
hanlong Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:33:13

you know, i should just quit and retire from this game. maybe you guys prefer to deal with the previous LaF leaders who don't even bother to communicate and address concerns.

i feel like i'm just wasting my time even attempting to

1) offer DNH and pacts that would be good for all sides
2) try to get to the bottom of the situations based on the facts

i don't want to play a game where all the community is capable of doing is flinging baseless insults and throw around conspiracy theories just to piss people off.

f this, i quit back in 2005 because this server was getting lame, and i came back and its lamer than ever. at least i thought the community and devs are close knit so i figured i can suggest some ideas to make this game more enticing again, but instead we still get flaming idiots and no one really listening to my concerns.

i have better uses of my time. i was asked as a favor to help lead LaF again, i didn't want to do this even. i should've deleted and ignored that email by LaFfers asking me to come back to fill gaps in leadership. did it for 6 years already, no need to agitate myself again when this isn't even what i want.


Edited By: hanlong on Mar 2nd 2011, 4:35:39
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia