
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Apr 10th 2024, 4:38:27

Change set #23 primarily makes a netgaining balance change on clan-based servers. These changes will be released on the standard roll out schedule:

* On clan-based servers only, countries cannot drop land during the final 25% of the round. This restriction does not apply to countries that are less than 24 hours old, including countries with restart bonuses.
* For all servers, NPC countries will be identified in yellow in the ingame search results and on the score pages.
* The "Market Spy" spy operation will reveal information on the target's standing orders.
* The "Allow other players to see the status of your past countries" user preference will be overridden for dead countries. All players can view the ending status of all dead countries after the round has concluded.

"Standard roll out schedule" means that changes will be applied to servers as they reset. For this change set, the changes will first go live on the next round of each server that begins after April 17th, 2024.

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Edited By: Slagpit on Apr 17th 2024, 23:28:59. Reason: final details
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