
gregg Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 18:34:17

LaE which used to own this server has experienced some hard times

1) CRNA again on the verge of death
2) Croatia pounded by numerous players
3) Mortcus afraid to post his LaE name
4) Mr Cobalt afraid to use his name

r they still playing H and winning without ever attacking anyone?


but at least now they are not openly LaE and winning; the guys who are openly LaE are dyiing

this is a great day for this server and for attracting new players

RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

MrCobalt Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 18:49:51

I think I'm more openly an RD member, not LaE member though. I've made a few attacks actually :)

jiff69 Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 19:08:01

gregg what do you have against these guys? I have allied with each and everyone of them, at some point or another... And I hate LAE in the ffa server.... But thats in the ffa server here in express they have made good allies, I even went to war on mortcus this set
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

Walding Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 19:12:52

I was allied to two of them :(

ivyleague Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 21:26:48

jiff what name are u hiding under this set?

jiff69 Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 23:00:44

haha im not telling lol
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

jiff69 Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 23:01:43

you will see who i was at the end of the set
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

ivyleague Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 23:05:31

damn. i played wrongly this set. i was playing heavily with the bushels prices. some really dumb idiots undercut me by selling millions of bushels at $32 and $35 this afternoon (they might as well have sold them on his private market and avoid the taxes). in my panic i priced my bushels at $38 and now the market is empty.

haha. i'll be happy to finish at $12m.

Edited By: ivyleague on May 3rd 2010, 23:06:57

MorTcuS Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 23:33:27

Originally posted by gregg:
3) Mortcus afraid to post his LaE name

I'm not even playing besides i'm not in LaE since that day i got suicided on.
174099715 (not in use)

Steam : wargasm1

jiff69 Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 23:36:23

who are you ivy? I will tell you who I am if you tell me who you are
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

NOW3P Game profile


May 4th 2010, 4:38:06

gregg just has a hard on for me.....I knew I never shoulda sent him them bikini shots I did.

He forgot to mention that 4 of them couldn't kill me in the 2 days they had....and I never even actually got to wall....even after I sold off ALL my mil just to make it easier for them (troops, jets, tanks, turrets...ALL).

and so far as I know, MorT played in LaE as MorTcuS as well....but again, whatever strokes that ego complex thing you got goin on for ya.

CRNA GORA will be back next set too....and many sets after. Some of us don't need to hide behind a new name every set to play the game.

jiff69 Game profile


May 4th 2010, 6:10:13

I dont first time I have switched...
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

MorTcuS Game profile


May 4th 2010, 16:18:44

Well, everyone who wins do so because they use diff names. The last time i used MorTcuS my country ended up in the graveyard.
174099715 (not in use)

Steam : wargasm1

gregg Game profile


May 4th 2010, 16:55:44

He forgot to mention that 4 of them couldn't kill me


anyone who plays express regularly knows that crna dies
with startling frequency

Croatia may hold the record for most deaths in a single set
and cobalt has an aserisk because he could have been killed 3x but was spared for record keeping reasons
but crna dies nearly every set often twice in a single set

they couldnt kill me even though i had no defense

does he acually believe that? or is he under medication?

what a scream

i am consistemtly stunned by the intellectual capabilities of these guys
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

jiff69 Game profile


May 4th 2010, 16:59:50

gregg, get over yourself if they wanted you dead you would be dead, theres enough LAE in express that if it was a conspriracy there would be little to nothing left of you. I implore you for the sake of the server stop the war and let people play, we need a healthy environment to test stratagies and get new members to the community . STOP your suiciding, and play the game... Lets see if you can beat me to the top this set.
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

NOW3P Game profile


May 4th 2010, 21:01:25

I hope you'll come and show me just how awesome you are this set gregg. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly hiding from you - every turn you and your buddies spend suiciding me is one less turn you spend on someone else. Given that I don't care much about how my country finishes, it's win:win for me.

