
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 2nd 2021, 0:18:28

1	Tmac (#32)  					61,482	$89,608,648	CG
2 WhoLivesWhoDiesWhoTellsYourStory (#56) 60,953 $71,700,497 HG
3 Hassiba Boulmerka (#103) 51,756 $64,090,879 CG
4 w h o p l a y s s u n d a y s (#84) 14,233 $46,648,652 DG
5 honeywell (#44) 48,727 $42,611,635 HG
6 Boleh Banking Bureau (#76) 19,402 $41,068,118 DG
7 NubCrusher (#104) 73 $36,011,843 HG
8 FARM ME AND I WILL OWN U AGAIN (#2) 47,964 $32,743,322 T
9 Fu Man Chu (#86) 18,864 $29,032,850 HG
10 88 88 88 88 88 (#88) 28,168 $26,558,321 HG

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 2nd 2021, 0:36:24

Well done Tmac, this time grabbing was more normal. :)

Well done superfly! I was surprised to see you didnt make a move towards 80k acres this set considering there was decent amounts of cheap oils in the end. But nevertheless well done for not being silly. Very mature!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Aug 2nd 2021, 2:35:25

Grats everyone :)

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

TwoPodRay Game profile


Aug 2nd 2021, 3:06:33

Tmac, doing well with Commie! Clearly I need to finally learn how to play that.

Gerdler, did you start late?

SuperFly Game profile


Aug 2nd 2021, 6:07:29

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Well done Tmac, this time grabbing was more normal. :)

Well done superfly! I was surprised to see you didnt make a move towards 80k acres this set considering there was decent amounts of cheap oils in the end. But nevertheless well done for not being silly. Very mature!

I couldn’t finish the round. Bought a pile of oil at the end that I PMed for $60 and just hit cash in the final 15 min

Next set I’ll be back to hammer on everyone. Send those DNH requests again boys

Rob Game profile


Aug 2nd 2021, 10:20:00

I definitely have to play farmer again and not stupidly convert to monarchy and buy up the pm BEFORE converting to Theo :(

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 2nd 2021, 11:41:01

Originally posted by TwoPodRay:
Tmac, doing well with Commie! Clearly I need to finally learn how to play that.

Gerdler, did you start late?

Um i forget if I start late or not, but I didn't lose turns because of that, I lost turns because I logged in too late twice. Once on Sunday, and once on like friday or something:

Turns Taken 1889
Turns Stored 64

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 2nd 2021, 14:54:46

Originally posted by SuperFly:

I couldn’t finish the round. Bought a pile of oil at the end that I PMed for $60 and just hit cash in the final 15 min

Ohh, my bad then. I misinterpreted your inactivity as good manners.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 2nd 2021, 15:07:59

SuperFly being a good boy this round?

Congrats top 10 and winner!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Tmac Game profile


Aug 2nd 2021, 15:37:42

Would've been close with rob if he didn't mess up his finish! I think I'll run a farmer too this time rob.

Twopod-make sure your stuff sells! Even this set I was very close to overflow most of the set. I sold at $95 all set until nitel started jumping. I sold a bunch at around $160 the last 12 hours though!

Good set guys =)

NitelL Game profile


Aug 2nd 2021, 15:38:03

Congrats Tmac! Superb finish again.

And a pity Rob! (I've done that twice as a fasc farmer so far. lol)

NitelL Game profile


Aug 2nd 2021, 15:39:06

Originally posted by Tmac:
I sold at $95 all set until nitel started jumping.

Do I get to claim credit for your victory as well then?

We can consider it a shared olympic gold. =P

Tmac Game profile


Aug 2nd 2021, 15:42:03

Originally posted by NitelL:
Originally posted by Tmac:
I sold at $95 all set until nitel started jumping.

Do I get to claim credit for your victory as well then?

We can consider it a shared olympic gold. =P

You also can claim a share from last set since you helped me bounce a late hit, lol.

NitelL Game profile


Aug 2nd 2021, 16:26:16

Feeling like a great sportsmanship moment - you may name your next country NitelL and put it in #1, thanks. xD

TwoPodRay Game profile


Aug 2nd 2021, 16:44:37

Originally posted by Tmac:
Would've been close with rob if he didn't mess up his finish! I think I'll run a farmer too this time rob.

Twopod-make sure your stuff sells! Even this set I was very close to overflow most of the set. I sold at $95 all set until nitel started jumping. I sold a bunch at around $160 the last 12 hours though!

Good set guys =)

That’s so hard to do, knowing the prices you COULD be getting! I know the one time in recent weeks that I tried it with not enough time to play I definitely overflowed quickly. I feel like you need to be ready to sell very frequently as Commie. Even more so than techer?

Well I was one of the ones buying a ton of your military at $160+ as I had already emptied out my PM!

Tmac Game profile


Aug 3rd 2021, 1:06:21

Yep yep, lots of selling which is why you have to sell cheap for 80% of the set. I messed up alot before I finally just started selling cheap every time, lol.