
hanlong Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 1:34:41

you see the problem here?

all these actions were from what you wanted to do, without even bothering to talk to me?

i see your point, and it would've been nice if you communicated those points to me instead of acting all gungho on your own =)

that's my point. i am not justifying or nor did i ever justify that LaF doing 17 hits on PDM in 24 hours is right (you can look at all my posts never once did i say it was right). i also do understand from the past history LaF would've told you they were right to hit you lots of times in a short period to overwhelm your retal policy, and it is unfortunate you took those past events into refusing to talk to me while every other alliance this reset actually did, but even then, you could've tried to talk to me first before deciding that I wouldn't work out a fair deal with you.

Edited By: hanlong on Feb 28th 2011, 1:40:14
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia