top 10 on the last set up until the last 8 hours with an all explore cash republic. I got turned into a parking lot. My crime: Not joining the GDI. In fact, the individual that did it made a point to send me a message stating that "I'm teaching idiots like you the importance of using GDI." The obvious solution is to just join the GDI but I think it's sad that we have players that are predators of non GDI countries making it a necessity in the first place. This player in particular was running a rainbow strategy, obviously showing he had no skill whatsoever which I've heard is common among the suiciders.

I know some of you haven't dealt with this yet, but as more of us use GDI to protect against it, we will have suiciders that declare war simply to suicide. My guess is, they'll target top 10 countries, since they can't make it there in the first place and it will be completely random.

I don't think it's the responsibility of the game mods to keep introducing new rules/codes to prevent these bad things from happening to the more skilled players. Our best bet is just to acknowledge that Express is a whole different style of game play, and fortify/play our countries accordingly.


Pain Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 1:18:34

Originally posted by NOW3P:
So Pain, you really think the biggest problem in an all explore country being killed by multiple countries for no reason is that the guy didn't join GDI?

yes i do. some people play the server to kill things. the GDI was put in place so both types of players could play the same server and not ruin each others gameplay. you telling people they cant kill on this server is the same as someone who wants to kill telling someone they cant net on this server. the whole point of this server is to test stuff out because of the rapid turn rate. killing is an aspect of the game that could have new techniques tested.

you can argue til you are blue in the face, but thats the truth of the matter
Your mother is a nice woman

Pain Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 1:19:33

Originally posted by Kingme:
Originally posted by Pain:
when you create a country it brings you to a page stating this

Gameplay Differences

Turns come at an extremely rapid rate and the total length of each round is only five days.
>>>>There is a special form of GDI that protects players from unprovoked special attacks. See the GDI page for more information.<<<<<<
Players can specify how long unsold goods remain on the market before returning home.
Players can buy and sell oil barrels on the private market.

no excuse.

Wow, I guess you've never made a mistake in your career in EE... especially when you were new.

ive made mistakes, yes. and ive paid for them without quitting the game. whats your point exactly?
Your mother is a nice woman

Rockman Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 1:43:40

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by NOW3P:
So Pain, you really think the biggest problem in an all explore country being killed by multiple countries for no reason is that the guy didn't join GDI?

yes i do. some people play the server to kill things. the GDI was put in place so both types of players could play the same server and not ruin each others gameplay. you telling people they cant kill on this server is the same as someone who wants to kill telling someone they cant net on this server. the whole point of this server is to test stuff out because of the rapid turn rate. killing is an aspect of the game that could have new techniques tested.

you can argue til you are blue in the face, but thats the truth of the matter

If by netgaining I end up killing countries without provocation, then yes, its the same as telling me I can't netgain.

Fact is, netgaining and hitting a country once for less than 5% of its land is very different than hitting a country a couple hundred times and killing it just because I'm a douchebag.

You know what would be similar? If the moderators wanted to test out deletion techniques, and would randomly delete people's countries, rather than only deleting people for cause. That is similar to killing a country without cause.

Moderators deleting countries just because we're douchebags and we're bored and want to see how people react to being deleted would not be right. Neither is it right for people to kill another person's country without provocation.

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 2:34:05

I honestly feel sorry for you if that's how you get your jollies, Pain.

Where's the challenge in beating up the fat kid that obviously has no interest in a fight, likely not much ability to fight back, and just wants to be left alone to do his own thing with no consequence to you? Last I heard, not being a member of GDI is not an all inclusive indication that someone's looking to have a war.

As you yourself said, there are plenty of people here who play to kill things that would likely be more than happy to trade hits with someone looking for a war - or is hitting a country that you know full well won't fight back, and pissing on their otherwise peaceful set a better release of that pesky angst?

Lemme see if I can aid Rock in real world situations that folks around here might be able to grasp....

Dear Citizen,

We're sorry that you've been mugged and shot recently. You should know that New York City is a place where people come to rob and shoot people. With this in mind, had you not wanted to be mugged, you should not have come to New York City, and certainly should have never left your home after dusk as this is the primary method of protection which has been provided for you by the NYPD. By choosing to leave your home after dusk, you have forfeited all rights to fair and hospitable treatment at the hands of your peers.

This situation is clearly your fault and nobody else's, as we in New York City don't believe in taking responsibility for our own actions, and much prefer to blame someone else for our irreverence towards others and ignorance to the full extent of our decisions.


New Yorkers

Edited By: NOW3P on Jul 16th 2011, 5:32:10
See Original Post

iNouda Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 7:35:05

/me likes :D

Let me further clarify the facts for Rockman since he's obviously targeting me for camping + he's a douchebag :(

1. Those two hits you posted, were last hit aka camped kills where the ONLY hits I made was the last hit.
2. Not mention the fact that, of the 3 killed, 2 were under 600 acres to begin with. Hence the landkills.
3. If you're in GDI and you double or triple tap, expect to be fluffed over when the person you overtapped switches from netting to AB/BR. That risk has always existed.
4. If you TRULY want to net, join GDI.
5. IF you're an actual noob, you'll learn about it the next time around. I know I did after my express where I got fluffed over by people who thought they could hit me without repercussions. So I joined GDI for the next set.
6. The rules state that one may not participate in organized killruns (I didn't).
7. If chilling in the express news room looking for interesting hits is wrong then please, remove the news room.
8. 95% of the kills on this server, were on countries that chose NOT to get into GDI.
9. If the admins wanted this to be a pure netting server, they'd have coded it so that special attacks weren't possible.

So STFU Rockman. Just because you have a shiny new forum nametag, doesn't make you any better than the rest of us. You're not a moderator/admin/anyone with any real power. Get your head out of your ass.

Pain Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 9:05:11

first off nowie, i dont kill people on this server so please dont group me with "those guys". its not my fault i can have an unbiased arguement about something. all im saying is i dont feel bad for people who try to play on the edge and skip GDI. do you have any proof these people that are getting killed are in fact new players or are you just assuming because the country isnt in GDI its because they dont know what it is or are new at the game.

pretty rash ASSumption.

if you think its such an issue, why not push for automatic GDI for all countries? i use GDI whenever i play this server so its no skin off my back
Your mother is a nice woman

alexbajd Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 18:51:55

People complained about the rough and tumble aspects of this server (and Primary) until the special GDI rules were implemented. Fine. We now have a system where you can completely avoid the complained-about problems by joining GDI with a simple click.

But now our group of resident whiners is complaining about what might happen if they "forget" to join GDI. Really??? Have we really set the complexity bar too high? What comes next? A thread complaining about the unfairness of getting farmed if you "forget" to buy any turrets?

Seriously, we now have a format that should accommodate any playing style. If what we have is still too rough for you, it might be time for you to switch to FarmVille.

Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock.

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 21:35:49

Pain - I'm not really saying you specifically do those things - the term "you" was used in a general sense as you are defending "those guys", so you are thereby lumped in with "those guys" as you appear to share at least a good portion of their mentality.

Also, for those of you expounding on the wonderful merits of GDI and its ability to let people net in peace - how exactly do you propose they gain protection from countries like #38?

GDI is not the answer to douche bags being douche bags, sorry.

alexbajd - please try to understand the issue before you comment on it. That is far from the primary issue under discussion here, just a side bit for trolls to latch onto.

Edited By: NOW3P on Jul 16th 2011, 21:39:02
See Original Post

Iovan Game profile


Jul 17th 2011, 0:23:01

Seems to me like some crybabies want to enforce a particular play style on everyone and are inflating a problem that barely exists in the first place. I would also like to point out that it's pretty much impossible to stop douche bags in any game. You can limit their ability but at the same time you often limit the enjoyment of legitimate players as a result. GDI is currently a good answer to this issue and "they won't know to join it" is a stupid counter to it.

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 18th 2011, 18:19:31

You haven't played on this server very long have you, Iovan?

Iovan Game profile


Jul 18th 2011, 21:51:51

I've played express for years on e2025 before earth empires and I've played 11 express sets since I found out about earth empires a few months ago. I've finished in the top 60 on all my sets so far, 3 times in the top 20, 5 times in the top 30, and 8 times in the top 40. More than half of my sets were me experimenting with different builds (mainly timing of builds, etc.)

I'm not some super player or anything. I feel my analysis on the current express server situation is valid though. My best runs were with GDI but the three runs I did that were not with GDI (except for one Facism oiler experiment) didn't turn out horrible. I wasn't plagued with assholes or witnessed too many wars in any of my runs.

So from my point of view the apparent issue is being inflated. Feel free to let me know how wrong I am on that though. I can't wait to hear about it. Though maybe the reason I avoided many problems is because I don't run risky anemic min/max builds where I have to hope and pray no one notices. Though in my opinion taking such risks should be oh I don't know RISKY and therefor not encouraged or PROTECTED like some crybabies seem to want.

Edited By: Iovan on Jul 18th 2011, 22:00:34
See Original Post

Kingme Game profile


Jul 18th 2011, 22:02:56

Originally posted by Iovan:
I've played express for years on e2025 before earth empires and I've played 11 express sets since I found out about earth empires a few months ago. I've finished in the top 60 on all my sets so far, 3 times in the top 20, 5 times in the top 30, and 8 times in the top 40. More than half of my sets were me experimenting with different builds (mainly timing of builds, etc.)

I'm not some super player or anything. I feel my analysis on the current express server situation is valid though. My best runs were with GDI but the three runs I did that were not with GDI (except for one Facism oiler experiment) didn't turn out horrible. I wasn't plagued with assholes or witnessed too many wars in any of my runs.

So from my point of view the apparent issue is being inflated. Feel free to let me know how wrong I am on that though. I can't wait to hear about it. Though maybe the reason I avoided many problems is because I don't run risky anemic min/max builds where I have to hope and pray no one notices. Though in my opinion taking such risks should be oh I don't know RISKY and therefor not encouraged or PROTECTED like some crybabies seem to want.

From my point of view, the reason you avoided so many problems is because you didn't have a country worth suiciding. They always seem to go after the countries that have a shot at a top 10.

My best countries have all been subject to some sort of fool.

Iovan Game profile


Jul 18th 2011, 22:09:24

Oh so the countries killed right out of protection looked like they had a shot at the top 10? >.>

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 18th 2011, 22:13:34

I'd agree - if you weren't even finishing top 50, odds are pretty good that farming/suiciding would be a waste of time. And in all honesty, your build has little or nothing to do with whether someone will decide to suicide on you or not.

I'm really not trying to change anyone's mind here. The server is what the server is, and even with folks using it as an opportunity to intentionally be a douche bag because they know that within 48 hrs the other guy has absolutely no ability to take recourse against them, it's still a pretty fun server for me.

I just think that it could be even more fun if a certain (admittedly small, but unfortunately large enough) group of players would grow up a bit and remember that not everyone feels like picking a fight or getting involved in one, and focus their efforts on those who do instead. At least from where I'm looking at it from, the latter should be more entertaining for them anyways...

Iovan Game profile


Jul 18th 2011, 22:36:32

Originally posted by NOW3P:
I'd agree - if you weren't even finishing top 50, odds are pretty good that farming/suiciding would be a waste of time. And in all honesty, your build has little or nothing to do with whether someone will decide to suicide on you or not.

Just so it's understood (for my minuscule pride) I only finished worse than 40th 3 times out of those 11 sets.

On a more important note though I don't think it matters what you are likely to finish either when it comes to suiciding. Not all those suiciding are picking targets based on some professional criteria or from the view point of a skilled player. Those that pick the top 10 (or near it) are just picking the most visible targets as any score list will feature them first. There are a greater number of douche attacks on targets in a set though that are not even near the top 10. They just usually don't have fluffing attached to them on the same scale.

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 19th 2011, 5:32:07

In that case, I guess all I can say is sorry you don't understand the difference between differing opinions and whining/fluffing.

Iovan Game profile


Jul 19th 2011, 5:36:32

Sorry I don't agree that people should be impervious fortresses without any effort in defending themselves. I don't think people should automatically be protected from "bad" things so they can net as much as possible. I think it all becomes meaningless when you put in too many protections.

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 19th 2011, 16:52:12

Then you obviously are missing the core issue that is being discussed here. No one posting here has ever suggested such a thing should even be possible, let alone supported.

It's all good - every skilled netter that leaves the server is one less person bumping me outta the top 10

iNouda Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 6:37:13

So you're saying you lack the skill to compete with skilled players and would benefit from them leaving? Wow.


Back to the point though, the "douchebags" you're talking about are in it for the "easy kills". They don't go after hardened targets unless they have a real good reason. Think of them as vultures.

Prime examples of easy kills:

1. People just out of protection and under 1k acres (dumbasses who didn't stock turns before going oop / inactives)
2. People not in GDI (dumbasses who forgot to get GDI)
3. Other vultures (douchebags who are there to kill/maim/disable)
4. Peeps in the top 10 who believe that they can stay there without GDI (which is just asking for trouble from the hardcore douchebags with significant warfare tech)

Conclusion: In short, it's mostly stupid people who end up dying.

Last set I honestly tried to net (even got GDI!). Nobody's blood was on my hands =D

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 18:19:52

iNouda - sarcasm. Look it up. I am gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you figured that out based on just about every other post I've made on the matter, and that you're not actually that dense.

And awesome - stupid killing stupid. Can't possibly see a way that could cause problems....

And of course, your examples aren't in the least lopsided, and certainly cover every scenario.


Iovan Game profile


Jul 21st 2011, 3:56:09

I see no reason why you should abuse your desk with your face.

maverickmd Game profile


Jul 25th 2011, 13:26:36

As a new player, I agree. I have been forced to run an indy startup now regardless of my end strat just to prevent lging.

izapimp Game profile


Jul 26th 2011, 4:55:51

I got farmed the most last set 24th july and made 5th

AndrewMose Game profile


Jul 28th 2011, 20:36:19

This set I am the stupid one who forgot to join GDI before making my first grab. Now I'm getting suicided on.

Kingme Game profile


Jul 28th 2011, 21:56:32

Originally posted by AndrewMose:
This set I am the stupid one who forgot to join GDI before making my first grab. Now I'm getting suicided on.

Wha..!? I thought everyone said that never happens?

maverickmd Game profile


Jul 29th 2011, 13:40:36

Dunno King, finished top 10 last 2 with all explore strats. The fun part of express for me has been the varity of each round..... RUn a casher, then a techer, all-explore, all farming. Run a commie and farm like crazy or whatever.

Killing people for no reason is just an extention of that fun. No big deal, since every tuesday you get to start fresh.

Look at having your country killed as a positive..... now you can go outside for the weekend :)

diez Game profile


Aug 4th 2011, 7:25:05

There's GDI, and land record means absolutely nothing...

PS: Kingme is teh n00b

joedro Game profile


Aug 7th 2011, 7:27:52

i got killed two times this set for absolutly no reason what so ever its driving me away and this happens to be my favorte server. mabey the admin can make it to where you cannot do any harmful attacks to no one that has not attacked you once reguardless if your in gdi or not
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

TNTroXxor Game profile


Aug 7th 2011, 9:42:14

Originally posted by joedro:
i got killed two times this set for absolutly no reason what so ever its driving me away and this happens to be my favorte server. mabey the admin can make it to where you cannot do any harmful attacks to no one that has not attacked you once reguardless if your in gdi or not

Yo joe if you join gdi and doesnt multi tap a target they cant do any harmful attacks already..
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

joedro Game profile


Aug 7th 2011, 21:12:48

i hatre gdi i know the risk yes but its still down right bs that its o so easy to kill some one for no reason at all the admin should add in the impossibility to kill some one that hasnt hit you once. but maybe add in a ask allies for help (not that you really need help) but for them sucky players who dont know how to solo kill effectivly

but then again i know the risk. its just down right dumb to be killed like that
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

joedro Game profile


Aug 7th 2011, 21:24:16

for exanple look at hoy many countys thus guy killed and but how many countrys hit him before he killed them. with out looking at this im going to give an awesome guess of not a single one... where is this guys ban!
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

joedro Game profile


Aug 9th 2011, 4:47:24

just thought id top this
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho

joedro Game profile


Aug 10th 2011, 8:20:28

really no admin response to this?
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho