
Some Guy


Jan 18th 2011, 15:55:30

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by Some Guy:
L:L retal policies are part of the reason the Alliance Server blows goats. I doubt anyone here will allow it.

Best of luck in your search, though.

That's why I'm willing to go to war for it, and looking for an alliance that would join me in going to war to defend land:land policies.

My philosophy is that if you don't like me taking my land back, get more turrets or don't grab me.

Its amazing how the proponents of 1:1 retals whine about netters running underdefended countries, but then fail to get adequate defense to stop land:land retals.

Only really the self-farmers here whine about getting grabbed.

And any policy that reduces real player grabbing is a bad thing.

No alliance here uses it and almost every alliance here would kill over it.

Edited By: Some Guy on Jan 18th 2011, 15:57:51
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