


Aug 28th 2018, 9:01:06

I don't feel like doing the math or looking it up.
How long after the set starts do you have full turns and full saved turns?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 28th 2018, 11:14:47

If you dont take turns and dont log in its full at 00:00:01 friday. You will then log in with 366(360) turns and if you wait til you get the next turn you will have 360 360 turns.

If you log in several times during this time you get a bunch of 3 and 6 turn bonuses so you get there sooner. I dont know how much faster is theoretically or practically possible. Also it might not be the best idea to wait so long aa by that time the bots all have significant defences. I often go to turn 99 and then await near max turns and it often screws me for that reason as well as that i overflow due to sleep often when i do it.

Marshal Game profile


Aug 28th 2018, 13:04:17

more than 366 is you turn bonuspoints to turns.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

VicVixvi Game profile


Aug 28th 2018, 15:03:30

If I'm playing late game, I'll usually log in and run 99 turns soemtime on Wednesday and then come oop Thursday evening. I love playing from behind as it eliminates a lot of the early "idiot" attacks if you get big early. However, as Gerdler said, the bots have more military by that time so the land from them is not as easy to get as it is if you come out earlier. -v

ETA: also some strats such as commie and Fascist, it can actually be to your advantage to play late game.