
Slash of SOTA


Feb 13th 2011, 8:54:56

Hello, I am NightShade, leader of the Soldiers Of The Apocalypse alliance in Free For All, we would like to extend an invitation for you to join our alliance as a member. Within our alliance, you will be assured respect among the membership and tag protection from the other tags/alliances in this server. If you are interested, please contact me in-game or through an instant messenger.

Anyone who would be interested in the possibilities of leadership positions, or those who would like to fill out the remaining minister positions are welcome, we will take every application as they come and will decide based on previous experience in the position applied for.

AIM: Ryuko Kotani
ICQ: 3233012

FYI: I am posting under a username I haven't used in a decade.

Edited By: Slash of SOTA on Feb 13th 2011, 10:14:17. Reason: Changed the URL
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Legendary since August 1999.

AIM: Slash of SOTA
ICQ: 97150973

You want to antagonize me, antagonize me motherfluffer! Get in the ring, motherfluffer and I’ll kick your fluffy little ass! PUNK! — W. Axl Rose.