
hanlong Game profile


Mar 1st 2011, 17:45:41

how about the government changes?

if i put my points into bpt gain (which can only effect to dictators but let's say a monarchy can stock it with no effect so you aren't forced to roll with a low bpt but switch when you are ready) and max it out over the course of a few days, i would be at a normal bpt and say half of the military might bonus (or maybe i would lose all of it since the spy+building bonus is still beneficial to netters).

then you would see monarchy->dictator->demo netters (the last part which in itself is a problem, all netters will always end up going theo/demo in the end so apply similar logic to what i just did for dictators to the demo/theo phase).

but at least the mon->dictator phase won't create any certainty that the guy is netting or warring.

the likewise tech cap loss at the expense of bpt gain for theo would cause theo techer to be a viable war strategy. you would say reduce the tech cap con after half a month of working bonus points into it and your bpt slows back down to normal, but you end up having a lean mean breaking machine that gets cheap military to fund your breaking prowess without worrying about being a nuke dump (which is why theo is never a viable war strat). then someone wanting to war could run 10 theos and we can't tell if they are going to net or war

i know pdm and imagnum in particular are outliers. but every other alliance is pretty damned structured... too structured in fact ;P

Edited By: hanlong on Mar 1st 2011, 17:48:04
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia