
Prima Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 16:20:59

In simple turns I hit 27 Mil bushels... and suddenly clans in the CF stepped up their LGing .. as mentioned there was a recognition they were land hungry. ... Hits prior to this were were let go while I searched for happy spot where I could stock semi-comfortably. During the war land-grabs were fairly reasonable so I was able to stock.

Rage land grabbed me ... I sent the very same message I gave Praetor to Silent Sentinel Rage stopped land grabbing me. ... No reason to Retal.

This was followed by LCN ... I sent Trife a message... never got a response, but no further land grabs were performed by LCN again no reason to retal.

Next in line was SOL so i spoke with Praetor. figured the issue was resolved.

Then Sanct/Collab decided to jump in, so I spoke with AxA and got a DNH...and no further hit were made by Collab.

Then the same SOL member decided they could farm me regardless of any potential retals.

.... Had Rage/LCN/or Collab played dumb and done the same they would have been retal just as quickly there was nothing truly special behind my decisions to retal SOL.

Edited By: Prima on Jan 21st 2011, 16:23:28
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ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress