
DeathRider Game profile


Feb 4th 2011, 16:47:00

Article 1: Our retal window shall be 48 hours for the initial hit, 24 hours extra for each additional hit.

Article 2: Multiple hits on the ICN tag by one country will be retalled via our escalating retal policy below. This means, that if a country outside of ICN grabs 2 or more ICN members, each hit on our tag by the same country will be escalated retals.. (2 hits on 2 ICN countries by the same country = 3 retals.)

Article 3: If a country that grabs ICN is at, or jumps more than 25% higher networth than the country that is hit, L:L will be used in exchange of our escalating retal policy. We do not approve of grabbing and then jumping out of range to keep the defending country from gaining the lost land back.

Article 4: 4+ hits on our tag in a weeks time by the same country will be viewed as hostile, and treated as such.

Unpacted Countries
1 landgrab : 1 retal (1:1)
2 landgrabs : 3 retals (3:2)
3 landgrabs : 5 retals (5:3)
4+ landgrabs : farm/kill

Harmful Attacks / Harmful Spy Ops Retal Policy
1 attack : 2 retals (2:1)
2 attacks : 4 retals (4:2)
3+ attacks : Farm/Kill
Defense Helds: Retalled 1:1

Edited By: DeathRider on Feb 4th 2011, 18:12:14
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