
Netsquash Game profile


Jun 15th 2020, 0:31:13

Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 Tmac (#82) 41,899 $44,888,707 CG
2 C plus plus (#26) 23,313 $41,499,856 TG
3 (#99) 12,940 $36,693,115 DG
4 Earth Empires Express Helpline (#77) 33,303 $34,656,380 C
5 UgolinoII (#4) 25,752 $32,334,957 HG
6 Hayosh (#47) 24,861 $32,154,231 RG
7 Larry Curley and BIDEN (#97) 24,024 $22,278,744 HG
8 Orangutan on Crack (#87) 14,728 $18,636,037 CG
9 eternal phlegm (#101) 15,111 $18,296,854 H
10 bearded mayhem (#85) 15,589 $18,208,833 H

Congrats on the win Tmac. I forgot gdi and it costed me big time. Otherwise would have challenged you for 1st.

Survived and stonewalled a random kr attempt, missile attack, and a nasty late land grab. Ill take 4th anyday.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 15th 2020, 0:35:02

I was C++.

Tmac is not even a language. He should be disqualified.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Tmac Game profile


Jun 15th 2020, 1:59:33

I've been in those non-gdi shoes, you know you're getting nailed. Hehe

Looks like celphi wins, congrats!

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 15th 2020, 3:09:03

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

ariel700 Game profile


Jun 15th 2020, 3:12:44

Lol I was finishing around 27M near the finish, not until someone bought from me 9M jets for 400$. Nice resell I guess.
Anyway probably rep casher isn't the best choise. Should try a techer next set

Netsquash Game profile


Jun 15th 2020, 4:00:20

Originally posted by Tmac:
I've been in those non-gdi shoes, you know you're getting nailed. Hehe

Looks like celphi wins, congrats!

I was keeping my main screen active for what u expected was coming

After 15 hits upped spies and troops and he started getting DHed.

Then he realized he got caught and failed. Said to me wish you wrent online lol gg

Last set ratzilla failed a spy on me while i was driving on the highway when my browser refreshed. Pulled over and built 8 cs making 100k turrets.

Resume driving to see failed PS strike 3 mins later.

"Sorry bro had to stonewall ya lol"

I played nice didnt retal

Edited By: Netsquash on Jun 15th 2020, 4:06:44. Reason: Forgot /rant
See Original Post

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 15th 2020, 9:55:18

Originally posted by Tmac:
I've been in those non-gdi shoes, you know you're getting nailed. Hehe

Looks like celphi wins, congrats!

Haha I know that feeling. As soon as I hit that first grab and think "ahh man, I forgot again". Stock up on warfare and play half assed until the reset ;)

BaDonkaDonks Game profile


Jun 17th 2020, 22:42:51

suck my python with my c# in the land of java - php