
Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 30th 2013, 22:59:00

This is awesome. I should be able to make some awesome grabs. Don't be mad if it's one of you that gets grabbed. Look at it this way, it's nothing personal unless you want to make it that way, it's simple math for me. It works like this.

1. Log in, look around, check scores list, find large fat target in scores list, usually the FATTEST one, but not always, depends on Government Type and build. Look for fat target with the right build using spy ops. Calculate the strike, (easy) almost anyone in my scores list can be broken, Run the strike and build build build, might take a bit since I take so much at a whack.

Never hit that country again, unless they do something incredibly stupid. And repeat in a few hours after consolidating my holdings.

It's really a simple concept. A single landgrab is NOT an act of war, it is simply a landgrab, take it back if you can (most of you can't). If you get stupid and try other means of retalation, that opens the door for me to go off on you and you won't like it one bit.

I simply like to be efficient. Look for the fattest, and hit them for land, ONE TIME ONLY! I expect the same to happen to my country as well. It doesn't usually because only really stupid players try to take land from the skinniest guy in the scores list when there are so many easier targets to hit. :)
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

raz Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 1st 2013, 0:59:09

Its amazing, you have played this game this long and still act like n00b.
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
You win this round. I concede.

Hopeless Game profile


Dec 1st 2013, 4:08:20

you have too much time on your hands

Xinhuan Game profile


Dec 1st 2013, 4:25:24

Hitting fattest country in your scores list is not the most efficient way to gain land. Bottomfeeding countries at the edge of 1/10 of your NW is. Sure it can take longer time (less time efficient) but it is more turn efficient because you wont' get retalled.

TDA101 Game profile


Dec 1st 2013, 6:46:43

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Hitting fattest country in your scores list is not the most efficient way to gain land. Bottomfeeding countries at the edge of 1/10 of your NW is. Sure it can take longer time (less time efficient) but it is more turn efficient because you wont' get retalled.

Not on express lol.

Xinhuan Game profile


Dec 1st 2013, 6:48:41

Originally posted by TDA101:
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Hitting fattest country in your scores list is not the most efficient way to gain land. Bottomfeeding countries at the edge of 1/10 of your NW is. Sure it can take longer time (less time efficient) but it is more turn efficient because you wont' get retalled.

Not on express lol.

if you play properly, you likely wont get retalled. If you are playing _very_ delayed, then you're asking to be retalled. You have to choose between the risks and rewards of playing all your turns out as they come, or playing delayed.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 1st 2013, 7:14:11

When you spy out a country you get an idea of how powerful it is and how experienced the player is. If a country feels like its dangerous, leave it alone unless you plan to buy lots of defence.

st0ny Game profile


Dec 1st 2013, 8:12:25

its funny... i play to finish well but i see alot if not most of the players play just for the sole purpose of doing 'retals'. heh
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

zydx Game profile


Dec 1st 2013, 13:30:11

Originally posted by Getafix:
When you spy out a country you get an idea of how powerful it is and how experienced the player is. If a country feels like its dangerous, leave it alone unless you plan to buy lots of defence.


Rocks and Socks (#3) should read this.

now im nothing Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 0:03:39

You were the one taking the big retals? I was the only one who lucked out. They were better targets than me.
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

now im nothing Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 0:07:11

less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

Cable Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 0:36:03

Originally posted by zydx:
Originally posted by Getafix:
When you spy out a country you get an idea of how powerful it is and how experienced the player is. If a country feels like its dangerous, leave it alone unless you plan to buy lots of defence.


Rocks and Socks (#3) should read this.

Is that a quote from the moron who went 5:1 jets and got pissed I RoRed his fluffty country? I did take one legit retal but thats becuase one of my DAs quit 24 hours prior or started playing delayed and I hit a country that Could actually retal while defending his land. So take notes from your betters and learn to defend your land AT ALL TIMES.

zydx Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 2:01:28

oh how nice you showed your name.
did you enjoy the 10k parking lot?

i owned you in game chat (maybe i should have got a print screen of it)

my jets are 1.7m and turrets 600k+ at the time of your ROR. thats only 73% (3:1)
and i got lots of saved turns
i never argued about it coz all your reason are nonsense.

anyone here wants to defend his reason for doing ROR?
i did my retal on friday
some even do Retal on sunday!
and btw. ebert should thank you for covering his ass from an incoming retal (if he ever checks this forum again). good job.

zydx Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 2:08:35

and btw didnt i tell you to buy 2m tanks?
what to learn from you?
why didnt you defend?

Cable Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 2:08:55

Originally posted by zydx:
oh how nice you showed your name.
did you enjoy the 10k parking lot?

i owned you in game chat (maybe i should have got a print screen of it)

my jets are 1.7m and turrets 600k+ at the time of your ROR. thats only 73% (3:1)
and i got lots of saved turns
i never argued about it coz all your reason are nonsense.

"You owned me in chat?" haha thay says enough about anything you have to say. Next time save your breath and learn to play cry baby, I didnt bother to sell tech and jump as it would have my friends finishes. Look at that though 360 turns more played then me and you still finished worse then me. Back to grad school son because "owning" me in game chat is amusing to even make a down syndrome comment like that.

anyone here wants to defend his reason for doing ROR?
i did my retal on friday
some even do Retal on sunday!
and btw. ebert should thank you for covering his ass from an incoming retal (if he ever checks this forum again). good job.

zydx Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 2:16:06

wow you just got free tech from your tech allies and your braggin about it?

why i cant find your name in express rankings?

forever noob?;page=0&highlight=55

Cable Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 2:16:30

Also what I didnt repost but your a bad lier, you were 12 turns behind me when I RoRed your scrub ass. BUT I did recieve a few in game messages from other players about your fluff country.

zydx Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 2:18:16

you are not in ranking forever noob.

Cable Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 2:18:36

I got free tech? Hahaha your hilarious, stop talking before you appear less stupid then already proven.

Im 29 with a full days turns unplayed your 31st learn to count and stop talking.

zydx Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 2:22:54

illl give you the last word forever noob.
post now.

Cable Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 2:29:10

Im so glad your being the bigger man, by continuing to call your betters forever noob. Mabye next week ill name my country that for entertainment. But if this is gonna be the last post proving your a sore loser, "I could have defended my land in a few hours" -best newb quote ive heard in a ling time. "I had turns on hand" Then why not have more defenses your a casher, its not like your waiting for fluff to sell. Sept that over spendature on jets. Also "owning" me in game chat is comical.. sorry bra can you repeat that bra?

AzNiZe Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 3:28:58

I miss express

ToxicRabbit Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 3:32:36

So much drama. :)

Vic Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 3:36:27

cable fill me in here - so you hit this guy and he retalled and you RoRed because of the fact that he went 3:1 to retal you ... or? am i missing something?
man tbh you've put up 1 t10 in your express career and you sure seem to be running around here like you are something special.
where did you come from exactly?

the guy retalled you, you RoRed, and then he flattened you?
and you are around here trying to call him a worse player?
fill me in on that please.

ToxicRabbit Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 3:41:24

What's RoR? O.o

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 3:45:36

Originally posted by ToxicRabbit:
What's RoR? O.o

Retal on Retal

all these nubs around here seem to think that the Solo Servers have the same "retal rules" as the Alliance servers
Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.

Vic Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 3:45:51

Retal on Retal ...

cable, i actually just read through your posts quickly and it seems apparent that you must have been around before under a different name.
so who are you?

and no hard feelings but honestly man i really don't think you should keep RoRing peeps who retal you, EVEN if they go heavy jets. it sucks, and it makes them classless players, yes, but judging from your posts and your gameplay you are better than that so just walk away from it and let them look like the n00bs they are.

that's my take on it all.

but nothing against you

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 2nd 2013, 20:39:28

Dudes, I never said a word about the retal rules in alliance, or anywhere else. I simply stated that this is how I operate. I don't expect anyone else to follow MY way of playing. I am merely pointing out that if you are incredibly fat and in my scores list, you're likely going to be targetted for land by me at some point.

I figure it's fairly safe to say that as long as you aren't the FATTEST in YOUR scores list, then it's not likely that you'll be the fattest in mine either. Get it?
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 21:21:56

Would just like to point out that you, Cerberus, have not finished higher than 52nd in Express... So you will probably never see me on your scores list, regardless of how fat I am. ;)

**Edit, make that on any server. haha.

Edited By: ericownsyou5 on Dec 2nd 2013, 21:35:54
See Original Post


EE Patron

Dec 2nd 2013, 22:12:06

Yeah, Cerb can't net, and his method of grabbing that he's bragging about here sucks.

A lot of newbs grab like that, it's why at the start of the round in Primary I sometimes get grabbed by players that fall off to rank 100+ a week or two later. Kind of obnoxious having people that don't know what they're doing hitting into you because they don't understand the game and because you're doing well and have a lot of land.

I always retal and it turns out it would have been more efficient grabbing someone else! Imagine that.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

zydx Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 23:35:02

thanks Vic.

well IF he is second account of someone then i can give you an idea.
1. he kept saying ingame and here that i got 5:1 jet ratio. I may have 5:1 ratio at some point but this happened when i retaled 36 Hours Retal Window (#114). lol

2. after 2 hours when im about to attack Rocks and Socks (#3) , he bought turrets from 1.2m to 1.7m.
I checked his net before attacking so i made another spy (some failed). Then i get more jets.
To my amusement his def allies lost 1 troop. 36 Hours Retal Window (#114) is one of his def and tech allies.
(im not so sure about this but that is what i can remember.)

3. 36 Hours Retal Window (#114) share the same character as him. They (He) dont want to get retalled.

or maybe they are just 2 different person. no hard evidence. =)

joining GDI discourages double tapping and ROR. so retal rule is indirectly built in express.

Originally posted by Vic:
Retal on Retal ...

cable, i actually just read through your posts quickly and it seems apparent that you must have been around before under a different name.
so who are you?

and no hard feelings but honestly man i really don't think you should keep RoRing peeps who retal you, EVEN if they go heavy jets. it sucks, and it makes them classless players, yes, but judging from your posts and your gameplay you are better than that so just walk away from it and let them look like the n00bs they are.

that's my take on it all.

but nothing against you

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 23:47:46

Originally posted by zydx:

joining GDI discourages double tapping and ROR. so retal rule is indirectly built in express.

it's not really a rule. joining GDI just means if you hit someone more than once they can fluff you up.

1:1 2:dowutchalike

we should have those retal rules on all servers
Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.

Cable Game profile


Dec 2nd 2013, 23:58:05

Originally posted by zydx:
thanks Vic.

well IF he is second account of someone then i can give you an idea.
1. he kept saying ingame and here that i got 5:1 jet ratio. I may have 5:1 ratio at some point but this happened when i retaled 36 Hours Retal Window (#114). lol

2. after 2 hours when im about to attack Rocks and Socks (#3) , he bought turrets from 1.2m to 1.7m.
I checked his net before attacking so i made another spy (some failed). Then i get more jets.
To my amusement his def allies lost 1 troop. 36 Hours Retal Window (#114) is one of his def and tech allies.
(im not so sure about this but that is what i can remember.)

3. 36 Hours Retal Window (#114) share the same character as him. They (He) dont want to get retalled.

or maybe they are just 2 different person. no hard evidence. =)

joining GDI discourages double tapping and ROR. so retal rule is indirectly built in express.

Originally posted by Vic:
Retal on Retal ...

cable, i actually just read through your posts quickly and it seems apparent that you must have been around before under a different name.
so who are you?

and no hard feelings but honestly man i really don't think you should keep RoRing peeps who retal you, EVEN if they go heavy jets. it sucks, and it makes them classless players, yes, but judging from your posts and your gameplay you are better than that so just walk away from it and let them look like the n00bs they are.

that's my take on it all.

but nothing against you

Best post to date your idiotic tendency know no bounds. I didnt block your retal otherwise I would have blocked it all together scrub. More blatant lies concerning my country, if you spied me and I had 1.2 then jumped to 1.7 and you failed more spies i would have jumped again. Because I wasnt on when you hit me or when you hit 36 hour retal. As I stated before go back to grade school and learn to count.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2013, 0:53:31

"or maybe they are just 2 different person. no hard evidence. =)"

welcome to my nightmare!

Alin Game profile


Dec 3rd 2013, 1:53:44

3. 36 Hours Retal Window (#114) share the same character as him. They (He) dont want to get retalled.

Can you read ? you did posted a country name up there ...please read what it says.
Make some calculation and figure it out why i didn`t pick on you and why i pick on CROATIA.
Come back with a conclusion.

or maybe they are just 2 different person. no hard evidence. =)

You obviously don`t know me and what i stand for.

ToxicRabbit Game profile


Dec 3rd 2013, 2:25:25

Originally posted by Alin:

or maybe they are just 2 different person. no hard evidence. =)

You obviously don`t know me and what i stand for.

Alin = Another Lazy Indian Native?

I think that's what you stand for. o.o

Alin Game profile


Dec 3rd 2013, 9:05:13

I like that the forum particularly and the game generally is filling up with some new faces :)

zydx Game profile


Dec 3rd 2013, 11:22:55

Ok. didnt know it was you but you did share same attitude. the difference is he is naturally bad at this game.

Originally posted by Alin:
I like that the forum particularly and the game generally is filling up with some new faces :)

@the cable guy

you are online before i retal and you are expecting it.

2013-11-29 05:56:17 -- time of my retal on #114
2013-11-29 08:01:05 -- time you buy additional 500k turrets (from eestats)
2013-11-29 08:19:35 -- time of my retal on you #3

you are even online when i GS you. in less than 1 min you were able to buy troops.
ofc you were expecting it. you even researched SDI. when i realize it i just bought some tanks
and cheap 1m oil barrels then hid it in market. glad you didnt check it.

im betting you were wide awake in that next few hours but i already log out. lol
i was sleeping while youre waiting for another round of attacks hahaha.
10hrs later bam. and again you are online after 20mins.
your precious =(

you even mention your ending ranking and comparing it to me? lol.
i only played it to check how much a theo cashier can earn with 10k land.
and to check the cost of military base destock. =)

ps. you have 4 weeks to get to the rankings i mentioned.
if 2014 comes and you are still not in the list then pls stop playin this game or at least stop calling people dumb. you are only talking about yourself. bb

Edited By: zydx on Dec 3rd 2013, 11:45:22

Alin Game profile


Dec 3rd 2013, 11:47:15

I share a few things with Cable and you are totally wrong about him. He is a very good player and few in this game can battle him and claim a victory ( however, i told him to get more tanks but he is not a good listener ... i give him that part )

Regarding your retal on me - it was part of me being inactive (that period) and having 80k tech blocked on the market. you retaled when i had 1.2mil turrets- but usually that time of the reset i have 3000k. So it was a good timing - kudos to that.

I never ROR retals that come in in the first 36 hours since my hit. However if the retal comes 1 second after that window - it`s bad. I am active at the starting of the set and grab a lot. People tend to change country names and slowplay-deliberately to retal 100 land hits for 1000. 99% of the time I am not hitting players that play the same country names, set by set and are potential threat to retal. However i do hit unknown countries and if that is a good player hiding there and wanting to take 10 times the land i took for him - i won`t allow that.

Hope that clarifies things! Good "lac"

Cable Game profile


Dec 3rd 2013, 13:23:32

I missed walling the ABs by minutes, like I said no ones saying boo hoo about that because thats my fault. I still came out on top in NW between me and you and I would have been higher if I choose to sell my 1 milllion tech peices but I didn't want to crash the market on my allies doing well.

That being said yes you both said get more tanks, what a shock as active as I am I literally missed it by a few minutes, arrogance wins out there. As to your other statement ofcourse I bought turrets after you hit my DA I was behind on turrets at that point as is. Let alone that was the start of another round of hitting other players, mabye next time I should just not buy up turrets and not defend my land because that does seem smart. If you expect a 2 hous old spy op to accurate then your an idiot especially when im clearly actively hitting players and growing.

crest23 Game profile


Dec 3rd 2013, 14:56:16

Originally posted by zydx:
illl give you the last word forever noob.
post now.

I think this is the funniest thing I've ever read on this boards.
The Nigerian Nightmare.


EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2013, 15:56:44

Originally posted by Alin:
People tend to change country names and slowplay-deliberately to retal 100 land hits for 1000. 99% of the time I am not hitting players that play the same country names, set by set and are potential threat to retal.
One comment on this... people who slow play aren't necessarily (or even likely?) doing it to get big retals. They simply don't have the time to be playing as often as you might, and don't want to play 200 turns at once either, since it's better to grab, build, grab, build grab instead of just blowing through all their turns. For me, even though I'm active in the day, I often fall behind in turns taken overnight. Heck, maybe people aren't even slow playing, and it's just a few of you who are fast playing!
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Dec 3rd 2013, 16:13:56

Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by Alin:
People tend to change country names and slowplay-deliberately to retal 100 land hits for 1000. 99% of the time I am not hitting players that play the same country names, set by set and are potential threat to retal.
One comment on this... people who slow play aren't necessarily (or even likely?) doing it to get big retals. They simply don't have the time to be playing as often as you might, and don't want to play 200 turns at once either, since it's better to grab, build, grab, build grab instead of just blowing through all their turns. For me, even though I'm active in the day, I often fall behind in turns taken overnight. Heck, maybe people aren't even slow playing, and it's just a few of you who are fast playing!

Honestly... it feels like ebert & h20 a while back are on 24/7. Crazy.

Cable Game profile


Dec 3rd 2013, 16:53:32

Slow playing is benifical if your running a good country and if your running a good country you wont get hit. Its easy to run low defense and all jets in this game.