
EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Apr 5th 2024, 13:27:25

Dude, youre so delusional it's disgusting.
Milkman admitted cheating. He laid to rest his little character and everything for the entire server to see.

The rest of us dont owe you a nickel because we have nothing to do with what he did and admitted to doing.
He said he was sorry for "doxxing" you in EE discord in front of everyone but you're too ignorant to notice it and kept whining and fluffing right through his appology.

Our community at large didnt cheat. NONE of us but one used your real name, BUTThole, in public.
You're being a big butthole. Get a grip homie. You're making yourself look like a psychopath.

Go cry it out and come back when you're ready to live in the real world where things hurt for a minute and we move on.
Nobody owes you anything. The world owes you nothing. And you'll get no sympathy from me. Feelings get hurt. GET A GRIP and GET OVER IT. You won't find no safe space with me little boy.

M4D - Has A Job

Ex UCN Sec of War
Ex Pres MKR
Ex Girlfriend
Ex-shut up