
Netsquash Game profile


Sep 7th 2020, 15:17:27

Originally posted by BaDonkaDonks:
Great work on all the land again, what is the record this year of most land?

Here they all are over 40k land presently in 2020. Can update as needed:

(Fun fact 9 of the countries i ran)


554 2 2 is ok but really 3 is better (#3)  50,062 $53,504,043 CG

543 2 Patiently Waiting (#8) 47,952 $37,093,047 CG

560 1 N E T S Q U A S H (#88)   45,861 $48,793,289 CG

534 1 Planned Strike (#66) 45,148 $66,830,471 CG

531 1 Johnny Wafflez (#53) 44,733 $58,781,933 CG

562 1 H S A U Q S T E N (#20)   44,036 $51,579,309 CG

529 2 The Great Bambino (#5) 42,675 $53,090,031 CG

550 1 Tmac (#82)   41,899 $44,888,707 CG

549 2 I always like to (#69)   41,769 $51,134,410 CG

553 2 My favorite year was 19 (#98)   41,303 $46,069,871 CG

547 2 I HOPE I AM NOT NUMBER 26 (#55)  40,888 $40,320,835 C

558 1 Say hello to my little friend (#100)  40,792 $49,389,930 CG

556 2 Gronk The Buccaneer (#87)   40,617 $52,087,660 CG

561 11 Top (#10)   40,347 $17,594,899 H

559 1 N E T S Q U A S H (#85)   40,302 $50,992,574 CG




Sep 7th 2020, 16:51:19

All commies except the lone theo.

Now I want to put a non-commie somewhere up there.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 7th 2020, 17:12:38

430 12 a plus tard (#82) 81,181 $18,988,509 I
414 7 turn it up with cocaine (#75) 67,725 $19,725,566 I
387 4 Try if you dont succeed (#80) 53,281 $28,332,981 DG

413 16 sincewhendidgropingbecomeasin (#98) 61,052 $16,275,352 I
437 15 muellers stalinist bootjacks (#96) 70,480 $14,910,305 F

81181 acres is the land record on this server. I only did it because Clintonista needed to be taught a lesson. He kept griefing people and all the while telling that he is the best player because he had the land record. Thats why I took it from him with a Demo at first, to show how easy it is.

Back when I first took the land record from him the server was run with 35 bots. This was also the number for set 413 and 414, but there you see I took it back in one set, which shows how easy it was for me. When the bot number increased to 50 bots I knew my 67k acres would not be safe and I risked having him change the goal post to something like 'being the first to 70k or 80k acres' so I decided to improve upon my record(in one attempt). He attempted several times but only managed 70480 acres and claimed somehow that was better than my 81k acres for some reason only he understood, lol.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 7th 2020, 17:15:24

Clintonista was actually found out attempting to cheat to get the land record one set too. Ingame messages showing him trying to get a player to put him in DR so he could grab freely without risking retals was posted on this forum. So he really really wanted that. :P

Even if 81181 acres isnt something I'm particularily proud of I love the fact that I farmed clintonista as part of getting there, and that he failed to retal because of the end game humanitarians. :)
Part of his reasoning behind why his 70k acres were supposedly better than my 81k acres was because I had hit humans who didn't retal. And yet he was one of those humans and he tried real hard to retal but failed.

Edited By: Gerdler on Sep 7th 2020, 17:19:08

Netsquash Game profile


Sep 7th 2020, 18:10:54

I could break that record if i market is good for ci and i hit humans at the end to jackpot up my land

But in all seriousness anything over 50k with 1900-2000 turns set is just counterproductive.

NitelL Game profile


Sep 7th 2020, 18:17:12

If one were to just go for a land record in today's conditions, wouldn't one just go Tyranny with a few k indies, keep land mostly barren and nw low, and just keep farming bots?

(I've never tried for land records so I'm not sure if I'm missing something, especially since we've got bots now.)

Hessman123 Game profile


Sep 7th 2020, 19:16:28

I played Patiently Waiting and my goal was to try for as many acres as I could grab.. I didn't try to win the set or play for net worth

I could have had more land too but I got hit a few times, I didn't wake up to play over night and I didn't wake up in time to get as many grabs in as I could have on the last day before the cut off so I missed out on 5 more PS

I tried to get fat and stay small in NW and I didn't build all my acres and I spent most of my turns making a ton of grabs and it was a lot of fun.. the problem I ran into was building cost .. as I got really fat it cost too much money to build my land

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 7th 2020, 19:56:17

I didn't build my land past like 40-45k iirc.

Netsquash Game profile


Sep 7th 2020, 20:49:15

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I didn't build my land past like 40-45k iirc.

Was gonna say the same thing. Anything past 45-50k is just to game to have

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 7th 2020, 21:08:45

I encourage you guys to try it. There are some challenges you will find that I think you are not anticipating right now. Finding ways to overcome them will certainly make you better players.

You will want to do it without GDI, and if you hit players it should be right before endgame humanitarians kick in. This has two effects;
1. they might be unable to retal you.
2. they might have forgotten to jump if they are good targets that late, as such they dont care about their countries so you don't just end up making a whole lot of people pissed at you for no reason.

Also by doing it late you have the option of not doing it at all in case you realize you won't reach your goal anyway.

st0ny Game profile


Sep 8th 2020, 20:01:07

Wow! 50k land in express. Definitely not an easy task. No one really had the chance to get that far around the time I was still playing. You’ll have some all jetters top feeding all the fatties. 😭
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 9th 2020, 2:26:12

st0ny sighting!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

BaDonkaDonks Game profile


Sep 9th 2020, 10:10:11

That's Impressive.

Netsquash Game profile


Sep 9th 2020, 23:55:33

Originally posted by Gunner:
All commies except the lone theo.

Now I want to put a non-commie somewhere up there.

Yeah im gonna change that this set. Im pumped to go different strat.

Plus way too many commies this set. Ill take advantage of cheap military prices

Hessman123 Game profile


Sep 10th 2020, 1:16:26

Do unused acres affect your tech per turn?

I feel like a tyranny techer would have the resources to get real fat

NitelL Game profile


Sep 10th 2020, 1:18:32

Yes. TPT is a function of both # of RLs and % of your acres as RLs.

Netsquash Game profile


Sep 10th 2020, 2:30:32

Originally posted by NitelL:
Yes. TPT is a function of both # of RLs and % of your acres as RLs.


Better to be 10k fully built labs than 40k land only 20k labs. Its close but you get the idea.

You tech you need to be fully committed to labs except 2-5% industrial for spies

Hessman123 Game profile


Sep 10th 2020, 11:16:25

huhm... so a techer is not going to work

too bad farmer is so terrible on this server ... I like getting fat as a farmer on other servers

It's really commie indy only.. (or maybe casher) then to get really fat on express

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 10th 2020, 13:41:05

The highest acreages have been done with farmers.

They are nice because of the instant income. Cashers will probably be the same in the early stages, possibly better, but once you start racking up unbuilt land and your tech levels drop off real hard your income will disappear faster than for a farmer.

CI would have some advantages and some disadvantages. Try it!

Hessman123 Game profile


Sep 10th 2020, 16:09:38

I've done CI.. highest I got was my 47,952 acres .. but I really wasn't trying for most land I could grab

I was trying to make as many grabs on bots as I could.. I'm pretty sure I went in gdi as well and I think I had a very high number of SS attacks

I will try a dictator farmer, non gdi, use humanitarians, and hit human players to go for most land I can get. I will do this when I have a weekend where the wife and kids are away.. lol

Edited By: Hessman123 on Sep 11th 2020, 12:08:50. Reason: added punctuation