
DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 13:09:48

Pang/Slagpit/Warster and all other Game Mods/Admins,

I bash Slagpit because every suggestion I have seen ANYONE make that would change the current Self Farming mechanics has been met with hostility about changes by him.

There were REALLY good suggestions in this thread. By players that have/do Self Farm. But even those suggestions get shot down by slagpit with the same line he always uses.

"How is Self farming against the spirit of the rules?"

Does Cripplers suggestion "Eliminate" Self Farming? No, it does not. But its shot down with the same line as every other suggestion. Why can you not take suggestions into consideration? Without first jumping to the "How is Self farming against the spirit of the rules?" card.

I personally am just tired of it. If NOBODY can make a suggestion to a Game Admin about changes that may affect Self Farming, without receiving the same bullfluff line, why shouldn't I get upset?

I didn't create this thread. Someone else did. I just saw the same response ANYONE see's when making a suggestion that could change the current mechanics of Self Farming.

Would it be different if Slagpit didn't Self Farm a country over 500k Acres this set. I dunno, maybe. But him doing that, and then shooting down ANY suggestion that may change those mechanics, looks completely and utterly biased.

You can like my view or not, I really don't care.

You have all done a great job rebuilding the game, and giving me something to do. And for that I give you props.

But regardless, I am not going to be quiet when I feel like a Game Admin is not willing to listen to the community of players.

Edited By: DeDLySMuRF on Feb 28th 2011, 13:13:23
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