
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 2nd 2011, 17:57:17

we can just disagree then, aponic.

this wasn't meant to so much be a debate, and it's unfortunate that it's gone down that route... you're taking one very small part of what I'm saying and always focusing on that, where I'm talking about expanding the political goodwill and such that has been going on lately to do more than just create small, one-time friendly wars.

also, the relative calm is a reason to have this kind of discussion now. it doesn't have to force change, but it's sure a good time for it compared to other points in the server's history. we're at a very low level of grudge wars continuing (i think imag/NA may be one with potential to spill to next set, from the AT rhetoric I've read) and most folks only carry a small handful of DP's now-a-days. the server is not a powder keg and people seem to be looking for positive change, and we've got some of that happening already. This was meant to build on the back of that.

Edited By: Pang on Feb 2nd 2011, 18:08:56
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