
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 21st 2024, 17:19:43

I haven't played on the alliance server in over ten years, so my information is a bit outdated. I'll go ahead and share my understanding of what the alliance server is and which parts are fun or not fun.

I view the alliance server as a place where stronger clans take advantage of weaker clans.

Positive netgaining experiences:
* Competing with your friends to get the highest individual NW
* Competing with the entire server to get the highest individual NW
* Working together to win average networth or triple crown
* Outrunning retals against a smaller clan
* Making a big retal as a small clan

Negative netgaining experiences:
* Not being able to successfully netgain due to war, suiciders, or other issues
* Losing an individual competition to a country that was heavily aided by their clan

Positive warring experiences:
* Stonewalling successfully
* Leading and participating in and leading war chats
* Planning and pulling off a successful FS
* Winning a war, especially when the odds were against you

Negative warring experiences:
* Getting woken up in the middle of the night to stonewall
* Your warring country that you worked hard to build gets killed in ten seconds
* Spending most of the reset not actually warring
* Not having anything to do after winning a war
* Getting FSed by a larger clan with no hope of victory

Positive political experiences:
* Dominating a weaker clan

Negative political experiences:
* Too many to list

For netgaining, it seems that the real problem is that many players view the alliance server as the premier netgaining server but the server isn't designed to provide that kind of experience. Clan GDI is one method to try to solve some of the problems with netgaining on this server, but it causes other problems and fundamentally changes the nature of the server. Personally, I would like to understand what parts of netgaining are fun and to design a server that provides the ideal experience. With that said, this post doesn't mean that Clan GDI is forever dead as a concept. I am making this post to get feedback from players after all.

For warring clans, I think that the issues are easy to understand.

For players who enjoy the political aspect of this server, I don't see any way to meaningfully improve the situation without getting more players into the game.

What are your own thoughts? If you're currently playing, what parts of the alliance server don't you like? If you aren't playing on alliance, what do you think would need to change to get you to start playing again?