
hanlong Game profile


Feb 2nd 2011, 1:19:43

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Originally posted by Pang:

and some great leaders on the netting side got really burnt out.

They werent so great if they got burnt out from a few sets of war. Nothing should be expected of 2 alliances just because they have retained more members. If the smaller clans want to have a different change of game, how about they set up new forms of pacts, how about they have meetings to discuss survival strategies to counter the bigger netting / war clans, cover each other for retalling, actually go to war over there new policy and fight for something they believe in.

They should be the ones changing to fight for survival, and they should be thinking out of the box to do so, which would change the game politically and put a new spin on it.

But i assume those leaders have gotten lazy, and just can only complain.

wow... maybe you should try running your alliance for a change ;P it's a bunch of hard work. you can look at SoF as a example, they were down for a bit when their leadership got burnt out (martian/et al) and made a comeback when they got a new active leader again (ivan).

stuff like that happens, the way you are saying it just tells me you have no idea what it takes to run an alliance, especially how we have other real things to worry about (our job/our real lives/etc.)

Edited By: hanlong on Feb 2nd 2011, 1:21:48
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia