
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 21st 2023, 0:52:08

Yeah I think the whole idea was the great wars of 100s again in 2025. Not that all these folks would come back for nostalgia purposes and like....treehug. It's not realistic anymore. No one is gonna come back for nostalgia purposes to learn the FFO farming 350k acres and oil/hybrid destocking meta. That is simply for diehard current netters only, and while it might pique the curiosity of a handful, simply won't appeal to the masses.

I think it's unlikely we retain membership in 2025 anywhere close to like...numbers here a couple years ago....or even a couple months ago.

I think under these current mechanics, the game is too bad to have a proper reunion set. Unfortunately for netter only cry to qz types, it was gonna be big wars or it was gonna be lame. And now the lameness is guaranteed. Unfortunately the big parties DANGER was planning got rained on. I think we're just stuck with each other and a few people who drop by for a sec and see how bad the meta is.

Also, by then following current trends of membership, there will only be about 60 players left by then. So I's not gonna be a thing. Sorry to people like trumper and BEM who came back for it. At least you came back early enough to see why it won't happen. But boy does it suck for everyone else.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 21st 2023, 0:56:34
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