
Prima Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 16:20:59

In simple terms I hit 27 Mil bushels... and suddenly clans in the CF stepped up their LGing .. as mentioned there was a recognition they were land hungry. ... Hits prior to this were were let go while I searched for a happy spot where I could stock semi-comfortably. During the war land-grabs were fairly reasonable so I was able to stock.

Rage land grabbed me ... I sent the very same message I gave Praetor to Silent Sentinel and Rage stopped land grabbing me. ... No reason to Retal.

This was followed by LCN ... I sent Trife a message... never got a response, but no further land grabs were performed by LCN again no reason to retal.

Next in line was SOL so i spoke with Praetor. figured the issue was resolved.

Then Sanct/Collab decided to jump in, so I spoke with AxA and got a DNH...and no further hit were made by Collab.

Then the same SOL member decided they could farm me regardless of any potential retals.

.... Had Rage/LCN/or Collab played dumb and done the same they would have been retal just as quickly there was nothing truly special behind my decisions to retal SOL.

so my question now is why would SOL decide to farm a country with 1bil in stock on hand??? and why would SOl want to kill this country after it took its legit retals and sent a message they were willing to let things stand asis ???

Edited By: Prima on Jan 21st 2011, 17:38:39. Reason: grammar/spellintg
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ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress