
Prima Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 5:52:45

It could probably be set so a player can only sell CURRENT LAND * 0.5...

More for a theo who stocks on 8-9k acres and wants to double or triple their land. They would be able to tech earlier and longer, even with a mid set conversion they would be @ goal acres faster especially if the acres were bought pre-built.

... a 2.5k acre rep rainbow might end up being a powerhouse :)
This would allow a country to sell 2.5K acres per day as an all explore or as an aggressive land grabber.

80 turns * 32 acres --- BPT = 100 approx 105 turns to double land if sold @400k per acre country would make just under 10 mil per turn.

--- these can be bought pre-built from a low acre country cheap.
--- or at least significantly cheaper then cost of military/oil and building those acres out yourself. Not to mention cost of production turns especially techers. 10 turns could cost 100 mil

of course there will still be those who hit and farm other countries and will see this as just an extra avenue to get more land or income. But it should slow down some of the bottom feeding on the servers.

Demo Farmers would definitely benefit from the land sale if they explored or hit all set for more land. Land grabbers sitting on 50K acres could trim their countries to 25-30K and maybe pickup almost $10 bil from selling off 25k acres. Just depends on what those acres are worth.

This would definitely be good for anyone who land grabs for high acres 10 hits a day could bring in an extra billion per day just from land sales.

2500 acres * 400K per acre = $1 bil.

This is almost 50 mil per turn for land grabbers if the return is around 250 acres per 2 turn attack;)

of course if the market gets flooded with land it would drop dramatically so it could create an optimum condition for land grabbers with some really land fat countries ;)

Nice for wars too ... put 5K acres on the market @ 400K and come out with 2 bil in cash to stonewall or buy extra troops with :)

Edited By: Prima on Mar 2nd 2011, 6:00:14
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ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress