But Celphi:
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Anyone who threatens to take the #1 spot from the normal crew always gets top fed / suicided.
First of this statement is a misrepresentation of what actually happens as last set I was farmed too in an attempt to get me off my netting game. Same thing happens to me maybe half to two thirds of my netting attempts on express, same with Ebert. So I'd say a more accurate statement would be: "anyone heading for a good finish is at an extra high risk of being targeted by suiciders, topfeeders and stock stealers" which would be an accurate statement for any server of EE and E2025 for at least 20 years.
It's the fact that a lot of people don't understand and therefore don't respect netting and instead feel threatened and jealous when seeing great countries or finishes. The game allows them to have a much simpler win condition, in that they can suicide someone better than them instead of making(and perhaps helping) these players improve at the game. I believe this has made thousands of players quit over the years.
Secondly, the statement can be interpreted as you saying that the 'normal crew' is helped by someone to win by taking out the competition. I think that is what catbus reacted to.
If you had not been forced into war your netting would have been greatly beneficial for all the techers. I would have finished above 81m most likely.
Thirdly, a great deal of what experience have taught me on express has been about how to protect myself from
fluff in different ways. Indeed I have modified my play delay, my login times and my general strategy to reduce the time I'm vulnerable. I do not consider it an enjoyable or constructive part of the game in itself, as it sometimes makes my play times really tedious for me and sometimes forces me to play inefficiently; I rather consider it a necessity to be able do the things that I enjoy in this game and to make the griefers lose.