
hanlong Game profile


Feb 3rd 2011, 5:17:40

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Since when is it not the business of the community to know which countries in the top ten were legit or not? This isn't some private FA matter. If you feel that you were justified in sending your FA, why didn't you make a thread explaining what happened? Or simply admit to it in this thread? It's not that hard.

Threatening other alliances for posting the truth and making stupid accusations is conduct unbecoming for Laf's leaders after everything your former Don has said on these boards. Do you want to be a motivated alliance that does well or do you want to grief other players?

this is probably going to be the most unpleasant post i'll do on AT, and i hate being unpleasant ;)

making stupid accusations?

everyone knows this reset (and we're not the only alliance who saw this) of countless untagged countries that retal evo the least out of all alliances. (you must have forgotten ivan's thread about wishing us a merry christmas earlier). i know he implicated us together, but we assumed you guys just camped news like what we did, which was very plausible since we're doing the same. the problem is when i also find untagged suiciders being TECH ALLIED to TWO DIFFERENT evo countries. what do think i would think? you can ask helmet, i was trying to figure out with him what's going on this reset with all those untagged bs that was happening.

if you don't want stupid accusations, don't do stupid stuff like ALLYING untagged countries, especially ones who SUICIDE. then there would be no "stupid accusations".

i will admit that two LaF members FAed a third one. can you admit/let us know why evo is allying to untagged countries?

Edited By: hanlong on Feb 3rd 2011, 5:26:03
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia