
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Apr 12th 2021, 0:31:44

Some big changes to NPC country behavior will be live in the next reset. For the most part, the changes do not apply to countries running the rainbow strategy. Improvement list:

* Cashers, indies, and farmers now purchase tech based on expected profitability. For example, they will no longer blindly buy expensive tech on the final day of the reset.

* Cashers and farmer now balance buying tech and buying defense differently than before. Countries will pick one of four different buying priority methods at the start of the set:
** Some countries will only buy tech after they feel that they are fully defended.
** Some countries will only buy defense after they feel that further tech purchasing would not be profitable.
** Some countries will prioritize in a mixed fashion but will lean more towards defense before tech.
** Some countries will prioritize in a mixed fashion but will lean more towards tech before defense.

* On non-clan servers (Express), countries stop mass exploring at 10000 acres for the Republic government and 8200 acres for all other governments.

* If public food is very expensive or unavailable, countries may choose to logout for a short while to wait for cheaper food to arrive on the public market.

* If a country determines that it needs more defense, it will purchase it at the end of its turns instead of at the start or in the middle.

* Countries will now no longer overbuy defense compared to their defense target. Previously, it was possible for countries with a lot of cash on hand to greatly exceed their target defense under certain conditions.

* Indy spy production has been increased. This may be a temporary change as I expect that low SPAL levels for indies are caused by running out of food or money while playing turns.

* Farmers and cashers will buy weapons tech if they determine it to be beneficial to do so.

* Weapons tech is now included in a country's evaluation of its defense.

More to come in future sets! I'm excited for these changes to be live and hope that they make the tech market move in a more reasonable direction than what we've seen in previous sets.

Edited By: Slagpit on Apr 12th 2021, 0:56:08
See Original Post

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 12th 2021, 0:50:13

That's interesting, good work Slagpit!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

NitelL Game profile


Apr 12th 2021, 1:26:49

Great changes!