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Got news if you who double tap the wrong players here I will use every thing I have to pound you I don't care if some one jumps in on the pounding I am handing out it happens and both players get deleted racing for the kill. I am not going to cry about it, Its a war game when the fulff are you clown's going to figure it out, I won't take your crap, it will cost you every time.
You and your 2nd account/friend/neighbor made attacks on a country within minutes of one another that had never placed a grab on either of you, whch is what started the whole issue that got moderator attention.
I warned you months ago to stop this and it appears you have made the choice to do it twice since then. As a result, you are no longer allowed to play the Express server until the moderators decide otherwise.
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Ratski - If you are found to be cooperating with another account or breaking the rules of Express server in any way again, I will be delivering a long time-out.