You can come talk to me about how awesome you are when you quit hiding behind a new name every set. You mock LaE'ers for not using the names they've used so far, but yet you hide behind a new name every set. You wouldn't last past your oop turns for quite a while though, so I know you won't. And since you can't net, you'll always just be known as Express' candy ass stalker/suicider....

for real dude, get out of your mom's basement for a couple hours

Edited By: NOW3P on May 4th 2010, 21:08:32

MrCobalt Game profile


May 5th 2010, 10:11:34

For the record: I didn't die three times.

Cobalt I: Died oop (land killed while waiting for bushels to sell)
Cobalt II: Self-destructed, as it was still early enough in the reset to restart without losing turns
Cobalt III: Survived perfectly with a heavy sustainability and good war effort.

mrford Game profile


May 5th 2010, 14:36:10

CobaltIV: had mrfords baby, therefore making ford a babydaddy

Edited By: mrford on May 5th 2010, 14:36:28
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

gregg Game profile


May 5th 2010, 17:02:21

jiff said for the sake of he server stop killing LaE

he did not articulate how allowing LaE to own this server as they demonstrably did before the resistance began would be good for the server

the environment on the server is greatly enhanced not diminished by the resistance to LaE

who would play a second reset in a server knowing that LaE's theocracies defended by the LaE enforcers would dominate every reset?

jiff seems to suggest that tinkering, tweaking and fine tuning how to net with a theocracy is somehow some great strategy game
I honestly dont get that I really dont

if u want to protect the good of the server ask hobo to stop his inane nuking of everyone who tries to advance by means of war strategies

Jiff if u care to explain how making this server safe for LaE is good fpr the server I will read your response

RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

NOW3P Game profile


May 5th 2010, 17:05:01

What LaE enforcers? I mean, it's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about....but I'm curious anyways.

mrford Game profile


May 5th 2010, 17:18:35

this forum needs a ignore button

gregg, you are like one of them asshole protestors, that stand outside a elementary school, with pictures of aborted fetuses, screaming at the kids parents

ppl care about what you have to say, but the way you are going about saying it, makes you look like a complete jackass

p.s. i dont play express, if i did, i would play it solely to kill you, not because im LaE, but just to stop the insane amount of ignorant bullfluff that comes out of your mouth
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

NOW3P Game profile


May 5th 2010, 17:50:02

what's really funny is, LaE is still dominating the top 10 - he just ain't quite quick enough to realize it ;-)

raz Game profile

EE Patron

May 5th 2010, 18:08:19

no they arent TSE has 5-6 with a 52 man clan

that will change when the fa/chains/buyouts countries de-stock but TSE will still be there
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
You win this round. I concede.

mrford Game profile


May 5th 2010, 18:11:16

this is EXPRESS

not FFA

get your facts right raz, or gtfo
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

raz Game profile

EE Patron

May 5th 2010, 18:17:41

thought this was ffa my mistake, so LaE got deleted on express as well?

oh and ford blow me you seem a little angry over this i see perhaps you should take some time away from the game - get out of your moms basement and get out into the sunlight.
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
You win this round. I concede.

mrford Game profile


May 5th 2010, 18:21:31

not really

theres plenty of sunlight where i live, and im far from living in my moms basement. just ask around
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

raz Game profile

EE Patron

May 5th 2010, 18:27:41

Sun lamps don't count - seriously get out and walk around you will enjoy it.
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
You win this round. I concede.

gregg Game profile


May 5th 2010, 18:38:50

what's really funny is, LaE is still dominating the top 10 - he just ain't quite quick enough to realize it ;-)


look at the list of the top ten in he last reset
not many recognizable LaE players in it

yet NOW3P the LaE enforcer (CRNA) asserts that LaE still dominates

I BELIEVE HIM and so should YOU

I believe that NOW3P knows the true idenities of countries in the top 10 despite the fact that their names are not LaE

How does he know? they tell him

you do not need to be sherlock holmes to dedeuce that mortcus and cobalt and other netters are in-gaming or MSNing their identities to other LaE members to insure that their theocracies finish high on the NW list


RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

mrford Game profile


May 5th 2010, 18:54:25


thats a good one raz! please tell me more!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

jiff69 Game profile


May 5th 2010, 19:18:26

HEY Gregg

thats why I won the express because lae dominated it lmao
your an idiot, and for the record nobody knew my identity except for 1 which was morticus because at first we were warring
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

jiff69 Game profile


May 5th 2010, 19:23:31

I for one have been in first a few times, I also have been in the top 10 multiple times, and have never had an LAE enforcer as you put it nuke or attack me out of it, seeing as they would be trying to secure first if thats what you want to thin well go ahead and think it... you have some wacked out conspiracy theory going on in your head... Mortcus is my ally almost every set. Im not running around telling lae to not attack me, I just pick my attacks carefully so as i dont begin a war I dont want to be in
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

gregg Game profile


May 5th 2010, 20:30:38

your an idiot

jiff demonstrtes his inability to grasp the most basic rudiments of english grammar he attempts an ad hominem attack and only wounds himself

for you LaE members it should be "you're an idiot"

as a general rule people who make this error have an IQ between 87 and 94
there have been documented cases of people with IQs as high as 108 making this error but only if english is their second language which does not appear to be this case

so a person with an objectively measured IQ in the low 90s has won express

this is credible because you could teach a chimp to run a netting theocracy which would place in the top ten given the vagaries of this particular server

given that players with much higher IQs are active in this server how can we ensure that chimps do not continue to win?

take a page out of bill clinton's book
change the definition of winning

i will be announcing a proposed new measure of success in the next two days

if you have any input and can speak english i would appreciate your comments

RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

mrford Game profile


May 5th 2010, 20:48:15





Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

gregg Game profile


May 5th 2010, 20:56:41

i never said jiff was in LaE

yet another IQ well below average
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

mrford Game profile


May 5th 2010, 21:02:21

this is a message board

if you expect people to proof read all their posts, and use 100% correct grammar, you will be severely disappointed

im thinking gregg is yet another alias
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

jiff69 Game profile


May 5th 2010, 21:25:34

im typing one hand while im playing halo... furthermore I dont care about spelling or grammer when it comes to a forum. Truthfully I belive that Gregg is a first year english major trying to pick at me for what he would describe as A low IQ when in reality he is just quoting some very little used stats and or making them up on his own...

Edited By: jiff69 on May 5th 2010, 21:26:09
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

NOW3P Game profile


May 5th 2010, 23:15:25

Actually gregg, I've just been playing with most of the folks on this server for several years. I know who the LaE'ers are, who the TSE'ers are, who the AoDT'ers are, etc, etc, etc....I can usually pick them out just by their country names, but I also get several messages per set from friends letting me know which country they're running, or just saying hi. This happens from LaE'ers, and from members of several other clans I've played in or worked with over the years.

Having in-game friends is probably one of those benefits you'll never understand though, I guess. Especially as being so easily recognized means being willing to not hide behind a new name every set for a fear of someone getting the first shot in on you.

Trippster Game profile


May 6th 2010, 2:12:36

I've tried not to say anything about this since it is mostly directed at LaE, but this is getting ridiculous. I'm not in LaE .... I've finished top 10 more often than not, and I don't even run what would be considered a "netter" country. Maybe ... just maybe ... LaE players "dominate" this server because ..... wait for it ....... wait... they are good players and there are several of them.
Ignore the smiley.
I have 10 tabs open.
I may or may not be here.

NOW3P Game profile


May 6th 2010, 2:22:09

shh....gregg hasn't realized there's 20+ LaE'ers in this server, despite the fact that his grudge is only directed at 4 or 5 of us....or that none of us really plan anything over here anymore.

jiff69 Game profile


May 6th 2010, 7:06:37

I honestly think its funny that as a clan I dislike LAE very much but as indvidual players I get along with them pretty well...
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

MrCobalt Game profile


May 6th 2010, 8:06:31

Group mentality, you know...! ;)

NOW3P Game profile


May 6th 2010, 14:12:29

jiff - that's the result of the maturity to understand that individual parts != the whole. Some folks just don't understand that yet.

Thomas Game profile


May 9th 2010, 9:05:59

gregg = idiot



May 9th 2010, 16:21:18

Defense will be our goal for this first round