
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 23rd 2024, 18:59:03

Thank you all for your feedback. My own perspective is that I want all servers to be fun to play on and to each have a clear identity that sets them apart from the other servers. This is not a promise of future development or a roadmap, but the following changes could in theory be done to improve the state of the alliance server:

* Tags can agree to UNAPs in game. These could even be published on the forums, perhaps on a time delay.
* Tag admins can assign roles to their members to limit how they can landgrab players in other tags.
* Players cannot play untagged or detag.
* Special attacks cannot be done unless a tag declares war on another tag and a certain amount of time passes before war starts.
* The restart bonus only applies once per country.
* A player can define a six hour time period each day where they cannot log in but they also cannot be attacked.

This would make it much safer for tags to accept new countries, would limit the power of an FS, would limit stonewalling alerts in the middle of the night, and would give tags more options to deal with suiciders. But is that enough to make the game fun and to give a clear identity for the server? It seems that there's a group of players who does not care at all about their ending NW and there's a group of players who only cares about their ending NW. I do not know how to reconcile the two groups.