
SolidSnake Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 4:03:31

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
In the words of the great Solid Snake, "meh heh"

Too fluffing right! i dunno why im being drawn into this seeing as i havnt played in laf in like 6 months, but my 2 cents, PDM dont have a pact with LaF because when they did, they suicide laf and didnt pay reps, then fluffed out about being fs'd over it, and essentially had a mass suicide (although they called it a fs) on laf agian, losing all credability as an alliance in the process.

No one has ever/will ever accept missile/special retals, and any alliance attempting to enforce such a policy has always been farmed as no one respect an alliance that thinks that is a legitimate form of retaliation.

I know when i was don i was always nicer to alliances like icn,lcn,monsters etc didnt reply with the stop grabing me or i'll suicide.

edit: meh

Edited By: SolidSnake on Feb 18th 2011, 4:17:56
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