Jan 18th 2020, 12:20:44
Since the introduction of ghost acres and later the addition of bots, two changes that can not easily be reverted and probably should not be, the ideal netting country and the ideal warring country has diverged further and further. This has caused huge problems for years which a fraction of the EE community has abused to it's limits and beyond.
The changes are a result of the abuse of this unintended discrepancy which now limits the damages that can be made. As for grabbers, be they warrers or netters, bot grabbers or player grabbers; they now face a new challenge in what strat targets they grab and how many buildings they should have of each kind outside their strat if any and this is an increase in the complexity of the previously quite simple task of grabbing, which is good. Complexity is good. This increase in the difficulty does not revolve around making defences of bots higher or making them fewer, which would have unwanted effects on markets and whatnot. Fewer bots would make grabbing simpler as we saw before with 100 bots that everyone played tyranny and just farmed with little regard for target selection, and higher defences would force grabbers to run much higher jets and thus, all else being equal, lower defences.
I agree very much with the spirit of the change but as I learn more about the implementation and the numbers behind it there are a few things I think need to be amended within this huge change that doesnt really seem to be balanced.
BRs and ABs building destruction limits are the obvious first things that need to be amended, its just plain wrong. I think the limits for building capture on SS/PS are a little too low as well.
Ideally, we introduce new mechanics and change existing ones to partially reconverge the ideal netting country with the ideal warring country. This change does that since it forces warrers to grow to a reasonable size while before they could just stock at 5-10k acres and be fully effective with that once they blew their stock.
More changes in this direction are comming from my understanding the next one is bots that retal which will attack the problem from the other end; Bots retalling, hopefully in an intelligent manner, will force netters who grab to get enough defence to stop those retals. This most certainly will mean turrets but probably also tanks, and possibly some troops.
This could mean a steady demand of troops and tanks (and turrets) in times of peace which would be great for the markets and perhaps enable reseller strategies again on some servers.
This game has been devoid of balance changes for years on end. The reason I speak up against voices that just say "the changes are bad" is that it creates noice that doesnt bring anything to the discussion except possible demotivation for the devs we want to work for us. If you dont understand the change you should first work on that and then critique it if you spot something that you dont think is good.
Because Im a numbers nerd and I speak almost daily with other number nerds I have a decent understanding of the effect of this changes and I have adapted to them quite decently I would say. I can also see that most have not yet adapted or understood it, yet.
Edited By: Gerdler on Jan 18th 2020, 12:26:33