
TAN Game profile


Jan 8th 2011, 13:52:40

Paradigm's Retal Policy
*This policy is enforced for both incoming and outgoing attacks.
*Our window is 48 hours. Exceptional circumstances MAY receive a window extension via FA contact.
*We do not recognize any other retal policies except this one, BUT we can be flexible if FA contact is made.
*This policy is for non-pacted clans only.

Retal Rules
*Country:country retals are land:land only, regardless of amount of attacks made.
*Defending country may opt to open their retal(s) to their clanmates, in which case escalating retal rules are used. (so if the defender only got hit once, then it's 1:1 for whoever else besides the defender).
*There is no mix-and-match. Either it's country:country, OR it's escalating for the rest of the clan.

*We don't recognize topfeeds. Period. If you feel you've been topfed, then retal country:country and get your land back.

Special Retals
*Both incoming and outgoing missile attacks may be used as retals, using escalating rules - even for the defender.
*Non-retal missile attacks / spy ops will be retalled 1:1, including retaliatory missile attacks / spy ops or SS / PS.

Farming / Killing
*We will farm / kill any country at our discretion, provided there are *reasonable and rational* grounds for such an action. TAN is a reasonable man after all. Detmer is as well (reasonable, that is). FA contact will be made if such a case arises.

*We are an alliance that plays for fun - not for netting or warring. Keep in mind that these policies are equitable and fun - and if you actually try them out instead of fluffing about them, you'll agree that both sides profit and can still have a good time. If you think that threatening us with war will get us to change these policies, then you haven't been paying attention for the past year or so. Why? Because we play to have FUN. You can't ruin our netting set because we never have any. We have fun sets, every set.

Edited By: TAN on Jan 8th 2011, 20:28:09. Reason: pwnd in private
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